There are a lot of things that would make the class better and million different possible suggestions, but suggesting something that's completely situational like a mass taunt for one or two missed mobs or attacks for tiger because you sometimes want to run faster. My already in game answers to those would be having a competent OT/dps or just using pots for the mass aggro. If you need extra speed occasionally while attacking then we have wind pots. If your issue is that you wish you could consistently keep up with a ranger while attacking at the same time then the solution would be playing a ranger.
A ranged attack is nice, but we have a gap closer. Though I remember thinking that it would be cool if the human form beast charge animation started with a spear throw that stunned which was then followed by the charge animation.
And being an ear for the class is the whole point of starting a bunch of threads trying to collect feedback. There are several for different purposes if you'd like to discuss this.
Oh it already came from you, there are lots of things for improvement, then there, they are my share of ideas. If you get my point then its good! If not then lets discuss it more in the discussion thread if you want. You ask me to suggest instead of complaining, there they are been posted a few weeks and days past, and I think you just ignored them.
lemme quote this part from your 1st report and 2nd of esau's:
Popular Suggestions:
We propose that lowering the Vit bonus to 1 vit = 1 def and instead of giving 15 hp turn it to 20 hp to compensate to the lowered
Popular? Really?
By "we", does that mean only both of you VCRs or you mean to speak for the whole BM community? Because if this "WE" is pertaining to the whole BM community, I think there's something wrong with it. Why you never put a statement that "its only our (VCRs) opinion BUT there are also players opposing it"
I was thinking the -def 1 point comes from Arbalist idea with his/her 1VIT:0Def/1Def proposal. And the HP part comes from TidusPeco (which isn't even a BM to begin with) Combining both an adjusting to your preference coming up with 1VIT:1Def/20HP and finalizing as "WE" when you never consider some of the opposing sides. If my assumptions are wrong, can you tell us whose idea does this 1VIT:1Def+20HP came from?
Even Arbalist doesn't like that 20HP, you just made up another thread today to further discuss it, but sadly you already propose that without others inputs.
Lemme quote this from your 2nd report:
Priority Fixes:
Cruel Bite heal is much stronger than it needs to be. One suggestion is changing the heal value to 25% of max HP, and another is 20%
but with an added 10-20% of damage dealt.
Now this is Arbalist proposal, I've been opposing this idea since the time I've seen it, but a PRIORITY FIX? really? no one have ever oppose that? and you already consider this a priority fix?
To sum up my Personal thoughts,
What I want to see from your reports are "summary of what you have gathered here at the forums, and in-game, if BMs agrees then state it, if some disagrees even if its one, please also state it." That way we can clearly see that you're our voice to the devs, not act like a filter and write only those you find acceptable. I'm not your boss to tell you what to do, nor your my supervisor on which you accept only the stuffs acceptable to you but please consider the whole community. There are lots of BMs you can see ingame and some doesn't even visit the forums. Extend your hands to those people too.
On the side note,
With regards to my Mass Taunt and Tiger Form I've only stated an example scenario not limited to those, there would also be times you'll be tanking alone, I don't think it wouldn't hurt us to have them. And that mobility in Tiger Form, did you think it was that useful as of now? Wind pots yes I have plenty BMs getting less bullied in WoE, but those are 1min and 10mins only, even those aren't enough. That javelin throw, I never asked for it to be spammable, even a 1min/2min CD is acceptable as long as its a good nuking skill. And don't push me to rangers, I already have one.
While I do recognize why you would want those types of skills, these suggestions might make us seem too similar to Assassins.
Tiger Form = Shadow Form (Or Hide + Hiding Exceed)
Beast Charge = Dark Illusion + Shadow Assault
Javelin Throw = Knife Throw
Let's not forget how similar our other skills are already:
Bear Form = Shadow Form
Feral Defense = Shadow Armor
Cruel Bite = Grimtooth
Beast Tornado + Fury Strike = Shadow Fang + Grimtooth
With Mass Taunt, both Warriors and Knights already have it so you could always consider picking up one of those classes as off-tank in future raids.
Since you are suggesting these Verinne, how do you think these skills will interact with other classes and how will they react to us getting all these goodies?
Like your observation almost every class, regardless of being a DD or a Tank have basically same/similar skill set pattern. A form, buff, aoe (up to 10, up to 3 enemies), a dot, longrange skill, etc, some class lacking on those on which I came up with both ideas.
For Mass Taunt (Tanks), like wars and knights they can be both MT and OT, breaking that mentality of us BMs as "MT" only. We can MT/OT/DPS and even support heal once every certain secs. Mass Taunt will give us more stable aggro management and I don't think other tanks would complain for that.
For Javelin Throw, almost every class have at least 1 long range skill, except us (and wars, not sure) so proposing this would also benefit us and not overpowering other classes.
I myself as you know is contented with what we have as of now even though some things are broken, but if there's something I've wanted for the class then those above is what I would ask for. Like I said before, these aren't priority fix, just an idea that came from a common player.