[Classic] Old skins not working right - Creative Contraptions - WarpPortal Community Forums

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[Classic] Old skins not working right

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#1 Mikril


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  • Playing:Ragnarok Online
  • Server:Classic

Posted 19 February 2014 - 01:55 AM

This thread seems to fit here more than the technical support area, sorry if it's in the wrong place.


I'm having some trouble getting an old skin to show up right on the Classic server.  As far as I can see, the files are in the right place, but some of the images don't appear in-game.  Instead, some default/basic skin ones are used in their place.  Does anyone have an idea on how I can get it to work right?  I don't know if all the skins everyone is using these days had to be updated to a new format or if they are supposed to just be good to go.

I downloaded this particular skin in 2004 and saved the .zip to a backup disc, so everything is as it was when it worked. It is called Silver Legacy.  Here is what it looked like back then:

and the shops and chats...


And here is what it looks like on Classic:
http://i.imgur.com/yUeavqB.jpg (this is a larger/more normal resolution, so I left it as a link)

You can see that the chatrooms look like they're supposed to, but the shops don't. And the equipment window uses the basic blue skin instead of the custom one.  Both my Angelic Legacy and Black Legacy skins have the same issues.  I want to also add that I do have the image files in the folders and they appear to be in the right place compared to the default skins'.


I hope someone can help, I've been tinkering with it for a while and haven't gotten anywhere.


Edit: I put this thread here because being a user made skin it didn't really count as a client bug. I just tried out the Angelic Legacy skin found at irowiki and it has the same issue, though. In the irowiki screenshot it shows the proper equipment window... Could this be a client error on my side, and not an issue with the skin itself?

Edited by Mikril, 19 February 2014 - 02:34 AM.

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