Hi niceza999,
So I better get lv 81 as soon as possible?
Elga set - BDL? this dropable? or need materials like Zau? I farm 3 whole day only for get zaufrom quest till materials.
Carsharp head <== Cant find this on market, what is that?
Hi Vossel,
Ah bout Bonus Point, someone told me I need up around 60 to HLT. He said gonna need pretty much HP, So I up 55 to Bonus point. He lv 82, so I could trust him lol
POS set, many player said, it take so much time to get 1 full sets, so better wear and enchant item/set, for temporary till POS. So it true?
Critical Damage and Final Critical Rate - To get highest CD or FCR , most of it from IM set? or Soulcraft effect? or Stats?
If IM , which IM for now give good stats set.
(Hero) Wild Rage Earrings - How to get this? Prices like 2k-3k Gold. it take couple day to farm gold.
Oh Elga, I go there once and yup that crazy I die tho~
(wings to show to great for the hearts at lvl 79) sorry what is suppose to mean?
Elga weapon like zau? recipe? What is Bloody? Black Dragon Bloody Crystal? OMG20k I saw on market.
F1 Verglass each full bag only around 200g-250g / 3-4min each runs. x __ = 20k![]()
Thank you so much for your time and guidance everyone.
Here My Current Stats
That my stat for now, feel free to comment, Thanks.
I mean crete from galaxy and bloody pay from 11 to 13k no more