Any event for Phantom Stones? - Proposals & Suggestions - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Any event for Phantom Stones?

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#1 Anunnaki23


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 04:31 AM

hola de nuevo,empezado a usar el sistema de la piramide,y esta super bien,pero señores,al igual que yo entiendo,que ustedes tienen que ganarse la vida,entiendan ustedes que no todo el mundo disponemos de dinero para gastarnos en el juego,esto lo digo,porque las phantom stones,o se adquieren con khafra points o cada una vale 175zenys,asi que he pensado,que podrian implantar algun tipo de evento,como que algun dia de la semana,por estar X horas jugando,(o bueno eso lo pensarian ustedes)
o una quest,que te diera una phantom stone,con un intento que ustedes nos regalaran a la semana,para poder participar en la piramide,yo creo que seria increible,ya que mejor que nada es,solo es una idea,y de verdad es muy deprimente,ir a jugar y ver a gente que tiene mucho dinero para poder gastar,y que yo por el simple hecho de no tenerlo por las circunstancias que sean,no pueda de disfrutar de lo mismo o parecido cuando juego muchas horas,gracias por todo y espero un respuesta.

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hello again, started using the pyramid system, and is super good, but gentlemen, as I understand, yours have to make a living, but,you too understand that not everybody have money to toil away in the game , I say, because the phantom stones, or are acquired khafra each worth points or 175zenys, so I thought, you could implement some kind of event, like that one day of the week, being X hours playing, (or well that what you think)
or quest that gave you a phantom stone, with a bid your gift a week we give away in order to participate in the pyramid, I think it would be amazing, because it is better than nothing, it's just an idea, and truth is very depressing, go play and see people who have much money to spend, and that just because I do not have it by the circumstances that are not able to enjoy the same or similar when playing many hours, thanks for everything and expect a response.
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