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Genetic Build Guide (Work in Progress)

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#51 DrAzzy


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Posted 02 April 2014 - 04:54 AM

How useful is Crazy Vines? is it worth the 10pts?

It is a class-defining skill in WoE, an absolute must-get if building for WoE. 


It is not particularly useful outside of woe. 

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#52 Ryviux


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Posted 02 April 2014 - 12:57 PM

It is a class-defining skill in WoE, an absolute must-get if building for WoE. 


It is not particularly useful outside of woe. 




how about these other skills


Thorn Wall, Blood Sucker and Fire expansion?

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#53 aleffnaqiuddin


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 01:40 AM

Thanks. Quote snipped because it's big, and doesn't need to be repeated. 

awesome guide ! 

Edited by DrAzzy, 04 April 2014 - 11:52 AM.

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#54 DrAzzy


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 11:54 AM



how about these other skills


Thorn Wall, Blood Sucker and Fire expansion?


Thorn wall not so good right now (it's disabled in WoE due to people abusing it's knockback to push people out of forts - I think it was fine the way it was before they made it not hit people really fast in WoE, and knockback instead). 


Bloodsucker is great in WoE, useless outside of it. 


Firex has applications in PVM/MVP, and some in WoE (but it's hard to fit, because you also need CV, BS, and Mandy Howl more in WoE). 

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#55 Hardc0re


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 09:37 AM

Thorn wall not so good right now (it's disabled in WoE due to people abusing it's knockback to push people out of forts - I think it was fine the way it was before they made it not hit people really fast in WoE, and knockback instead). 


Wait a minute. Isn't knockbacks disabled in WoE maps?

If so, how would they disable an skill in WoE because it knocks back? Wouldn't they just disable the knockback part of the skill?

Edited by Hardc0re, 06 April 2014 - 09:38 AM.

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#56 DrAzzy


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 08:06 AM

Wait a minute. Isn't knockbacks disabled in WoE maps?

If so, how would they disable an skill in WoE because it knocks back? Wouldn't they just disable the knockback part of the skill?

Originally, it was like everything else, it worked, but knockbacks were disabled. 


This caused it to hit very quickly (50x per second) while standing in it. The damage was piddling, particularly with woe sets, but apparently they still felt this wasn't acceptable.


So one of the balance patches changed it, so that unlike everything else, the knockback worked in WoE, and now it didn't hit 50x per second (during this time, I gotta say, i'd have rathered take the 50 hits per second! Knockback causes posbugging, and made life really unpleasant for people walking into thorn walls). 


And then players reminded the GMs why knockback was disabled in WoE in the first place, by using thorn walls to knock players out of forts. And then the GMs disabled it. 

Edited by DrAzzy, 07 April 2014 - 08:07 AM.

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#57 Hardc0re


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 12:43 PM

Wow, the more I learn about this game the less I want to play it. It seems like the whole game is a big mess and the developers doesn't know what to do about it.

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#58 Qani


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Posted 11 April 2014 - 10:15 AM

Which one has more damage and which one has more defense between HBP and FAW? 

Also, using orlean gown, what are the best offensive accessories?

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#59 DrAzzy


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Posted 11 April 2014 - 10:45 AM

Which one has more damage and which one has more defense between HBP and FAW? 

Also, using orlean gown, what are the best offensive accessories?

Fully upgraded FAW has higher damage potential (with EA enchants) or higher CC DPS potential (with spell enchants) - however you have less neutral reduction. Please refer to the equipment descriptions and FAW enchantment page


For CC DPS, you of course want 2x Spell33 RWC Pends (your CC DPS improves more from reducing cast time than increasing damage per cast - the whole 100% reduc thing, at which point you can skip the orleans. Though ofc, this doesn't help with AB, since it's cast time is fixed). I would not card such an expensive gear with offensive cards, though - you'll probably want to use them for WoE, which means you'll want to save the slots for when you can afford KBC for them. 


For AB damage.... accessories are always a hard call for me, because when I'm ABing, I usually gear defensively (because I'm tanking the thing I'm bombing), and wear 2x KBC WDB. 


I think it's between RWC Ring FS 33 str 3 Scaraba, and the MoH or similar. I suspect you can get either one to be better depending on your other stats and gear. Use the calculator in my sig to compare damage and figure out which is best with the other gear you'll be using. 

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#60 Qani


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Posted 11 April 2014 - 10:55 AM

awesome, thanks for the quick reply.

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#61 9899140323034712877


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 03:31 AM

i read your guide. and got some advice for gene's in the game as well.


Some said that i can keept str @ 60 as it is and go for more int. is that good?


Sorry sad to say its my first time playing ragnarok and my first character. so theres alot i really dont know about.

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#62 DrAzzy


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 06:51 AM

i read your guide. and got some advice for gene's in the game as well.


Some said that i can keept str @ 60 as it is and go for more int. is that good?


Sorry sad to say its my first time playing ragnarok and my first character. so theres alot i really dont know about.


Maybe for Hell Plant woe build - not for PVM/MVP build.


Int helps CC more than str, but str still makes a significant contribution, and good damage with CC depends on having both str and int (see formula in Wiki - note that int increases multiplier, while str ofc increases attack - since they're multiplied together, you need both). 


The builds above marked as CC builds I optimized for maximum CC damage using RTE and no god items. Using an HF, str helps a little more, so might want to be higher. Using god items throws everything off. You can use the calc in my sig to tweak builds for your specific gear. 


Acid bomb damage is proportional to atk+matk, and as such, the impact of stats is linear. str = ~2.8 (with RTE) or ~3.6 (with HF), int = 1.5, luk = 1 (in terms of relative impact on damage)

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#63 9899140323034712877


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 02:44 PM

Maybe for Hell Plant woe build - not for PVM/MVP build.


Int helps CC more than str, but str still makes a significant contribution, and good damage with CC depends on having both str and int (see formula in Wiki - note that int increases multiplier, while str ofc increases attack - since they're multiplied together, you need both). 


The builds above marked as CC builds I optimized for maximum CC damage using RTE and no god items. Using an HF, str helps a little more, so might want to be higher. Using god items throws everything off. You can use the calc in my sig to tweak builds for your specific gear. 


Acid bomb damage is proportional to atk+matk, and as such, the impact of stats is linear. str = ~2.8 (with RTE) or ~3.6 (with HF), int = 1.5, luk = 1 (in terms of relative impact on damage)

god gears? can you let me know roughly what stats to go for if god gears? im new to the game. dont know what are god gears. are they really difficult to get?

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#64 MintRoyale


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 05:16 PM

megingard x2 = 70b

slepnir = 30b

mjolnir = 25b


looking at >120b for god set, which most people do not have


get your regular items first then maybe slowly work on the godlies

Edited by MintRoyale, 14 April 2014 - 05:17 PM.

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#65 DrAzzy


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 09:39 PM

God items are the absolute top tier items - very few players personally own god items (many are owned by guilds). Don't worry about building for god items unless you have them. 

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#66 Qani


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 02:49 AM

What's the best way to deal with earthquake? is it deviling HBP? I can't seem to go further than darklord in endless tower on my own since baphomet just one shot me with earthquake, usually hitting for 20k+ x 3, and that is without powerups. 

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#67 9899140323034712877


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 06:52 AM

megingard x2 = 70b

slepnir = 30b

mjolnir = 25b


looking at >120b for god set, which most people do not have


get your regular items first then maybe slowly work on the godlies

 haha ok thanks! then i think ill go for AB optimized dmg though

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#68 sb120495


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 07:35 AM

What's the best way to deal with earthquake? is it deviling HBP? I can't seem to go further than darklord in endless tower on my own since baphomet just one shot me with earthquake, usually hitting for 20k+ x 3, and that is without powerups. 

EQ is only reduced by GR,Energy Coat and the number of players.


Get a mercenary and make sure your homunculus is out.If you have a sera,use call legion.

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#69 michaeleeli


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 08:33 AM

I stare at my HP bar and ygg seed when I get eq'd, so you're gaurenteed to survive (if you're not the one tanking)

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#70 GraydroZ


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 09:34 AM

How about just use Anodyne and run away from him? Every skills of Baphomet that have cast bar have 1 sec casting time except EQ, which has 2 sec casting time. So when you see the slow casting cast bar it means EQ is coming. With the running speed of Gene this is very possible. Just make sure you have holy water ready so you can quickly recovery from Curse all the time.


EDIT1: This tactic works well. Especially if you have some familiarity with the cooldown of Bapho EQ.

EDIT2: But Havenn's tactic works better and safer :P

Edited by GraydroZ, 30 April 2014 - 02:13 AM.

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#71 sb120495


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 09:37 AM

How about just use Anodyne and run away from him? Every skills of Baphomet that have cast bar have 1 sec casting time except EQ, which has 2 sec casting time. So when you see the slow casting cast bar it means EQ is coming. With the running speed of Gene this is very possible. Just make sure you have holy water ready so you can quickly recovery from Curse all the time.


You'll need good reflexes.It'll be much easier if you have an amistr base homunculus with castling.

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#72 GraydroZ


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 10:05 AM

You'll need good reflexes.It'll be much easier if you have an amistr base homunculus with castling.


Hmm I don't have homun S with Amistr based, but it should be easier as you said if the homun is placed at the far back for Castling.


To tell the truth I gave my opinion based on duo ET run case. In this case, my friend who play Gene can easily run away while I tank his EQ. In solo case this should be more difficult since the distance between Gene and Bapho is initially shorter. Since my friend cannot play for quite a while, I will try this strategy myself. Hope it works well.


By the way this thread is about DrAzzy Gene build. May be this discussion should be in the separate thread.

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#73 sb120495


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 10:45 PM

Hmm tested legion.Monsters can't attack the summoned bees so they won't reduce EQ damage.However i noticed something unusual.When a monster is being attacked by the bees it gets stuck trying to attack the bees and won't change targets(it'll still cast aoe skills though).I just killed a KK without taking even 1 damage.

Edited by sb120495, 15 April 2014 - 10:46 PM.

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#74 Zayaan


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 11:55 PM

Hmm tested legion.Monsters can't attack the summoned bees so they won't reduce EQ damage.However i noticed something unusual.When a monster is being attacked by the bees it gets stuck trying to attack the bees and won't change targets(it'll still cast aoe skills though).I just killed a KK without taking even 1 damage.


I wonder if that's why there were celias in bio4 map that looked like they'd been bugged with volcanic ash...

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#75 sb120495


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Posted 16 April 2014 - 12:00 AM

Volcanic ash doesn't work bug anymore and a monster will return to it's normal AI once the bees go away.


You have to be careful to make sure the monsters are trying to attack the bees not your sera because they can attack your sera normally.

The only problem with permanently bugging a monster this way is that you have to recast the skill before it ends and the bees take about 0.5~ second to reach the monster giving it time to switch targets(i learnt this the hard way).


Edit:It doesn't seem to affect all monsters as howard attacked the bees so it's bit weird.Maybe it's just KK because KK likes using skills which probably means that monsters can't use skills on these bees.


Edit(2):Confirmed.Monster skills don't affect the bees at all.When a monster tries to cast a skill on one of the bees,nothing happens and the monster goes into a small delay.AoE skills do nothing to the bees.So heavy casters like KK will act like they're bugged.

Monsters can,however,attack the bees normally.

If you can make sure the monster only hits the bees and not you,the 5 bees can take a total of 62330 damage before you have to recast the skill.

Edited by sb120495, 16 April 2014 - 06:22 AM.

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