Just like the topic says. I've played Monk for a little while now. It being my first & only character so far. The lack of really anything post Advent of Valkyrie has been detrimental however in learning the strengths & weaknesses of my class. I know that Full AGI is the way to go for stats themselves, as it every classes due to HIT. Not 100% on Skill build but I think I've got it good so far.
So, Monks, or those of you with Monk alts; what is your rotation?

Monks; What is your rotation?
Posted 27 February 2014 - 08:19 AM
Posted 05 March 2014 - 08:19 PM
Raging Blow x 3 ---> Heavy Tackle (Repeat rotation until <Fury Explosion> and <G-Fist> are off cooldown) <--- Optimal Damage Route
Raging Blow x 3 ---> Fury Explosion ---> G-Fist
Raging Blow + Crushing Blow ---> Heavy Tackle <--- Sub-optimal, only if Crushing Blow is max level
Throw Spirit Sphere + Crushing Blow ---> Heavy Tackle <--- Setup for TSS's Debuff effect into Heavy Tackle.
Throw Spirit Sphere + Raging Blow x 2 ---> Heavy Tackle <--- Alternative route, more damage but longer time to get Heavy Tackle.
<Summon Spirit Sphere> + Fury Explosion ---> G-Fist <--- Only after an initial use of G-Fist with <Fury Explosion> buff still active, mainly for double burst damage.
<Heavy Tackle> + <Fury Explosion> + <G-Fist> ---> Summon Spirit Sphere <--- Use to refresh and G-Fist again, then Heavy Tackle, or Heavy Tackle first for possible Internal Wound.
<Fury Explosion> + Lightning Walk ---> G-Fist <--- For only common mobs, or sub-bosses. Always 100% Critical Damage.
<Heavy Tackle> + <Fury Explosion> ---> G-Fist <--- Rare case of Internal Wound debuff, not always available in most cases.
Protection Ki + Summon Spirit Sphere ---> Protection Ki <--- Gives around 20 seconds of 10-50% damage reduction. Pretty good, same for Flee.
Explaining current rotations
-Basically you want to continue using Raging Blow as it a move that does 350% at level 10. What that means is that it actually does 2 hits of 175%, but each hit can critically hit, making it the most effective move to press while you're setting up Heavy Tackle or G-Fist.
-TSS should be part of your rotation every 10-14 seconds to refresh the effect of the debuff. Combine this with Crushing Blow for 3 Spirit Spheres instantly, or Raging Blow for better stream of damage.
-Summon Spirit Sphere, regardless of level should be used after every G-Fist if it is up IF YOU ARE DPS. The total output from having 2 G-Fists in a short time makes the skill really strong, and you can setup cases where you can have higher damage because you get 3 spirit spheres for Heavy Tackle into G-Fist.
Pretty much all the rotations that should be around. I don't know much about the other monks, but I'm pretty sure this is what they go by.
Posted 05 March 2014 - 10:00 PM
I honestly didn't think anyone would reply to this. I constantly hear how so few Monks are in this game being one reason. From your signature I can only assume it to be more true. This is quite helpful too as much as I already use a few of these (a confirmation that I'm doing something partly right). I'll admit I don't use Raging Blow more than once in a rotation anymore since I maxed Crushing Blow. Allows me to use Heavy Tackle more frequently (more to the purpose of Internal Wound).
Note: I thought Monks were only considered Tanks. Kind of laughed at if one thinks them self a DPS.
Posted 06 March 2014 - 04:55 AM
You'll always be doing something right, but given the amount of people bothering to try or main monk is lacking true. Pre-AoV monk was considered only tank, so it might be a stigma. That and since nobody plays monk, they have little idea of what it can do post-AoV. Damage dealer seems better since they do pretty good damage, but then again, it's probably the fault of our gears that I came with the conclusion that the developers wanted us to go damage?
Posted 06 March 2014 - 07:13 PM
That's good to know in a way.
I'm confused on the subject of role as well though. Here is my build thus far. I've only played since the end of the Yule Festival though & have yet to make my way to Master Level 20. Equipment more so, what with, um ... Cast Speed.
Unless I can use Ymir more consistently I can't find a use for it. Critical being on our weapon looks more DPS oriented or for our burst threat, but there's a lack of much else than Vigor (which everyone gets about equal of from what I can tell); Which I get Ruby equipment to add on to those. The lack of AGI has me debate the so-called bonus to our Dodge. What with Warriors already getting 30% more on equips that already give AGI.
Don't know what that's all about.
I love Monk too much to quit it & move on to one of the more OP classes though.
Thanks again for the help.
Posted 06 March 2014 - 07:26 PM
Well the class is far from good. If I had to rate how bad the class is, it would be second to last, next to Knight. Their key stat is absolutely useless, their gears give them a sub-optimal bonus, and they lack a lot of skills that the other tanks have.
Numbers also proven how outclassed Monks are, but most people seem to have the illusion the class totally sucks or the class is fine now. To each their own.
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