I am lvl 21 summoner right now. Most the guilds i look at on the t-boards req 100gold or be level 60-70. I would like to lvl to that level in a guild and be able to have people to talk and group with till then. I am very active log in at least once a day M-Sun and for at least 2 hrs or more. I am older 29 with a family and a kid, and a full time 8-5 m-f job. In other words not looking for drama or a bunch of kids trying to run a guild. Kids meaning *12-16ish dnt get me wrong there are some very mature people around that age but i rather take care of my own kid and not kids in game as well. I have vent mumble ts raidcall and a mic. I am american from texas and play usually 7pm - 10 or 11 pm cst. I also would have 2 buddies with me as well. Looking to stay the long haul with whatever guild wants to pick me up. Looking forward to end game pvp and dungeon running as well.
pst me here or in game as Shadzzz
Or skype tekren77381