As some of you know, we are going to be hosting people from Malaysia and Singapore. This thread is set up as a guide to unique International Ragnarok Online content and events that will be new for folks from mRO. I'm going to be adding a lot to this over the next week or so.
For those of you just joining us from mRO or elsewhere, greetings! I am CM Oda, the Community Manager of iRO. On behalf of the staff of Gravity Interactive USA, I extend a warm welcome to all of you. We have just celebrated our 10th anniversary earlier this year and have implemented the 14.2 Eclage Update recently. I am still learning about what updates and events mRO had so I apologize in advance if you have had some similar events.
I will be fleshing out the different categories with more information tomorrow:
Weekly Turn in Quests
For those looking to jump right into parties and fighting giant groups of monsters, the Gramps Weekly Turn In quests were introduced. The Gramps NPC in the Eden group will give monster kill quest missions for players, with three level ranges (70-100, 101-125, 126-150). Each week the monsters are changed and the new monsters are announced in the week's maintenance thread, found in our Renewal Events subforum.
Pre-Renewal Classic Server
Opened last year, this F2P server uses Pre-Renewal mechanics. To access it, you can open the Ragnarok.exe and click the Play Classic button at the bottom of the Ragnarok Patcher to switch to Classic.
Pre-Renewal Mechanics
-No penalties on experience/drops when killing monsters not around your level
-Stats in general mean more in pre-renewal, and you can get to instant cast if you have enough dex
-Party EXP share is within 10 levels
-Transcendent class characters and Tae Kwon/TKM/Soul Linker/Gunslinger and Ninja classes are present
-Content up to Veins/Nameless island implemented, with more on the way
-WoE 1 and 2 implemented, as well as Tierra Gorge and Flavius battlegrounds
In addition, we have introduced iRO Classic specific modifications based on user feedback, which are detailed here: in the Classic Renovation Thread
We have a forum where we work with the Classic community to develop new projects, updates and content for Classic here: in the Classic Foundry
Spotlight Events
Overlook VIP Dungeon
This unique iRO dungeon can be found in the West Geffen Field map, freely accessible by VIP or by turning in two Reset stones (which can be purchased through the Kafra Shop, or bought from a player merchant). Only characters between levels 30-75 can enter. The monsters within are tougher, but give much more exp. By completing special hunt quests inside of the dungeon, you can earn equipment like Shields, Rosaries and when the final quest is completed there, you can choose to receive one free card from a list. Check out the guide here on our iROwiki fansite.
USRC Tournament
Hosted in the Summertime, we have a yearly PVP tournament with special prizes that take place on our Sakray test server. The tournament is live boardcast on our page.
Community Run Events
A number of members of the community have been running fun ingame and forum events, ranging from hide and seek to guessing games to rather elaborate events that link in and out of game activities. We provide megaphones and monster spawning help for these events when they have been established. In addition to that, on select Mondays and most Fridays we have some MVP monster spawning in one of the towns.
Community designed quests and headgears
Granny Boxter Lucky box item recycler
Merry Badger exchanger
Expanded Eden Group Headquarters
Code the Redeemer