Hello so I just started playing the game as a Thief and want to go Rogue at 25. I have a few questions. I see that for all of the Rogue skills in the Skill Tree, they are usable at level 25 but just have pre requisite skills. So would it be worth it to just get the bare minimum in the Thief tree, and then once 25, get as many skills into Rogue as I can?
I have also searched a decent amount for the best skills as a Thief to get more than 1 point in while leveling and I seem to not be able to find anything. So far I have just leveled everything in the Thief Tree once except for Double Strike and Combo Training which both seem good I guess? Possibly max the Poison next? Idk. I guess what I am hoping here is that someone can basically just tell me what the best Skill Tree to go for looks like while leveling.