Armor Search- Know what drops It? - Thief - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Armor Search- Know what drops It?

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#1 ShyGrace26


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Posted 04 September 2013 - 03:01 PM

Anything in the 'abundance' set, really. I've been picking around Izrude hill looking for it- I'm just not sure exactly which beastie drops the 'Abundance' set. Any help'd be nice, if anyone happens to know! 


I'm Looking For:


* Leggings of Abundance

* Gloves of Abundance

* Helmet of Abundance


I Have:


* Vest of Abundance

* Shoes of Abundance


Thanks in advance, Thiefpeeps.  :lv:

Edited by ShyGrace26, 04 September 2013 - 03:04 PM.

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#2 ZT0100


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Posted 04 September 2013 - 04:49 PM

I think every low leveled mobs there drop those. You just need to farm more. Anyway, these are crap equips. Just move on with the quests and you'll get better stuff. However, if you really want the set then you can always go to the auction house to buy them.

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#3 ootoro


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Posted 04 September 2013 - 08:29 PM

I think every low leveled mobs there drop those. You just need to farm more. Anyway, these are crap equips. Just move on with the quests and you'll get better stuff. However, if you really want the set then you can always go to the auction house to buy them.




So bad this is not like RO1 where an especifit monster dropped an especific item, here in RO2 u just mass kill monsters and if u are lucky u'll get a rare item X_X.

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#4 foxfight


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 04:36 AM


So bad this is not like RO1 where an especifit monster dropped an especific item, here in RO2 u just mass kill monsters and if u are lucky u'll get a rare item X_X.


I actually really don't mind it. I absolutely hated payon dungeon because I spent so much time hunting skeleton cards :P There's some variety this way, instead of farming the exact same dungeon every time. Mjolnir Dead Pit anyone?

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