Attempt at Fusing Costumes - Ragnarok 2 Guides - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Attempt at Fusing Costumes

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#1 Streea


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Posted 05 June 2013 - 05:59 PM

Since I couldn't find any guides on the fusion of costumes, I decided to try it out for myself.

Items used:
Four female Mushroom costumes (bought on the AH, as they're the cheapest)
Three Costume Fusion Tablets
Two Rune Maintain Slates
One Appearance Maintain Slate

To start the process, you need to buy a Fusion Tablet and then click on it.

First I fused two of the Mushroom costumes and set it to random. If you unclick the random button, it lets you click on one of the costumes, which look to be the Mushroom costumes (male and female), Cat, Rabbit and Recruit (I did not try this to see if they kept the old stats, but I believe they cannot be gained from fusion).

The fusion created a Mushroom costume with one rune slot.

I used a second Fusion Tablet and put the Mushroom costume with the rune slot in the first slot, the regular Mushroom in the second slot, and then put the Rune Maintain Slate in the top row. Both of the costumes lit up and started to flash. Picking the costume with the rune slot designated it the "keep this rune slot" costume. With random still on, I tried it again.

I received the Gothic Loli costume with two rune slots.

On my third attempt, I obviously wanted to keep the Loli costume, so I used the Loli with two rune slots, the mushroom costume, added the Rune Maintain Slate and tagged the Loli costume with it, then added the Appearance Maintain Slate. It locked the Random button in place, so I couldn't change anything, and I tried it for a final time, thinking that everything should have been guaranteed.

I got the Loli costume back with one rune slot. >.<

I've already submitted a ticket on this. I'm not sure what went wrong, as both the Rune and Appearance Maintain Slates state that they will keep the items from losing their appearance and slots. Nowhere does it mention a "chance" that you might lose everything, or some things.

Hopefully this explains the system a little and serves as a warning that the fusion system, like many things in RO2 right now, probably shouldn't be used by the general population until they fix it.
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#2 VeilSide


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Posted 05 June 2013 - 06:26 PM

Since I couldn't find any guides on the fusion of costumes, I decided to try it out for myself.

Items used:
Four female Mushroom costumes (bought on the AH, as they're the cheapest)
Three Costume Fusion Tablets
Two Rune Maintain Slates
One Appearance Maintain Slate

To start the process, you need to buy a Fusion Tablet and then click on it.

First I fused two of the Mushroom costumes and set it to random. If you unclick the random button, it lets you click on one of the costumes, which look to be the Mushroom costumes (male and female), Cat, Rabbit and Recruit (I did not try this to see if they kept the old stats, but I believe they cannot be gained from fusion).

The fusion created a Mushroom costume with one rune slot.

I used a second Fusion Tablet and put the Mushroom costume with the rune slot in the first slot, the regular Mushroom in the second slot, and then put the Rune Maintain Slate in the top row. Both of the costumes lit up and started to flash. Picking the costume with the rune slot designated it the "keep this rune slot" costume. With random still on, I tried it again.

I received the Gothic Loli costume with two rune slots.

On my third attempt, I obviously wanted to keep the Loli costume, so I used the Loli with two rune slots, the mushroom costume, added the Rune Maintain Slate and tagged the Loli costume with it, then added the Appearance Maintain Slate. It locked the Random button in place, so I couldn't change anything, and I tried it for a final time, thinking that everything should have been guaranteed.

I got the Loli costume back with one rune slot. >.<

I've already submitted a ticket on this. I'm not sure what went wrong, as both the Rune and Appearance Maintain Slates state that they will keep the items from losing their appearance and slots. Nowhere does it mention a "chance" that you might lose everything, or some things.

Hopefully this explains the system a little and serves as a warning that the fusion system, like many things in RO2 right now, probably shouldn't be used by the general population until they fix it.

I think when you do fusion it can range from having 0-3 slots no matter what. That sucks it went down though =/ I don't think the Rune Maintain Slate specifies its purpose very well. >_>
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#3 Kalandros


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Posted 05 June 2013 - 08:17 PM

Rune Maintain Slate is to KEEP THE RUNE OPEN - nothing more.

If they are not opened they will not be kept. But I wonder if you had 2 open rune slots or just 1 plus 1 blind hole?

Anyway, I took 1 Phantom Cape with open rune (+5 Vit) and Hero Cape, + 1 Maintain Rune Slate and fused it.. it gave me a 3 Slot Devil Look Wings :D

I am happy.
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#4 Ledise


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Posted 05 June 2013 - 09:11 PM

Good for you as some others went spending like wild animals and didn't even get a single one that could make them satisfied.
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#5 Kalandros


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Posted 05 June 2013 - 09:47 PM

the rest of what I had spent got me absolutely nothing on head acc T_T
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#6 jdmtouch


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Posted 06 June 2013 - 09:19 AM

dont think that rune item is working as inteded, but then again description is vague as hell as usual.
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#7 pollenpetal


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Posted 06 June 2013 - 11:32 AM

I fuse cape of pantom with +5STR rune and a hero cape with a blind rune hole on it = Angel Wing 0 slot. and Yes. I dont know If really -_- up for good or I am just -_- up. :(
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#8 Haboob


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Posted 06 June 2013 - 03:23 PM

From reading the description Rune maintain slate keeps the runes you equip'd in your costumes prior to the fusion. The fusor has a chance to make a 0-3 runed holed item so keeping open rune slots has nothing to do with it. At least this is my assumption so can anyone confirm what is what?
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#9 Kalandros


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Posted 06 June 2013 - 03:51 PM

Phantom Cape [+5 AGI Rune] Merged with Hero Cape [Blind Hole]
Using Accessory Tablet and Rune Maintain Slate on the Phantom Cape works, you dont go down to 0 slots.
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#10 suz8


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Posted 08 June 2013 - 05:39 AM

Do I check the random box if I'm trying to get devil wings from fusing Phantom+Hero capes? I'm so confused & dont want to waste my capes!
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#11 KratS


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Posted 14 January 2020 - 08:00 AM

Since I couldn't find any guides on the fusion of costumes, I decided to try it out for myself.

Items used:
Four female Mushroom costumes (bought on the AH, as they're the cheapest)
Three Costume Fusion Tablets
Two Rune Maintain Slates
One Appearance Maintain Slate

To start the process, you need to buy a Fusion Tablet and then click on it.

First I fused two of the Mushroom costumes and set it to random. If you unclick the random button, it lets you click on one of the costumes, which look to be the Mushroom costumes (male and female), Cat, Rabbit and Recruit (I did not try this to see if they kept the old stats, but I believe they cannot be gained from fusion).

The fusion created a Mushroom costume with one rune slot.

I used a second Fusion Tablet and put the Mushroom costume with the rune slot in the first slot, the regular Mushroom in the second slot, and then put the Rune Maintain Slate in the top row. Both of the costumes lit up and started to flash. Picking the costume with the rune slot designated it the "keep this rune slot" costume. With random still on, I tried it again.

I received the Gothic Loli costume with two rune slots.

On my third attempt, I obviously wanted to keep the Loli costume, so I used the Loli with two rune slots, the mushroom costume, added the Rune Maintain Slate and tagged the Loli costume with it, then added the Appearance Maintain Slate. It locked the Random button in place, so I couldn't change anything, and I tried it for a final time, thinking that everything should have been guaranteed.

I got the Loli costume back with one rune slot. >.<

I've already submitted a ticket on this. I'm not sure what went wrong, as both the Rune and Appearance Maintain Slates state that they will keep the items from losing their appearance and slots. Nowhere does it mention a "chance" that you might lose everything, or some things.

Hopefully this explains the system a little and serves as a warning that the fusion system, like many things in RO2 right now, probably shouldn't be used by the general population until they fix it.


I think when you do fusion it can range from having 0-3 slots no matter what. That sucks it went down though =/ I don't think the Rune Maintain Slate specifies its purpose very well. >_>


I'm just trying to learn here, and never actually done it...
But, from what you're saying i could infer that you need to put 1 rune mantain slot per each slot you want to keep, so your mistake was trying to keep the appearance...
I dont know if there're 2 or 3 slots to the use of plates, but if there're 2, that just means that if you want a 3 slot costume with that method you have to risk the appearance to the random chance.

Edited by KratS, 14 January 2020 - 08:01 AM.

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#12 FishDeity


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Posted 16 January 2020 - 03:57 PM

I'm just trying to learn here, and never actually done it...
But, from what you're saying i could infer that you need to put 1 rune mantain slot per each slot you want to keep, so your mistake was trying to keep the appearance...
I dont know if there're 2 or 3 slots to the use of plates, but if there're 2, that just means that if you want a 3 slot costume with that method you have to risk the appearance to the random chance.


This forum topic is very old; it's outdated. You only need 1 [Rune Fusion Charm] to maintain all slots (doesn't need to be punched nor runed) on your item. If you want to keep the appearance of the costume too and not get a random costume, use [Appearance Fusion Charm] too

Edited by FishDeity, 16 January 2020 - 03:58 PM.

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