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Terms And Abbreviations Used In Ro

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#1 Sera


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Posted 22 July 2010 - 07:29 AM


##/## = ex. 99/70, Base level and job level.
# Slotted = ex. 4 slotted Main Gauche, a Main Gauche [4]. The number of card slots in an item.
#s = ex. 4s Main Gauch, a Main Gauch [4]. The number of card slots in an item.
/(word) = In-game emotes that people sometimes use when typing or speaking.
1HQ = One-Hand Quicken, a knight skill that requires a soul link to use
2-1 = Knight, Priest, Hunter, Assassin, Blacksmith, Wizard
2-2 = Crusdaer, Monk, Dancer, Bard, Rogue, Alchemist, Sage
2HQ = Two-hand quicken, a knight skill


A> = Auctioning
A. Horn = Antelope Horn
A. Skin = Alligator Skin
AA = Auto-Attack
AB = Acid Bomb, a biochemist skill
ABomb = Acid Bomb, a biochemist skill
Aco = An acolyte
AD = Acid Demonstration, alternate name for Acid Bomb
AFAIK = As far as I know
AFK = Away From Keyboard
a-f-k-emist = a biochemist, usually in OD2, who uses a certain style of Homunculus A.I. which allows them to level in absentia.
AK = Abysmal Knight
Aggro = Aggressive, the monster will attack the player
AL = Abyss Lake, a dungeon
Alde = Aldebaran, a city in the northern part of Rune Midgards
Alt = An alternate character
Alt + Tab = Command for switching programs (see AFK)
Alt + F4 = Closes the current window.
Amp = Mystical Amplification, a High Wizard skill.
AoE = Area of Effect (usually used in regards to a skill or spell that targets an area)
AR = Adrenaline Rush, a smith skill
AAR = Advanced Adrenaline Rush, smith skill usable via link or scroll
Asp - Aspersio, a priest skill / Asprika, a god item
Ass = Assumptio (A high priest skill)
AV = Arrow Vulcan
AWE = Angel Wing Ears, a headgear
Ayo = Ayothoya, a city accessed from Alberta


b& = Banned
B> = Buying
Bath = Bathory, a monster.
BB = Bowling Bash, a knight skill / Best Buddy / Boody Branch, an Item which spawns a random MVP / Blitz Beat, a hunter skill
BBIAB = Be back in a bit
BBL = Be back later
BBS = Bulletin Board System (The old forums) \ Be back in a second
Beez = Beelzebub, an MVP
BExp = Base experience points
BF = Boyfriend \ Best Friend
BFF = Best Friend Forever
BG = Battle Grounds, a special sort of PvP \ Bubble Gum, an item that increases drop rate
BGM = Background Music
Bills = Bill of Birds
Bio# = A high level dungeon, the pound sign is replaced by a number referring to the floor, eg, Bio1, Bio2, Bio3
BL = Base level
Blues = Blue Potions
BM = Battle Manual, an item that icnreases experience gain
BoB = Bill of Birds or the experience turn-in quest relating to it.
Bot = An illegal computer controlled character
Boom = Shield Boomerang, a crusader skill
BRB = Be Right Back
Bris = Brisingmen, a god item
Bryn = Brynhild, a god item
BS = Blacksmith \ Backstab, a rogue skill \ Bullsh-t
BSB = Bloody Shackle Ball, an accessory
BSS = B.S. Sacrimenti, a priest skill.
Bwing = Butterfly Wing, an item that returns the user to his or her save point
Buff = Anything that raises a character's abilities
BXP = Base experience points
Bz = Beelzebub, an MVP


Card = A very rare monster drop that is used to make slotted gear more powerful. Permanently used by double clicking.
C/O = Current Offer (An auction term)
Char = Character
Cliff Snipe = attacking a monster from where it cannot reach you
CM/FM = Community Moderator/Forum Moderator. Like A GM except in the forums.
CoD = Crown of Deceit, a headgear
Conc = A concentration potion
Cran = Cranial, a Thara Frog Carded Shield
Crit = A critical hit, or your chance to cause one with a given attack
CS = Clashing Spiral, Lord Knight skill.
CT = Clock Tower
CTHO = Clock Tower High Orcs, the third floor of the Alde Clock Tower
cya = see you later


DA = Double Attack, a thief skill
DC = Disconnected, usually involuntarily \ Discount, a merchant skill
DB = Dead branch (An item used for summoning a monster)
DD = Double Dagger (An assassin build which utilizes two daggers, one in each hand)
Debuff = A negative status effect, or a skill which removes positive status effects
Ding = Get someone's attention by entering their chat \ Word some people say when they level up.
Drag = Move a monster a long distance
DS = Double Strafe, an archer skill
Dual Client = To run two instances of the RO program simultaneously


e. elu = Enriched Elunium, grants higher success rates when upgrading armor
e. ori = Enriched Oridicon, grants higher success rates when upgrading weapons
ED = Earth Deleter Card \ Endow Slave
EDP = Enchant Deadly Poison (SinX Skill)
Ein = Einbroch (A town reached by airship)
Elu = Elunium (Used to refine armor, usually expensive)
Emp = Emperium (Used to create a guild or part of WoE)
Endow = A sage skill that enchants the targets weapon with the appropriate element
Eru Sunnies = Elder Willow Carded Sunglasses [1] (An item from an old event, they are rare and very expensive)
ESL = Evil Snake Lord \ English as a Second Language
ET = Endless Tower, an instanced dungeon
EWE = Evil Wing Ears, a headgear
Exp = 1. Experience 2. Expensive
Exp Items = Items traded to the kill count NPCs in exchange for experience on Ymir.
Exp Tap = increase in experience given by a monster from multiple players interacting with it


Farming = repetitivly doing something, usually for profit
FD = Full Divest, a stalker skill \ Frost Diver, a mage skill
Fisting - Attacking a target with Guillotine Fist, a Monk skill, sometimes used as a double entendre
FS = Full Support (A type of priest build which is used for healing and buffing)
FTB = Female Thief Bug
FTL = For the lose
FTW = For the win
Fwing = an item which teleports the user to a semi-random location on the map


GB = Gift Box
GC = Grand Cross Crusader, a type of crusader build that uses primarily magic \ Grand Cross, a weapon
GD = Guild Dungeon \ Gloria Domini, a paladin skill
GExp = Guild experience points
GF = Guillotine Fist, a monk Skill \ Girlfriend
GH = Glast Heim, a dungeon, usually warped to by a priest, filled with undead & evil)
GK = Gypsy's Kiss, a dancer skill
GL = Guild Leader \ Guild level
GM = Game moderater \ Game Master \ Some players apparently use this to refer to Guild Masters
GR = Guild Recruiting \ Ghostring Card
GS = Gunslinger
GT = Grimtooth, an assassin skill
GTB = Gold Thief Bug
GTFO = get the f-ck out
Gwing = Giant Fly Wing, a cash shop item that teleports the entire party to a random location on the map
GX = Gullotine Cross, a third class currently in testing.
GXP = Guild Experience Points


Hax = A usually joking manner of referring to hacking, using illegal means to become stronger
HJ = Hell's Judgement, a monster skill
Homun = An alchemist's homunculus, a special kind of pet
HP = Health points \ Hocus Pocus, a sage skill. \ High Priest, a transcendent Priest
HS = Heal Slave
HW = High Wizard


I/S = Instant Sale Price (An auction term)
IC = Improve Concentration \ Instant Cast
ID = Ice Dungeon (new dungeon added with Rachel patch, third floor is commonly referred to as ID3)
IM = Impositio Manus
IMHO = In my humble opinion
Impo = Impositio Manus
IMO = In my opinion
Immune = A Raydric Carded Garment
Instacast = The ability to cast spells without a cast bar. Requires 150 dexterity.
iRO = International Ragnarok Online (jRO = Japanese RO and so on and so forth)
iROF = International Ragnarok Online Forums
irowiki = irowiki.org, a fansite


JExp = Job experience
JL = Job Level
JLvl = Job Level
JT = Jupitel Thunder, a wizard skill
JXP = Job experience


KC = Kill Count/ Kill Count Quest
KH = Kiel Hyre (Monster as well as quest)
KP = Kafra Points
KS = Kill Steal
KT = Ktullnax, an MVP


L/I = Leave Information
L/N = Leave Name
L/O = Leave Offer
Leech = an inactive character that still receives experience
Leech spot = a location with a low chance of death for an inactive character
Lex = Lex Aeterna, a priest skill. \ Lex Divina, a priest skill
Lhz = Lighthalzen
Link = A soul link, class specific buff cast by Soul Linkers
Linker = A soul linker character
LK = Lord Knight (The transcendent form of a knight)
LMAO = Laughing my ass off
Lock = Warlock, 3-1 Mage class implemented with renewal
LOD = Lord of Death, an MVP. Used to be easily exploitable and farmable.
LOL = Laughing out loud
Lolis = Loli Ruri, also a term used to refer to underaged girls
Loot = Items a monster drops.
Looting = Stealing another person's loot.
Lou = Louyang (A town reached from Alberta, used as a training ground)
LOV = Lord of Vermilion, a wizard skill
Lvl = Level
LY = Louyang


Mag = Magnificat (A priest skill)
Mammo = Mammonite, a merchant skill
Mana = SP
MC = Marionette Control, a Gypsy skill
MCA = Mystical Card Album, an item which gives the user a random mini-boss card
MDR = Morte de Rire, french for "to die of laughter", see 'LOL'
ME = Magnus Exorcismus (A type of priest build that uses magic and fast cast time to deal damage) \ Magnetic Earth (Sage skill)
Meg = Megingjard, a god item
Merc = A merchant character \ A mercenary, a special rentable pet
MG = Main Gauche, a dagger-class weapon \ Majestic Goat, a headgear
Mid = Middle Headgear
Mids = Pyramid Dungeon
Missy = Mistress (An MVP) and Crown of Mistress
Mob = A monster, group of monsters, or the action of moving them about
Mobbing = Killing multiple monsters at once. Can be an offensive behavior.
Mob Training = Dragging aggressive enemies onto another player to kill them
MS = Mastersmith, a transcended Blacksmith \ Mental Sensing, a Bard Ensemble skill \ Magic Strings, a Bard skill \ Meteor Storm, a wizard skill
MTB = Male Thief Bug
Multi Client = to run multiple instances of the RO program simultaneously
MVP = Most valuable player (A type of monster with a special drop for the best fighter)


N> = Need
Nerf = Anything that makes a character weaker. (A change in game mechanics or a magic spell)
Newb = A new inexperienced player
Niff = Nifflheim (dungeon and/or city)
Noob = Someone who cannot play well
Novi = A novice class character
NPC = Non-player character (Official computer controlled people)
Nuke = A powerful AoE \ The act of casting spells on stuff, usually powerful AoEs


OBB = Old Blue Box, an item that gives the user a random item
ONB = Old Navy Box, an event item that gives the user a special random item
OPB = Old Purple Box, an item that gives the user a slightly better random item than an OBB
OC = Overcharge, a merchant skill
OCA = Old Card Album, an item that gives the user a random card
OD = Orc Dungeon
OD2 = Orc Dungeon second floor (Used by AFK alchemists, good for noobs to get money)
Ori = Oridicon (Used to refine level 3 & 4 weapons)
OW = Overweight, can be either 50% or 90%


Party scroll = A scroll which casts a buff on the entire party
PD = Perfect Dodge, a substat influenced by luck
Phen = A Phen card (Usually compounded as a "Clip under a cast," used by many magic using characters)
Phree = Phreeoni, an MVP
Pick = Icepick, a level 4 dagger
PK = Player killing or the person who does it
Plox = Please
Pls = Please
Plz = Please
Plx = Please
Poly = Used by alchemists to summon a monster (can be used in town)
Poslag = When things on the screen are not actually located where they are displayed.
Pot = A potion, or the use thereof
Precast = To prepare by using things before they are actually needed \ The area being prepared
Pull = To drag monsters to your party
PVE = Player versus environment
PVM = Player versus monster
PVP = Player versus player (kill the commoners Posted Image)


Quag = Quagmire, a wizard skill


r = are
r. elu = rough elunium, used for the seal quests and can be refined to make pure oridicon for armor upgrading
r. ori = rough oridicon, used for the seal quests and can be refined to make pure oridicon for weapon upgrading
REQ = Repeatable Experience Quests
Res Kill = Resurrecting someone and then killing them repeatedly so that they lose as much experience as possible.
Rez Kill = Resurrecting someone and then killing them repeatedly so that they lose as much experience as possible
RG = Royal Guard, 3-2 swordsman class implemented in renewal
RI = ragnainfo.net, a now defunct fansite
RK = Rune Knight
RO = Ragnarok Online
ROE = roempire.com, a fansite (not sure if it is still active)
ROFL = Rolling on the Floor Laughing \ Ring of Flame Lord
ROP = roproject.net, a fansite
ROPD = Ragnarok Online Player Database,-_-
RS = Rapid Smiting, a paladin skill
Rude Hit = Attacking a monster when it cannot retaliate


S> = Selling
Sader = Crusader
Sac = Sacrifice, a crusader skill or the build that makes primary use thereof
Sanc = Sanctuary, a priest skill \ Rachael Sanctuary (A dungeon)
SB = Sonic Blow, an assassin skill or the character built around this skill
SC = Shield Chain, euRO name for Rapid Smiting
SD = Soul Destroyer, a SinX Skill, or the character built around this skill
SG = Storm Gust, a wizard skill \ Slow Grace, a dancer skill
Sin = Assassin
SinX = Assassin Cross (Transcendent form of the assassin)
SL = Soul Linker
Slave = An alternate character created purely for a single function such as vending or endowing
Slep = Sleipnir, a god item
Slotted = An quality in an item that allows the compounding of cards
Slims = Special potions that weigh less than other potions (made by an alchemist usually for WoE)
SN = Super Novice
Sorc = Sorcerer, 3-2 Mage class implemented in renewal
SP = Magic Points
SPC = Santa Poring Card
Spam = to use an item or skill repeatedly and excessively \ somethng that is garbage
Spammer = A bot that advertises illicit activities in the streets
SR = Shield Reflect, a crusader skill \ Damage reflection in general
STFU = Shut the f-ck up
Strip = Divest [equipment], a Rogue skill, sometimes used as a double entendre
Suff = Suffragium, a priest skill
SW = Safety Wall
SWC = Skeleton Worker Card


T> = Trade
Tam = Tamruan, a monster.
Tank = A character which takes damage for the party
Tarot = Tarot Card of Fate, a Gypsy/Minstrel skill
TCoF = Tarot Card of Fate, a Gypsy/Minstrel skill
Thrust - Power Thrust, a smith skill, often used as a verb, sometimes used as a double entendre
Thx = thanks
TI = Turtle Island \ Turn In (For kill count quests or experience items)
Ticketbaby = A character trans'd in the event which included troy. Usually job changed at an unnatural level.
Ticketlabs = The event that included troy and lead to a lot of people having characters they did not know how to play
Time-gapped = Disconnection due to desyncronization between client and server.
TK = Taekwon class character, or Taekwon Kid
TKM = Taekwon Master
Trans = A character that has reached 99/50 on a 2-1 or 2-2 character and rebirthed into a more powerful character.
Triple Client = to run three instances of the RO program simultaneously
Troy = An NPC that gave away free levels and items in exchange for a small mini-game in a past event
TT = Thanatos Tower, an end-game dungeon
TU = Turn Undead


ur = your / you're / you are


Valk = The F2P iRO server Valkyrie. \ Valkyrie Randgris, a high level MVP \ Valkyrian Armors, special trans only armor
VFW = Vertical Fire Wall, a special placing of the mage skill 'Fire Wall'
Voke = Provoke, a swordsman skill \ To gain aggro by using an attack or skill


WoE = War of Emperium (Server-wide guild wars which happen every Wednesday and Saturday)
White(s) = White Potion
Wipe = Wipe out, the death of the entire party
WS = Whitesmith, alternate name for Mastersmith
WSS = Witch Starsand
WTF = What the f-ck
WTH = What the h-ll


y = why
Ygg = Leaf of Yggdrasil, an item that allows the use of Resurrection or the use thereof \ A Ygg Berry \ A Ygg Seed
Yggberry = A Yggdrasil Berry, an item which restores full HP/SP
Yggseed = A Yggdrasil Seed, an item which restores 50% HP/SP

z = Used as a currency symbol, stands for "Zeny"
Zerk = A berserk potion

If there are any terms that are now "archaic," let me know and I will either mark them as such or remove them.
Also let me know if any should be added.

Thank you,

Edited by Sera, 25 July 2010 - 03:54 PM.

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#2 Meshif


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Posted 22 July 2010 - 07:51 AM

You forgot a few...

#/# = Base lvl and Job Level. For example: 34/17 Assassin is a level 37 assassin with job level of 17.

brb = Be Right Back
used when only leaving for a brief period unlike AFK which signalizes a longer time away.

BSB = Bloody Shackle Ball

Duel Client = having more than one RO game open, used when running a Heal Slave, Endow Slave, or other alts.

HS = Heal Slave

ED = Endow Slave

ET = Endless Tower

Novi = Novice

ROFL = rolling on floor laughing or Ring of Flame Lord

Also, last time I checked... Meteor Storm was a wizard skill... not a bard xD!
"Meteor Storm, a Bard and monster skill"

I would also argue that Newb (Newbie) is much different than "Noob". Newb is a new player, as you said. Noob can refer to more of an older player that just fails at the game as if he or she were a newbie. Can also be used to refer to someone if they are annoying and such.

You also posted Res Kill twice.

Edited by Meshif, 22 July 2010 - 08:10 AM.

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#3 hinatasou


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Posted 22 July 2010 - 08:54 AM

CoD = Crown of Deceit
ROPD = Ragnarok Online Player Database

Edited by hinatasou, 22 July 2010 - 09:21 AM.

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#4 Mwrip


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Posted 23 July 2010 - 12:10 AM

#s - #-slotted item - 4s Main Gauche is a 4-slotted Main Gauche
1HQ - One Hand Quicken - A knight skill that requires a soul link
2HQ - Two Hand Quicken - A knight skill
ABomb - Acid Bomb
AFK Leveling - Leveling without being present - this usually refers to AFKemists leveling via homunculus, but can also be done with certain card combinations
Anub - Anubis, a common monster type to hunt with mercenaries
Asp - Aspersio, a priest skill / Asprika, a god item
Bryn - Brynhild, a god item
BSB - Bloody Shackle Ball, an accessory
BXP - Base experience points, sometimes written as BExp
Bris - Brisingamen, a god item
Cliff Snipe - Killing a monster with ranged attacks from somewhere it can't reach you or fight back (the term is used even if the obstacle isn't a cliff, and the ranged attack doesn't involve a bow or gun)
Crit - A critical hit, or your chance to cause one with a given attack
Critsin - An assassin built around having an extremely high chance of critical hits
Conc - A concentration potion (increases attack speed, replaced at higher level by better potions for most classes)
Debuff - A negative status effect
DC - Disconnect (almost always the involuntary kind)
Ding - Get someone's attention by entering their chat room ("I'll be tabbed out, ding me when you're ready") / Level Up (comes from the fact that some RPGs make a ding sound when you level. RO doesn't, but the term has stuck.
Drag - Move a monster a long distance, either to build up a stack for an AoE kill, or just to get it to a distant party or ideal fighting spot
Dungeon# - The # floor of that dungeon. CT4 is the 4th floor of Clock Tower for instance. Most dungeons are referred to by initials unless they either have very short names (Byalan is usually typed in full) or obvious abbrieviations (Biolabs becomes Bio).
Event REQ - A REQ run as a temporary event, usually with far better exp than the permanent ones (see REQ)
Fisting - Attacking a target with Guillotine Fist, a Monk skill
Gao farm - A huge number of Mi Gaos (a monster type) in a small area, created by making use of the fact that they split into copies of themselves
GB - gift box - gives a random (usually crap) item
GK - Gypsy's Kiss, a dancer skill
GL - Guild Leader (usually preferred over GM (Guildmaster)) since it's rarely clear which kind of GM you mean
GR> - Guild recruiting
GXP - Guild experience points, sometimes written as GExp
Hax - Hacks, almost always used in jest
Homun - Homunculus - the alchemist's summon
Instacast - The ability to cast spells instantly, with no cast bar at all (requires 150 DEX)
JXP - Job experience points, sometimes written as JExp
KP - Kafra Points
KS - Kill stealing
Loc Lag / Location Lag - When players or monsters aren't where they appear to be on your screen, due to lag or glitches with knockback skills
Link - A Soul Link buff, all links are class-specific
SL - Soul Linker
Lock - Warlock, the Wizard's 3rd job
Mana - SP (they're used interchangeably because a lot of other RPGs use MP or mana)
Meg - Megingjard, a god item
Merc - merchant or mercenary
Mammo - Mammonite, a merchant skill
Mob - A monster (MOveable oBject), a group of monsters, or the act of gathering a group of monsters
MS - Magic Strings, a bard skill
Numa - Play on pnuema (aco skill) sounding like numa numa, but also a faster way to type it when someone needs to cast it ASAP
Nuke - Any powerful AoE attack (see AoE)
OC - Overcharge, a merchant skill
OW - Overweight (carrying too much stuff, disabling HP and SP regeneration)
Pick - Icepick, a dagger
Pierce - Ignore a portion of a target's defense or magic defense
Pot - A potion, or when used as a verb, to spam potions ("We don't have a healer, but I think I can pot through this.")
Party scroll - A scroll which casts a buff on the entire party
Precast - Casting a spell in advance, either so a tank can pull monsters into it, or so attackers entering your castle/emp room/BG chokepoint/BG defense area will be immediately hit. It can also be used as a noun, referring collectively to a spell or multiple spells in an area being cast for this purpose.
Pull - Draw a monster to you or your party
REQ - Repeatable Experience Quest
RG - Royal Guard, the Crusader's 3rd job
Sac - Sacrifice, a Crusader skill, or a tanking Crusader built heavily around the use of this skill to protect his party
SG - Storm Gust, a wizard spell
Shrooming - Summoning monsters by polymorphing (usually summoned) mushrooms, usually in town
Slave - A low level character created purely to perform a single function (vendslave, endowslave, linkslave, buffslave, MS slave, etc.)
Slep - Sleipnir, a god item
Sorc - Sorcerer, the Sage's 3rd job
SR - Shield Reflect, a pally skill. This is also sometimes used to refer to anything that reflects damage - "this hat grants 5% SR"
Stripped - Divested (the skills with 'divest' in their name are 'strip' in some other versions of RO)
Tank - Hold monsters and take hits so others can easily kill them, or a character built to do this
Thrust - Power Thrust, a smith skill, often used as a verb
Time Gapped - De-synced and lagged out as a result (from the message the game gives you, "You've been disconnected due to a time gap between you and the server.")
Voke - Provoke, a swordie skill - often used as a verb
Wipe - Wipe out (the entire party dies)
Ygg - Leaf of Yggdrasil (an item to revive a player with 1% HP), can also be used a verb meaning to use that item on someone
Yggseed - Yggdrasil seed (item which restores 50% HP and SP)
Yggberry - Yggdrasil berry (item which fully heals and restores SP of the user)
z - used as the currency symbol for zeny - 500z = 500 zeny
Zerk - A berserk potion, the most powerful ASPD potion, but only a handful of classes can use it
Zerocast - Zero cast time (same as instacast)

Spam can actually refer to skills as well - "This dungeon is easy, just spam SG."
GM is actually Game Master rather than Game Moderator

The scary thing is, I know we're still missing a huge pile of terms.

Edited by Mwrip, 23 July 2010 - 12:25 AM.

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#5 Juush


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Posted 23 July 2010 - 12:23 AM

Oh my! You guys have a lot of terms! x.x
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#6 ZeroTigress


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Posted 23 July 2010 - 08:01 AM

Oh my! You guys have a lot of terms! x.x

RO is complicated like that. @_@
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#7 hinatasou


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Posted 23 July 2010 - 08:16 AM

like learning a new language or new job career, especially nursing or doctor students

SW = Stab Wound
but my mind kept confusing it as Safety Wall :)
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#8 ikeren


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Posted 23 July 2010 - 12:13 PM

Hmm I don't think I saw these anywhere,

A.horn = Antelope Horn
A.skin = anolian skin
bills or BoBs = Bill of Birds
exp items = items you turn into KC Npc's for exp.
exp tap = While in share party, player who is not main killer can whack monster for slight exp boost.
KC = Kill Count/ Kill Count Quest
KH = Kiel Hyre (Monster as well as quest)
leech = One player kills monsters while in share party while the other hides in leech spot
leech spot = Area on map where probability of leecher getting killed is low.
lhz = Lighthalzen
sanc = also Rachel Sanctuary
TI = Turn in (Also Turtle Island)

AK = Abysmal Knight
beelz/bz = beelzebub
ESL = Evil Snake Lord
Phree = Phreeoni
missy = Mistress and Crown of Mistress
lolis = Loli Ruri (KC quest)
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#9 Witch


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Posted 23 July 2010 - 01:07 PM

AL = Abyss Lake

AV = Arrow Vulcan

DB = Dead Branch or Double Bolt

IC = Improve Concentration or instant cast

Impo = Imposito Manus

SG = Slow Grace or Storm Gust

TCoF = Tarot Card of Fate

White(s) = White Potions

WSS = Witch Starsand
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#10 Hiban


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Posted 24 July 2010 - 09:29 PM

Wow I find this very helpful thanks!
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#11 LordVader


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Posted 25 July 2010 - 08:22 AM

This is an awesome list of terms, wish it was available when I started RO.
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#12 Sera


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Posted 25 July 2010 - 03:57 PM

Please don't submit things just because you feel you have to submit something to be cool.
Please don't submit extremely obscure things used only by you and your little brother.
Please don't submit things that can be figured out from common sense. For instance if "Crit" is on the list and "Sin" is on the list, it stands to reason that a "Crit Sin" would be a "Sin" that "Crits."
Please check the list before submitting something to ensure that it is not already there.

Thank you.
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#13 antikv


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Posted 27 August 2010 - 04:56 AM

wow this is useful...now i understand what all the angry ppl are shouting about lol
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#14 ABK1986


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Posted 28 September 2010 - 09:30 PM

thanks! i've been playing for a year-ish and have never known what GR meant :p_err:
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#15 Drak231


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Posted 11 May 2011 - 11:51 AM


Asap: As soon as possible
ASPD: attack speed
Brb: Be right back
Btw: by the way
Camping: Staying in a specified map for a long time same as farming...
Cya: See you/good bye/see you later ...
ED: Evil Druid
FBH: Fallen bishop Hibrahm
FFA: Free for all :Example: MvP are FFA.
GG: Good game
Gtg: Got to go
Kawaii: Cute
Kewl: Another way to say "Cool"
1337: leet => elite
N> Need
n8: Night
OH: Orc Hero
OL: Orc lord
OMG: Oh my god !!!
OMFG: Oh my :D god
OS: One shoot (kill)
Owned/Pwned: e.g.: He just got owned/powned (defeated). Let's own (kick ass)
PC: Price check (ask people about a price on some item)
QQ: Cry more baby ...
R>: Recruiting
SP: Spiritual Points
Sup?: Whatâ??s up?
TG: Turtle General
Tp: Teleport
w8: wait
WTF: What the :)
WTH: What the Hell
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#16 NoxiousOrchid


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Posted 06 October 2011 - 03:22 PM

LF or L - Looking For example: LF>Party
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#17 NeoNilox


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Posted 08 October 2011 - 01:41 PM

Do you think that This page should be updated?
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#18 Razzez


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 07:40 AM

I didn't see this either.

BBS - Bloody Branches

Too many repeats being listed.
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#19 NiroKent


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Posted 28 October 2012 - 11:22 PM

Albeit a bit outdated, still useful. Should be updated tho.
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#20 iuzDelacroix


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Posted 02 November 2012 - 01:29 AM

I agree. Nice list but should be updated.
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#21 AssassinX89


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Posted 02 November 2012 - 09:19 PM

what is a FEW? it is not on the list and it is a headgear.
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#22 ashS1


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Posted 02 November 2012 - 11:28 PM

FEW : flying Evil wings ( http://db.irowiki.or...item-info/5376/ )
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#23 Fauxeglove


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Posted 05 August 2013 - 09:00 AM

Hi, I was wondering about some of the following merchant terms:


- A/S

- C/O


Also I see this in people's chat for WoE?


- GR> (not the ghostring card GR)


I would also like to emphasize that: 


- N> (need) is usually used when a single or small group of people is need of a party (want to join another) 

- R> (recruit) is for those who are inviting people into the party :)


Thank you for posting this abbrev. term list ^^

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#24 Campitor


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Posted 05 August 2013 - 09:26 AM

and... pinned

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#25 KriticalAssassin


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Posted 05 August 2013 - 09:33 AM

Hi, I was wondering about some of the following merchant terms:


- A/S

- C/O


Also I see this in people's chat for WoE?


- GR> (not the ghostring card GR)


I would also like to emphasize that: 


- N> (need) is usually used when a single or small group of people is need of a party (want to join another) 

- R> (recruit) is for those who are inviting people into the party :)


Thank you for posting this abbrev. term list ^^

A/S is for "Auto Sell" The price when someone will automatically sell you the item that they are auctioning.

C/O is for "Current Offer" The highest bid that they currently received for the item they are auctioning.

And I saw they already have GR in the original list GR> means "Guild Recruiting" Like people that are recruiting for a party but in this case they specify that it is recruitment for their guild. Usually it is different because it is GR = Ghostring and GR> = Guild recruiting. However in the original post they are both put as GR

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