Hi! My name is Ken, I am currently looking for cool people to play with. I have been on warpportal games since 2009 mainly RO. My friends quit RO1 to play RO II, a game that I dont really like. I'm a pretty active player, I can play a minimum of 5 hrs a day thats only bcoz I'am currently deployed here in Afghanistan. Yes! I'am a sergeant of US Army. But I will spend most of my time playing when I get back to states thats bcoz gaming is in my heart and soul (lol)..
I'am looking for a guild that has the following..
1. Girls! (Both sexy and beautiful ones)..
2. Dudes (who hate dramas and have a "dont gve a -_-" attitude towards enemies).
3. VOICE CHAT! (vent, teamspeak etc..).. If you dont have one I will provide but wish that majority of yall wanna use it..
*about voice chat, I always found in interesting when people talk with their voices about stuff. And I never actually played a game specially MMORPGs, without it. It makes party, guild wars or even AFKing times way lot more better.
4. Not a boring guild.
About my gaming in Dragon Saga so far..
I managed to level a knight to 25 without even trying.. I was just fooling around with IMs costumes and learning how the DS Market works (buy and sell).. I'am trying to learn the game system at the moment. Stats equation, monsters, boss, missions, enchanting and stuff. I'am pretty new in this game so basics is a must.
Have a good day =)
Edited by iCare, 11 August 2013 - 03:44 AM.