The patch changed Mark & Moonlight, so I tried testing out a few rotations on the raid scarecrow. If you dunno already the changes were:
Moonlight Dance
old: 110% damage
new: 150% Damage
Mark of Death
old: +10% damage to Rogues only
new: +10% damage to other party members, and an additional 10% damage to Rogues
(Yes, it's +20% for Rogues now)
Some were surprising, others not really, but instead of leaving screenshots around on my HD, might as well upload them for anyone else's curiosity:
- Used full CoA-H set for the HIT% bonus (so I don't miss)
- Didn't use doping (feels like it adds too much RNG)
- Used Crit buff, Screw Fin -_-tail, & Poison Weapon
- Stats: 2085 ATK // 50.73% crit
- 5 minutes of DPS per try
[#1 - #4 are with Poisoning Weapon 1/5]
Rotation 1: Double Attack + Deadly Blow
Why test? : This used to be the best "over-time" Raid DPS rotation before the patch
- (374907 damage)
- (387885 damage)
- (371921 damage)
Average: 378237
Rotation 2: Double Attack + Deadly Blow + Moonlight Dance
Why test?: Does the new MD damage improve on the old rotation?
- (375083 damage)
- (385926 damage)
- (385276 damage)
Average: 382095 (+4k unbuffed damage over 5 minutes)
Rotation 3: Double Attack + Deadly Blow + Mark of Death
Why test?: Does Mark of Death's +20% damage improve on the old rotation?
- (389465 damage)
- (392506 damage)
- (382473 damage)
Average: 388148 (+10k unbuffed damage over 5 minutes)
Rotation 4: Double Attack + Deadly Blow + Moonlight + Mark of Death
Why test?: How much extra MD damage does Mark add?
- (420029 damage)
- (411687 damage)
- (416430 damage)
Average: 416048 (+37811 unbuffed damage over 5 minutes) >
[added 4 pts to Poisoning Weapon 5/5]
Rotation 5: Double Attack + Deadly Blow + Moonlight + Mark of Death
Why test?: Is it worth maxing Poisoning Wep?
- (425100 damage)
- (421799 damage)
- (424483 damage)
Average: 423794 (+7.7k damage over 5 minutes than lvl 1)
Again, keep in mind that these are all with unbuffed damage. With 30% doping, 20% doping procs & full raid buffs, the differences would become a lot bigger.
TL;DR: For PvE, Mark of Death + Moonlight are really good together now, but not as good alone
Edited by mysticalre, 29 August 2013 - 02:04 PM.