Hi everyone , Im Mategi . Yes i'm the new leader of Finale. Finale has been around for almost 2 years in DragonSaga. I'm very happy to take over such a great guild. We are friendly and active guild , helpful and informative on every game update . Our memeber love to bsq, EW, PvP, PVE Elga. Regardless on w/e rumor that people say about Finale, it a great guild and i love being in Finale.
1. No drama in our guild, w/e issues you have with a player or member please keep it off the guild.
2. No begging , we help you farm w/e you need but their be no begging of anything (gold, IM, items, etc)
3. Their is no spamming of buying/selling items in guild chat, their a Trade Chat for such things that openly open to everyone
4. Scammers join this guild be automatically kick rather your guilty or not. Selling IM is against DragonSaga Rules.
5. This apply to the vice as well; Their be no rude comment to other guilds, rather or not player insults you first, i respect you don't start a conflict with any guilds. Keep your comment and thoughts to yourself. Their be no more conflicts with other guilds and their members, player fail to follow this rule vice or not will be kick. no question ask. This apply to anything with BSQ/PVP/EW or normal day to day chat.
Joining Rules
Must be 60+ to join Finale
Must stay Active , if me or any other vice feel you are not active in a week without reason will
be kick
Their is no alts allowed in Finale, all character must be main characters, u may add alt if your character is in our guild.
You be approve by 2 Vice and me to join guild , unless other wise.
Any other question , feel free ask me or the vice of my guilds. We be happy to help or answer any question! Thanks ~
Vice :
Edited by Mategi, 11 June 2014 - 02:52 PM.