Guy Skater Punk Design
Male Version (Skater Punk Set)
- Hat: Hair shall turn out as shown above, (Red Cap)
-Top: Black spiked collar, Gold Necklace, Black shirt, Blue jean jacket
-Bottoms: Blue jeans ripped, and folded on the bottom, chain hanging, black belt
-Gloves: Red Finger cut gloves with matching black spiked cuffs
-Shoes: Black untied High-tops
Girl Skater Punk Design
Female Version (Skater Punk Set)
- Hat: Purple hat, including green, white and yellow buttons with a red bow
-Top: Black collar with matching scarf, Sleeved black shirt, blue jeans jacket, Golden necklace
-Bottoms: Red plaid skirt, black belt, black leggings
-Gloves: Purple finger cut gloves with black spiked cuffs
-Shoes: Black untied High-tops