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Discussion: Wizard

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#26 Greven79


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 01:13 PM

As I've written in the Sorcerer forum and in other threads as well, my suggestion of a Wizard would be quite different to the current one. In my imagination, the Wizard would allow for at least three completely different builds: Ice Mages, Fire Mages or Lightning / "Blitz" mages. So in order to achieve that, the Wizards skill need to be adjusted and some of them replaced:


What should the Wizard lose:

  • Seal Explosion
  • Teleport
  • Levitation
  • Water Emblem healing effect

What should Wizards get:

  • Jupitel Thunder
  • Lord of Vermillion
  • Varetyr Spear
  • lower SP costs

That would give the Wizard enough tools to build a Blitz mage, but he would lose a lot. But before I comment these changes in more detail, I want to talk about the Frost skills:


To build an Ice Mage, you would need damage-dealing frost skills.... but currently there is only 1... that's not enough. The Emblem on the Ice tree doesn't even support specific skills like the other emblems do... so that ought to change as well. To solve the first issue, the only real option I see is to add a DoT damage to Frost Diver and Frost Nova. But I wouldn't stop there and add an DoT to Cold Bolt as well.


To keep the skills balanced without reducing the damage of Cold Bolt significantly, the Forst skills ought to get the highest casting time instead.

Pre-AoV, the situation was:


Cold Bolt 38.3% damage, 0.5sec casting time => 25,5% DPS (due to 1sec recast delay)

Fire Bolt 48.8% damage, 1.0sec casting time => 24,4% DPS (due to 1sec recast delay)

Lightning Bolt 21.8% damage, 0.0sec casting time => 21,8% DPS (due to 1sec recast delay)


So they were more or less balanced. Each of them has a unique special: Cold Bolt slows the enemy, Fire Bolt builds up pyromancy stacks and Lightning Bolts can be used while moving. AoV has ruined this balance, but that's not the point here. In order to add a DoT to Cold Bolt, both the damage and the cooldown of the Fire Bolt should be decreased (38% damage, 0.5sec cooldown), rather increasing the casting time of Cold Bolt instead. This leaves enough space to add damage in form of a DoT. (maybe even adding a cooldown as well)


Frost Diver and Frost Nova shouldn't be a problem. Even a 25% DoT (250% post-AoV) for the duration of the freeze wouldn't make these skills broken. The following "freezing resistance" of the targets would prevent a constant DoT,. But the DoT would allow for an "Ice Mage" build. The Ice Emblem could then further increase the damage or the freeze duration, both increasing the overall DoT damage.


So finally, we get back to the losses - no healing and no teleportation. How should this work?


Basically, both the Wizard and the Ranger ought to be able to deal a constantly high amount of damage. The Sorcerer f.e. should rather be focussed on a burst of damage. Both classes however need to have a weakness... and that should come in form of no healing. Having no teleportation is a bit more difficult, because I don't want to lose focus on this reply. But to sum it up, I don't want the Ranger to have Acrobatics either. Rather than that, the Wizards should get different types of combat control effects:


Ice Mage = Freeze - if they can't move, it's easy to get / stay away

Fire Mage = Dazzle - AGI debuff (hit, dodge, criit)

Blitz Mage = Stun -  and cast on the run, but no DoT

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#27 Suweeka


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 06:32 PM

Okay, so this is a question I've been wondering for quite a while now. I've been looking both ingame and in the forums for the answer, but so far my efforts are in vain T_T [or I'm still just not looking hard enough, that's a possibility]


But anyways, the question concerns not only wizards, but other magic users as well. I've noticed that refining the weapon increases min/max damage, but not matk. I don't know if it's worth refining the weapon considering spells indicate that the damage is based on matk, but I'm unsure if min/max affects it as well.


So the question is does min/max damage actually affect the damage calculations for spells that rely on matk for damage? I've had a lot of people say yes, but at the same time I've had a lot of people say no. It's really confusing.

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#28 Frus


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 10:23 PM

Okay, so this is a question I've been wondering for quite a while now. I've been looking both ingame and in the forums for the answer, but so far my efforts are in vain T_T [or I'm still just not looking hard enough, that's a possibility]


But anyways, the question concerns not only wizards, but other magic users as well. I've noticed that refining the weapon increases min/max damage, but not matk. I don't know if it's worth refining the weapon considering spells indicate that the damage is based on matk, but I'm unsure if min/max affects it as well.


So the question is does min/max damage actually affect the damage calculations for spells that rely on matk for damage? I've had a lot of people say yes, but at the same time I've had a lot of people say no. It's really confusing.


yes...otherwise melee gets much stronger with refine, while magic class has no improvements..


while it make sense that magic class get bonus from matk, not weapon min/max dmg, but this game doesn't make sense sometimes..


here's a old thread by heim:



Here's what he says for magic user
Magic Attack:
Int*3 + gear Magic Power = Listed Magic Power on Character screen.
(TtlMgcPwr/15.53) + ((wpnmin+wpnmax)/2) = Listed Physical Skill Effect under Magic Power Add in the refine bonus to get the number the game is using to calculate damage.


You can see min/max affects the output directly..There were some talks about making the output less p2w and not overly dependent on refine, but I don't know if it actually got implemented..

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#29 lokasenna


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 11:09 PM

Okay, so this is a question I've been wondering for quite a while now. I've been looking both ingame and in the forums for the answer, but so far my efforts are in vain T_T [or I'm still just not looking hard enough, that's a possibility]

But anyways, the question concerns not only wizards, but other magic users as well. I've noticed that refining the weapon increases min/max damage, but not matk. I don't know if it's worth refining the weapon considering spells indicate that the damage is based on matk, but I'm unsure if min/max affects it as well.

So the question is does min/max damage actually affect the damage calculations for spells that rely on matk for damage? I've had a lot of people say yes, but at the same time I've had a lot of people say no. It's really confusing.

Yes. I was the one who asked Heimdallr if there was a point for magic classes to refine, and he gave me the explanation/demo Frus linked to. For reference, my +20 rod does around (I'll test again later) the same damage on a mob as a rod that has an element that is strong against said mob.
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#30 Suweeka


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 02:13 PM

Ah, many thanks. In that case I may as well quit wasting my time on DNA boxes and actually get me some of them sweet infinium for future refines.

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