CoolSam's guide to Gladiator>Myrmidon>Overlord:
Table of contents:
2.Update Notes
3.Warrior Skills
4.Gladiator Skills.
5.Myrmidon Skills.
6.Overlord Skills.
7.Chain Combos.
8.Set Overview.
9.Recommended Weapons.
10.Strategies; Player vs Enemy.
11.Strategies; Player vs. Player.
1. Introduction:
Welcome to this guide! Here I will show you how to become a great Gladiator and work your way to becoming an amazing Overlord.
Gladiators>Myrmidons>Overlords are a 2-handed Sword wielding warrior class. Once a warrior has chosen the Gladiator at their first promotion in level 20. They will begin the trials to becoming a powerful Overlord.
Gladiators, Myrmidons, and Overlords center around trading defensive power for damage unlike Knights, Paladins, and Dragoons who lean defensively while having offensive power.
2. Update Notes:
v1.0 Guide created. Class skills, Intro, and Chain Combos.
v1.1 Player Vs Enemy Strategies added
v1.2 Player Vs Player Strategies added
v1.3 Gear and FAQ Finished. Guide is considered completed (Would only need pictures for additional "Flare")
v1.4 Guide update for both parts of Galaxia that were released.
v1.5 Skill updates and other Class match-ups updated. Elements info added.
v1.6 Reverts on Dragoon and Savage nerfs. PvP 1vs1 tips updated for these classes. Also mentioned rebuffed Stumblebum.
v1.7 New skill information.
v1.8 Added a Personal PvP Setup I use. Basically removed useless pre-arcadia element info.
v2.0 Complete Guide Redesign Work in Progress. Starting with Skills and Chain Combos.
3. Warrior Skills
What? Everyone starts somewhere. Warriors gotta know what to do in that first 20 levels. So let's overview the skills;
Skill Points per Level: 10. (Max level 5)
Description: A quick thrust forward knocking enemies down.
Opinion: A rather bad skill. At early levels it works to give some offensive mix-up but Chain Combos out-shine its damage and use.
Recommended level: 1/5. Prerequisite to other skills.
Skill Points per Level: 20 (Max level 5)
Description: Slam down into the ground in mid-air. Knocking enemies (Fallen or Standing) up in the air.
Opinion: A good skill for both PvE and PvP. It's one of those one-point-off skills where regardless of level it's useful. Super-armored so it helps in PvP for air-recovery also. (Although it's landing spot is predictable)
Recommended level: 1/5. Good to use as recovery from launch and also offensively. Needed for next skills.
Storm Blade:
Skill Points per Level: 20 (Max Level 5. Level 10 available through Monster Cards)
Description: Spin creating a tornado that hits enemies launched in the air.
Opinion: A good skill as a follow-up to launches. Always helpful for those cases. PvP sections will cover the use of this skill more in basic combos.
Recommended level: Really this one is a matter of preference. The calculations don't get much better and it only affects number of targets hit. 1/5 Definitely, but higher is upto your opinion.
Air Combo Launch:
Skill Points per Level: 15 (Max Level 5)
Description: Swing your blade upwards to launch opponents.
Opinion: You'll get better launches as you level through the different classes of Warrior>Gladiator. But for early on and as a prerequisite to an okay PvP skill, it's not bad to keep at 1/5.
Skill Points per Level: 10 (Max Level 5)
Description: Launch Fallen Enemies.
Opinion: Not amazing. Early on it leads to a good way to keep monsters in air. Some learned to use it in PvP also for combos but it needs good reflexes.
Recommended Level: 1/5
Sword Dance:
Skill Points per Level: 10 (Max Level 5. Level 10 Available through Monster Cards)
Description: Throw a short sword projectile to flinch and knockdown enemies.
Opinion: This skill unfortunately isn't as broken as before. It now has proper projectile physics instead of hit-scan. It takes some skill to use this on mobile targets. Not a bad move for 1vs1 PvP however if you can land it.
Recommended Level: 1/5. 5/5 Supposedly affects travel distance. But it's not necessary.
Sword Mastery: (Passive)
Skill Points per Level: 10 (Max level 5)
Description: Whilst Wielding a sword; Gain ATK.
Opinion: Not good. +10 at level 1...+70 at level 5. By endgame having tens of thousands of attack is possible. It doesn't impact even early game.
Recommended Level: 0/5
Hammer Crush:
Skill Points per Level: 10 (Max Level 5. Level 10 Available through Monster Cards, Socket Cards and IM Rings)
Description: Slam a giant hammer. With a chance to inflict stun scalining with skill level.
Opinion: Amazing to use. Good utility, helps both PvP and some PvE (F6/F7) also.
Recommended Level: 5/5 Definitely. 10/10 if possible. Use Socket cards for Rings to save SP.
Blazing Youth:
Skill Points per Level: 10 (Max Level 5)
Description: Slam a giant, fiery hammer. Inflicts Burn and deals damage.
Opinion: Okay for level 7-20. Quickly replaced so expect to remove it around the mid 20s.
Recommended Level: 0/5 after you level higher and promote to Gladiator.
Icecold Heart:
Skill Points per Level: 10 (Max Level 5)
Description: Slame a giant, icey hammer. Inflicts a slow and deals damage.
Opinion: Same as Blazing, only this applies a little utility. Some say it's good, others say meh. Also level 3 onwards, and this applies to Blazing also, it launches.
Recommended Level: 0/5 in my opinion. Some will tell you otherwise but it's arguments like "Fancy and risky combo piece" and "Slows to help in PvP" even though we're in a Sorceror-abundant meta with Ninjas and Priests.
Warriors Bonds:
Skill Points per Level: 5 (Max Level 1)
Description: A buff to all players around you giving some base Physical Defense.
Opinion: The value may not matter to some. But some also like it. I say it's upto the player.
Recommended Level: 0/1. But it's SP cost is microscopic in comparison to others. So 1/1 aint gonna kill you.
4. Gladiator Skills
Now we're a Gladiator! levels 20 to 40 unlock a ton of things. So let's overview the skills.
Grizzly Power:
Skill Points per Level: 15 (Max Level 5. Level 10 Available through Monster Cards and Necklace Sockets)
Description: A buff to yourself. Increasing Strength and Final Physical Attack Power.
Opinion: Ah the Bear-Face buff. Strength is a common set bonus as it helps base attack power and the Strength+Attack this buff gives is nice. A must-have.
Recommended Level: 5/5. 10/10 it if possible. The Galaxia Necklace Socket card can help save a ton of grinding for cards.
Advanced Sword Mastery: (Passive)
Skill Points per Level: 10 (Max Level 5. Level 10 Available through Monster Cards)
Description: Increases Final Physical Attack by a %
Opinion: When you get the high enchanted weapons of later-game (Where your attack is 30,000+) you'll start to love this passive. Even if you don't plan on any +20's it's still good given the high physical attack you get.
Recommended Level: 5/5. 10/10 is optional, but a difficult grind.
Dashing Blow:
Skill Points per Level: 20 (Max Level 1)
Description: Perform an upward slice whilst dashing. Knocking up opponents and inflicting Serious Bleeding status.
Opinion: This one's tricky to explain the use to. DoT's in DS are underwhelming unless they have a secondary effect. This one does however. Serious Bleeding lowers Max Hp by a percentage. In PvP on a Frozen target it's valuable to shred tanks. Otherwise...not so much anywhere else as it doesn't matter (Except Elga Chests/Shields. They work wonders on those.)
Recommended Level: 1/1. Don't even use it if you don't want to but amazing skills are locked behind this and the next skill.
Aerial Blow:
Skill Points per Level: 15 (Max Level 1)
Description: Use a hammer in mid-air to smack opponents to the ground.
Opinion: THANK THE BALANCE DEPARTMENT OF GRAVITY KR IT'S NO-LONGER FORCED USE ON EVERY AIR COMBO! This sucks. I hated it, you hated it, no one liked it except people who knew how it's hotkey used to work. Don't use this!
Recommended Level: 1/1. Prerequisite for the next few skills...which are all great...
I'm Gone Bear!:
Skill Points per Level: 15 (Max Level 5. Level 10 available through monster cards)
Description: Summon the Kung-Fu Bear. He kicks 8-times repeatedly
Special Note: This skill may hit 8-times. But in reality it's 1 big hit divided into 8 smaller hits with 8 flinch effects. It counts as 1 hit, so on Bonus Bombers and Calculating Element Damage it only applies for 1 hit.
Opinion: I love this skill! It hits good, it's great for ground-based damage in PvP, it crits well in PvE and PvP also. It's one of the double-bears that you'll be spamming a lot leveling up.
Recommended Level: 5/5. 10/10 if Possible as it gets a notable damage calculation increase.
Incoming Bear!:
Skill Points per Level: 15 (Max Level 5)
Description: Summon the Kung-Fu Bear. He dashes forward hitting 3 times and knocking the opponent up lightly.
Special Note: It's 1 big hit divided into 3 smaller hits. See I'm Gone Bear for explanation.
Opinion: Though it isn't as hard hitting as it's counterpart, it does provide a nice launch for a quick Storm Blade/Wyvern Blade combo. It's cooldown the same duration as I'm Gone Bear so you'll spam them frequently.
Recommended Level: A matter of preference. 2-3/5 minimum. 5/5 if you can spare SP.
Skill Points per Level: 20 (Max Level 5. Level 10 Available through monster cards)
Description: Roll the dice, get a buff! Results may vary.
- Wrath: +Atk/MAtk
- Calmness: +Def/MDef
- Cure: Healing HP/MP per second
- Amplification: +MaxHP/MaxMP
- Velocity: +Evade/+MovementSpeed
- Fury: +AttackSpeed/+FinalCriticalRate
Opinion: Oh boy...this buff. Like it's name and appearance's a gamble. About 3 of the 6 buffs are amazing so 50/50 shot at having a good time. Those are Wrath; For Damage. Velocity; For Speed. And Fury; For Crits. These apply to the party as well, so a good Gamble Roll can make you some faster runs. The others aren't relevant or don't matter in the long run by late-game unless you have a healer to help Amplification.
Recommended Level: 5/5. Above is not necessary given it's volatile and random nature.
Skill Points per Level: 10 (Max Level 5)
Description: After a short cast time, release a shout that has a chance to stun enemies and reduces their evade rate and attack slightly.
Opinion: A must for PvP and F7. By level 5 it has a 100% stun rate making it a reliable tool for catching in PvP or disrupting teams.
Recommended Level: 5/5.
Skill Points per Level: 20 (Max Level 5)
Description: An attack speed buff. Disappears when receiving Weapon Quicken from Myrmidons.
Opinion: Attack Speed on Gladiators...This stat is an Elephant in the Room for Myrmidons and Overlords. It has a use I'll explain in Chain Combos and this buff is debatable because of that use. If you wanna pursue using Chain Combos alongside skills, this will help if you can't hit 300% cap.
Recommended Level: Again, if you want Attack Speed, this buff is great for it at 5/5 with a long duration also. If not, 1/5 for the next skills.
Skill Points per Level: 15 (Max Level 5. Level 10 available through Monster Cards)
Description: A buff giving the next X number of attacks (X = Skill level) bonus damage.
Opinion: This is one skill people are on the fence over. At 5/5 its 5 attacks getting the benefit. But there's pros and cons to it;
- Bears count as 1 hit each.
- Gust Slash + Bears is 5 hits. Usually what it's best for.
- Wyvern Blade is 6 hits. Also nice to help the majority of it's hits.
- Instant Cast time.
- Glowy hands!
- Infinite duration until used.
- Damage buff numbers are debatable.
- You lose it easily to chain combos or bad skills.
- Constant need to reapply.
So it's a skill with requirement to use before big damaging skills for best effect. Like a much better skill for all-in damage later in Myrmidon tree.
Recommended Level: 5/5 in my opinion. But it can be skipped or kept at 1 for the next skill.
HP Recovery: (Passive)
Skill Points per Level: 15 (Max Level 5)
Description: Bonus Max HP and Potion Effectiveness.
Opinion: Not great. HP Values are low and potion bonus isn't too grand once the hp gets really high.
Recommended Level: 0/5
Wrath of Earth:
Skill Points per Level: 20 (Max Level 5)
Description: Slam the Earth with such force that you'll knock up foes in front of you.
Opinion: Okay so from the minimum level you learn this until the low-40s it's an okay skill for PvE. But about 42-43 it gets bigger, more effective cousins on the platter. But get this cruelty; It's a skill for a random mission in Emporia War. It's got Slow Wind-up, predictable AoE and the Super Armor it has isn't even useful to help you with the mission and the launch is bad for Group PvP dynamics.
Recommended Level: a good 2-3/5 or higher but be prepared to reset it off for better skills as Myrmidon. If you WANT to use the Emporia missions at endgame then 1/5.
5. Myrmidon Skills
First off, Gratz on Level 40! Second, the Myrmidon tree seems simple, but has a lot to offer.
Sharpness Blade: (Passive)
Skill Points per Level: 15 (Max Level 5)
Description: Passive increasing Base Physical Attack.
Opinion: In Myrmidon weapons you won't begin to notice it until high enchants but in Overlords...our weapons biggest Achilles Heel occurs; We have low Base Physical Attack and absurdly high Max Physical Attack. At 5/5 this gives +420 Base and that combos okay with Weapon/Earring Attack Sockets and other forms of flat +ATK.
Recommended Level: 5/5. It does make a slight difference in the skills that arent rolling maxes or critical hits.
Physical Training: (Passive)
Skill Points per Level: 15 (Max Level 5)
Description: Passive increasing Max HP and HP Recovery.
Opinion: Like HP Recovery the Passive, not good. The value gets much higher than the other passive but still not good.
Recommended Level: 1/5. It is a prerequisite to the entire Myrmidon's right side of the tree.
Gust Slash:
Skill Points per Level: 15 (Max Level 5)
Description: Slice enemies 3 times in quick succession. Knocks down the targets.
Opinion: I am in love with this skill. It has incredible damage, good flinch effect and is the core combo piece in PvP and PvE. It's 5 second cooldown syncs perfectly with the Bear skills making them a quick, fast, low cooldown rotation of skills that can help beautifully with Bossing also.
Recommended Level: 5/5
Magnum Break:
Skill Points per Level: 15 (Max Level 5)
Description: Slam into an explosive barrel and damage and launch targets into the air, inflicting Burn.
Opinion: It's one of the two Myrmidon Skills with Similar mechanics to Wrath of Earth, but convert some damage into secondary effects. This one is the less powerful of the two. The burn isn't the Mana-draining burn that people love to use and it doesn't quite cover a 360-degree diameter. Good as bonus damage to F7 bombers since DoT's work well vs. them.
Recommended Level: 1/5 for prerequisite. It's good enough to last you 1 level like that for it's better version.
Skill Points per Level: 20 (Max Level 5)
Description: Spinning attack that damages enemies. Distance scales with your movement speed.
Opinion: It's...disappointing. I think of Whirlwind skills like Barbarians from Diablo shredding through things. It's hit-rate isn't good, it's supposed super-armor doesnt protect against launches and it's damage is lackluster.
Recommended Level: 1/5 for prerequisite. Something much later (5-7+ Levels) does something akin to what I described as a true Whirlwind.
Weapon Quicken:
Skill Points per Level: 20 (Max Level 5)
Description: Buff increasing party's Attack Speed. Cancels Acceleration and Annihilation.
Opinion: It's downright bad. The values even at 5/5 pale in comparison to Acceleration and the Party typically doesn't need a big attack speed buff when they have their own means as X-spam classes.
Recommended Level: 1/5 to unlock a Beastly Buff and a great Passive afterwards.
Bloody Roar:
Skill Points per Level: 30! (Max Level 5. Thank God it can't be 10/10'ed.)
Description: Toggle-able Buff that skyrockets Total Physical Attack, but descreases Base Physical Defense and makes the user take a %-HP DoT every second.
Opinion: Let me give some numbers at 5/5; +60% Total ATK in exchange for -60% Base DEF and take 1% of your Max HP every second until you either turn it off or hit 10% remaining HP. This is the glass-cannon Berserker status Myrmidons and Overlords love. Some healing consumables or a mage party-member and you can have this almost 100% on always. When weapons hit max enchants you see this ATK number really shoot up (Some cases pass 150,000 ATK with endgame weapons at +20, buffed and with other forms of +ATK). Crits when in this mode at max CD hurt immensely also. A big problem is making sure you can turn it off when you want. In PvP it's best to use this temporarily to deliver huge damage bursts without fear of counters and turn it off when they can counter-attack.
Recommended Level: It has to be 5/5 if you go for it. I can't stress how dang powerful it is. 150 SP is a nightmare but a worthwhile one. This might be where your Hunter G's go early on.
Death Bound:
Skill Points per Level: 20 (Max Level 5. Level 10 Available through Monster Cards)
Description: Smash the ground creating a huge explosion that launches and damages foes and applies Curse (A debuff that lowers all stats)
Opinion: This is the highest level form of Curse players can apply. (Level 10 Curse at 5/5, Level 15 Curse at 10/10. Eat your heart out Specialists>Destroyers.) It's much better than Magnum Break and provides more utility than Wrath of Earth. Works wonders on Elga Shield/Chests and in PvP against frozen targets it provides a strong debuff.
Recommended Level: 2/5 Minimum. 5/5 for Max Curse Level. A matter of preference really. Beyond 5/5 might seem like a waste.
Raising Storm:
Skill Points per Level: 25 (Max Level 5)
Description: Summon the Wrestler to lariat in a straight line damaging opponents repeatedly during his travel distance.
Opinion: Okay so the distance this guy travels is pretty far and is amazing when the target is pinned to a wall or frozen. It's damage is good even at my recommended, minimum level and the animation is a riot to look at (Even if they can't use the Hulk Hogan look-a-like they originally had). The problem? It's a Summoned Skill like Blizzards and they don't take your Critical Damage into their calculations. So it's a mixed reviews thing because of that. Great still for damage.
Recommended Level: 2/5 Minimum. 5/5 is okay even though it won't benefit from that sweet maxed CD. But it is expensive SP-Wise so keeping it 2/5 won't hurt.
Wild Rage:
Skill Points per Level: 15 (Max Level 5. Level 10 Available through Monster Cards and IM Skill Earring)
Description: Party-wide buff that increases Total Physical Attack.
Opinion: I love this buff, anything Physical Attack based loves this buff also. The values are huge 5/5 and better 10/10. A must have!
Recommended Level: 5/5, 10/10 if possible.
Gladiator's Rage: (Passive)
Skill Points per Level: 10 (Max Level 3)
Description: A passive that increases Final Damage by a %.
Opinion: A new passive as a buff for the Myrmidons and Overlords. It's quite useful. 5% at 3/3 impacts a lot more than some think and Overlord-mains are grateful to receive this.
Recommended Level: 3/3. It's low cost and it's maxed by Level 55.
Wyvern Blade:
Skill Points per Level: 25 (Max Level 5)
Description: Spin into a Blue Tornado that can move damaging enemies and launching them.
Opinion: So at 1/5, this is a second Storm Blade. Use following a launch and the damage is okay. At 2/5 and onwards...This is the destructive Whirlwind both famous and infamous. Infamous in PvP as it's always....spammed... (We did annoying Launches before it was cool Savage and ours wasn't nerfed as a result) Famous in PvE because it obliterates groups of enemies with the classic Wyvern+Storm Blade combos.
Recommended Level: 5/5 if you love using it. Helps for anything that's okay to launch or can't be launched.
6. Overlord Skills
Gratz on Level 60! Also big Gratz to becoming an Overlord finally! Like all classes the final job is shaped the same.
Skill Points per Level: 1 (Max Level 1)
Description: Allows use of Awakening Bar and respective Awakening/Ultimate Skills.
Opinion: An amazing passive is locked behind it. It's also a matter of perspective on the Awakenings themselves so 1 SP is pratically free.
Recommended Level: 1/1
Death Snatch:
Skill Points per Level: 20 (Max Level 5)
Description: Summon the massive hand of Bultan (Dragon Saga's God of there's no lore on this guy) to grab enemies that were launched and snatch them back into the ground in front of you, targets have a chance to be stunned after a small delay.
Opinion: So...there's 2 reasons to use this nowadays in PvP. Let me bring up the elephant in the room for the first one; "targets have a chance to be stunned after a small delay." That delay and not even a 100% Stun chance at 5/5. Makes the first use, to continue combos after launches like Wyvern Blade/Storm Blade, very high-risk. The second reason is to pop it's Super-Armor before being hit by a stun to keep it and have escapes. But that's only good vs Ninjas, Destroyers, Dragoons and other Overlords. However Savages, Invokers, Sorcerors, Sentinels, Twins and Summoners all have a check to that via Electric Shocks or Knockbacks. So user beware.
Recommended Level: It's entirely optional unless that stun-delay is fixed and it's given a confirmed stun chance % to work with. It's a 5-second cooldown 5/5, but you could skip it if you never use it and never miss it. So it's either 0 or 5, based on preference.
Wind Step: (Passive)
Skill Points per Level: 25 (Max Level 5)
Description: Increases Movement Speed.
Opinion: I love this passive. Movement Speed isn't super common unless you use the various gears that give it and the +16% at 5/5 (+24 Movement Speed by the way) helps close that gap to 400 MS cap wonderfully.
Recommended Level: 5/5.
[Awakening] Death Stinger:
Skill Points per Level: 25 (Max Level 5)
Description: Summon Bultan and surge forward with a massive arm-swing, damaging enemies upto 5 hits and applying knockback.
Opinion: The Overlord Awakenings are more "Fine line of love-hate" than any skill in our trees. This in my opinion is the better of the two. It's Full 5 hits apply amazing damage with crits and good attack and apply a stupendous amount of Groggy-bar value to Groggy bosses easily. This as a result highly speeds up some Dungeon mid-bosses and stuff like F1-farming and Drakos/VC climbing. In PvP you deal with a lot of frozen targets so this won't knockback them. Also it's Super-Armor is amazing as escape.
Recommended Level: I'd say max it 5/5 if you like Awakenings. Helps in a lot of scenarios PvE and has some PvP use.
[Awakening] Demolition Suc- I mean...Demolition Charge
Skill Points per Level: 25 (Max Level 5)
Description: Summon Bultan and charge a powerful slam through 3 tiers of power. You can cancel it early by pressing Z.
Opinion: This skill is the worst of the two. I hate it, but other Overlords, specifically PvE focused ones, love it. It by description with enchanted weapons should sound like nothing to scoff at; +900% Weapon ATK damage at 1/5, it's damage per level seems to climb upto a staggering 1,100% by 5/5 even.'s not something that has any PvP use unless absolutely nothing interrupts you and in that time you could've casted Gust+Bears+Stinger on a Frozen Target for potentially much more damage. PvE also I feel like I can do so much during it's charge time.
Recommended Level: I'm gonna say 0/5. But some PvE Overlord or something will tell me to try it before I make fun of it.
[Ultimate] Demolition Bomber:
Skill Points per Level: 60 (Max Level 1)
Description: Summon Bultan to combo-slam giant weapons into the Earth, making a huge 2-hit attack + explosion. Dealing massive damage and applying a Slow (Unable to be used in PvP).
Opinion: Like Demolition Charge, some PvE experts tell me that it's pretty dang powerful. I of course, have no PvE desire for it and it has no ability to be used at all in PvP. 1500% Weapon ATK damage seems very high. If both hits crit, it can be a humongus burst. I said "If" for a reason however. Given our low min, high max attack and the sheer randomness of crits. Some uses of this skill will be disappointingly bad, leading to a 5 minute cooldown after doing something unremarkable. The Slow is also terrible; as either whatever's hit with this dies or is immune to Slows because they're a boss.
Recommended Level: I'm gonna say 0/1. Almost every Ultimate isn't worth it anyways.
Awakening Charge:
Skill Points per Level: 10 (Max Level 3)
Description: Convert Mana into Awakening.
Opinion and Recommended Level: If you use awakenings, 1/3 this. 3/3 is a waste really. If you don't, don't get it.
7. Chain Combos:
Chain Combos are a mechanic where your X-Attacks can be combined with the Z key and/or various directional inputs to perform a sequence of attacks. In Overlord's case, I'd recommend leaving them on as they're more effective than the unreliable standard x-attacking.
Gladiator Level 20:
Opinion: A nice starting combo but the slow speed early on makes it harder to use. Later on it's okay due to it's knockback.
X>X>X>Z>Hold X
Opinion: The skill's final X has the same issue as Demolition Charge; It's slow and easy to counter. The difference is that this one is lower damage and the charge speed scales with attack speed.
Gladiator Level 30:
Opinion: The 4th hit of this one applies a stun. With high attack speed you can spam this 4 input sequence for results similar to the Archer's chain-combo stun lock. I prefer this one, especially at high attack speed for both PvP and PvE.
Myrmidon Level 40:
Opinion: In PvE it's meh. You'll lose interest in it after getting the skills learned over the next 10 or so levels.
Opinion: Same as the first Myrmidon one. Not worthwhile.
Now for animations and using the Chain Combos themselves, Gladiators at first have a problem; Our huge swords means slower swing animation speeds. This is where the abundance of Attack Speed skills like Acceleration and later-game set-bonuses come in. The 300% Cap is not at all difficult to reach with or without these buffs and once the Attack Speed gets higher, assuming low graphical lag, you can use these much better and in speeds that matter more. Though 400 Mspd and 300% Aspd are harder to achieve together buffs like Gamble and Acceleration, passives like Wind Step, Set/Equip Bonuses from equipment level 60-85, IM sets and aid from Archers/Thiefs can help reach both pretty well.
Fast X-Attack:
With this option checked you can perform a First-hit chain combo spam that once was nigh-impossible to do consistently without...illegitimate means. At high Attack Speed this X-spam can act as a nice filler between skills in a number of scenarios;
- Groggying Regular Elites; After the skills are used it works well until they come off cooldowns.
- Filler DPS for bosses; This is more true later-game. Such as Elga or Level-Scaled stuff like Expert Mode and Elements/Galaxia.
- PvP; Although the knockback on first hit was nerfed to prevent wall-locks, it's like with Filler DPS for bosses, a filler between skills. Just gotta learn to time properly to use this whilst their flinched/stunned for aid in combo's overall damage.
However you can opt to not worry about Attack Speed. Just know that you'll come across a lot of it when gearing up.
Edited by Coolsam, 11 April 2018 - 10:08 AM.