Helloooooo Any Body Here!? *think i hear an echo in here* - Maestia Community Chat - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Helloooooo Any Body Here!? *think i hear an echo in here*

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#1 TooLazyToDoU


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 01:29 AM

Wonder Who's Still playing here ......is there any active GM still bother to log ingame and buff us like before i left game and stuff ?
most important.....Rakhasa still playing (its always nice haveing someone to fight lol) ? ^_^
Makes me feel bad seeing a game with high potential die cuz of the lack of endgame content (and REALLY REALLY low advertising)
So i might return playing for few days to check on my friends (the very few who are still playing atleast) so cya ingame
oh and....The new Cap Raise worth playing or just some really easy raid bosses (night bosses) like before (any raid boss that can be soloed by ANYONE is too easy they had no skills which was really lame)

So.....this is really boring and since mostly no one will read this i won't bother with if i made mistake or the punctuation so i think i made alot of them MISTAKES LOL

IDieTooFast Was here PPL

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#2 TooLazyToDoU


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:22 AM

atleast there's 14 views so far.......if anyone need help ingame in the next few days pm me (if need help with warrior mostly can help you cuz well.......i'm a warrior.....)
name IDieTooFast on SG

I Quit none gonna reply xD

Edited by TooLazyToDoU, 30 April 2013 - 09:55 AM.

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#3 Lirana


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Posted 07 May 2013 - 11:19 AM

Well Die, we really miss you. Things have been so slow because a lot of players switched to the EU version.

Right now nobody can even log onto the game. There are no responses to support tickets, there are no posts with info, and there hasn't been an ingame GM on since like forever ago (last one I saw was when the two of us were standing in the SG Garrison in Palus).

I commented on a post on the EU game & BAM, I got an almost instant reply. I wish they would just tell us how to come over to their server. :p_omg:

I hope you are doing well. Miss you bunches!

Hugs - Anisa
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#4 Campitor


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Posted 07 May 2013 - 02:31 PM

Well Die, we really miss you. Things have been so slow because a lot of players switched to the EU version.

Right now nobody can even log onto the game. There are no responses to support tickets, there are no posts with info, and there hasn't been an ingame GM on since like forever ago (last one I saw was when the two of us were standing in the SG Garrison in Palus).

I commented on a post on the EU game & BAM, I got an almost instant reply. I wish they would just tell us how to come over to their server. :p_omg:

I hope you are doing well. Miss you bunches!

Hugs - Anisa

Poked someone to look into the login issue for you.
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#5 catsews123


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 10:56 AM

I can login. I just can't connect to the Delphi server.
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