GRR! CANT PAY!? WTF?! - Page 2 - Renewal Technical Support / Bug Reporting - WarpPortal Community Forums

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#26 Guest_Adonis_*

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Posted 09 August 2010 - 08:20 AM

In regards to PayByCash it is true that certain methods can take up to 10 days to complete. Some of the methods with PayByCash can be pretty instant but obviously some things like mailing cash or checks will take time. Putting a notice somewhere for PayByCash can be looked into for the future.

We are very aware that the Transfer option and Subscription options are not very clear and this is being looked into as well. For the time being for users that mess up on their first attempts at using Warp Portal Energy can contact the Payment Department section of the ticketing system and they will assist you.

We know the PayByMobile options can sometimes cause issues for certain users, but the best thing to do in those situations is to contact the Payment Department with as much information as possible.
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#27 Kitten


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Posted 09 August 2010 - 09:15 AM

Yes, please make the necessary changes to the payment system. This is currently confusing many people and causing frustration all around.

At this point I'm going to make certain I put in for a payment about a week before anything needs renewing... This is pretty ridiculous. There should at least be a prompt on the website that lets the user know their payment isn't being processed and to try again in 24 hours.
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