I just recently started playing RO after hearing about renewal.
The merchant class I found very appealing and unique, so I decided to take that path. I've heard from other players however that this is probably a poor class choice for a new player but so far I disagree as I have not had any trouble... I do have a couple concerns however and I would really appreciate any feedback.
Currently my levels are right around 27/28... I've not had any trouble with leveling up or finding quests, but I am having difficulties with making Zeny. I feel like I'm not fully utilizing my ability to vend items to other players. Any tips?
So far the only items I know of that I can attain and vend to other players at a profitable price are Strawberries... but, alas, I wish to learn of more items that I could farm for to vend to other players. I know strawberries have decent drop rates from Spores just east of Payon, so I'm wondering maybe there are other items in different areas a merchant at my level (27) could farm and vend to make Zeny...
If anyone knows of other items I could obtain I'd love to hear as much details as you can offer (i.e. zones where they drop, drop rate, monsters they drop from, and usual market price). Keep in mind that my current source of income is selling strawberries for a mere ~6k a piece, so if you have an item in mind but think it might not be worth it share it with me anyways because I just mind find it valuable!
Any tips pertaining to my dilemma will be highly appreciated!! Thanks in advance!
Edited by WesHold, 31 October 2010 - 04:48 PM.