On DPS purposes, i think gX AGI JOB BONUS needs to be increase..
Talking about job bonuses.. they are lame.
You can actually see that whoever was doing those, was lazier than a sloth:
All of the 3-2 ones are mixed copy pasted boni of 3-1 classes. Except for Royal Guard, because they had no 7th 3-1 to copy from
And what the hell is with the varying sum? 2nd cls all had 30 total, 1st 18, trans 45.
Half of them are totally the opposite you would expect for their class.
Anyways, since this is bout GX lets compare its job bonus with a regular nontrans Assassin:
AS 6 10 2 4 8 0 - 30
GC 6 7 5 4 7 0 - 29
Beside the higher sum as 2nd class, its AGI got lowered by 3...
And it's not even the best example.
Shadow Chasers AGI and DEX go from the best as rogue, 7, to the lowest as shadow chaser, 3, genious
http://forums.warppo...tyle_emoticons/default/icon_bow.gif ...
1st cls have 18 total
2nd cls have 30 total
trans have 45 total
3rd cls have 27-31 total
this should really say: 3rd cls have 42 total, which is the logical continuation, or even only 35, just give them more than freakin 2nd cls.
It may not be a big deal, but why not take them out of the game then if you don't give a damn about them.
I mean, COME ON
it's not like any player couldn't come up with way better ones for all 3rd classes in 10 minutes without being payed for it!
I took some time figuring what would suit 3rd cls, feeding my homun on the side and stuff.
I tried staying true to the original 2nd classes, only lowering anything in exceptional situations, while considering that some stats gained importance for them after becoming 3rd cls (like KN->RK INT 0->6 for now also being into magic etc)
This is kinda off-topic, but there is no subforum where this would fit any better, unless there was a GeneralStuffInRenewal one or so.
Edited by Charon, 14 November 2010 - 04:47 PM.