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Priest Skill Builds

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#26 rerp


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Posted 31 August 2014 - 05:27 AM

I currently work with a hybrid build, currently more inclined to support than DPS.


Thing is, the border between them is very small, in that, when you take out a bunch of `situational` support skills to get higher levels on Ray and other DoTs, the damage difference is not that significant except on bosses. I have maxed Magnus and Oratio, a 4 or 5 (can't remember) Ray, and level 1 on the other DoTs, but those three I mentioned are all I use anyway if I go on a party as a DPS. I currently level exclusively in Osiris.


I do have Sanctuary and maxed Assumptio, which I barely ever use, unless I get into a party with a -_- tank.


The reasons why no one goes for a Full Support build, I think, are:

1. If it's your main (like me), you screw yourself over trying to farm materials for your sets.

2. No one notices the situational skills, even basic Heal (which I have at level 1), and even if you say it's a lifesaver to raise Heal beyond 1 for me, the application is so limited (i.e. basic Heal has a cast time, ergo you'll rarely save a person with it, you'd probably go High Heal or Colo Heal instead.) that you're basically going to feel the wasted skill points.


But honestly, if I had a second priest or any alt for the matter (which I currently effectively don't, other than some storage alts and an iffy lvl 2x [not-ML] SM that I'm not levelling at the moment) I would definitely build my first one as a full-support. Because the thought of having all that utility is plainly amazing. However, as I don't, nor do I currently have the time and patience to do so, I would notice that the tradeoff for going hybrid instead is too little to let pass.

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#27 aoi911


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 12:27 AM

u're really support type than me x.x , my priest doesn't have coluceo thing xD, i just run around aspersio then HH to people. 

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#28 AndruMdz


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 05:10 AM

why everybody max oratio and credo than credo and adoramus i'm just saying this becasue all the build that i see here it just a doubt that i have 'cause i don't have a priest at the moment and i why to know the reason cause i see more damage in the description on credo and adoramus than oration and credo of course i see this on the description of ro2base 'cause like i say i don't have a priest to see this and i want to have one when i can  :questionmark:

Edited by AndruMdz, 11 September 2014 - 05:12 AM.

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#29 Sestuplo


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 11:03 AM

Adoramus is half the damage of Oratio and has a cast time. The values on ro2base are inaccurate

Edited by Sestuplo, 11 September 2014 - 11:05 AM.

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#30 AndruMdz


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 11:06 AM

Adoramus is half the damage of Credo and has a cast time. The values on ro2base are inaccurate

oh thats why. thank you :)  i didn't know that 

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#31 Greven79


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 01:49 PM


why everybody max oratio and credo than credo and adoramus i'm just saying this becasue all the build that i see here it just a doubt that i have 'cause i don't have a priest at the moment and i why to know the reason cause i see more damage in the description on credo and adoramus than oration and credo of course i see this on the description of ro2base 'cause like i say i don't have a priest to see this and i want to have one when i can


Current descriptions:


Oratio: 200%. instant cast

Credo: 224%, instant cast, 25m range

Adoramus: 150%, 1.0sec casting time


Since Oratio can be used in combination with Magnus Exorcism and both Oratio & Credo can be casted while running (powerful in WoE), Adoramus is the least appealing. Not exactly "half the damage though.

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#32 Kramore


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Posted 01 October 2014 - 01:34 PM



Just wondering if there is someone who is kind enough to help my priest? I'm a newbie and I'm at abandoned lab trying to get the equips from the cat. Please help me in my quest. T_T


IGN: Kramore

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#33 9632130515120055620


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 04:56 AM

The reasons why no one goes for a Full Support build, I think, are:

1. If it's your main (like me), you screw yourself over trying to farm materials for your sets.

2. No one notices the situational skills, even basic Heal (which I have at level 1), and even if you say it's a lifesaver to raise Heal beyond 1 for me, the application is so limited (i.e. basic Heal has a cast time, ergo you'll rarely save a person with it, you'd probably go High Heal or Colo Heal instead.) that you're basically going to feel the wasted skill points.

Nobody goes support because since AoV's extra skill points all you need to be able to heal as priest is HH and renovatio. Sanctuary isn't needed, assumptio has rare occurences where it really shines and colluceo is pretty much good enough at 1/5. Therefore you have a lot of points to work with, which often goes into credo, oratio, judex, aspersio and RoG since these are the only skills priest needs to be unbeatable in PvP. Doing lots of damage and mass stunning qualifies as "support" if you ask me, and Priest's other option for support are pretty bad (suffragim, angelus, recovery, gloria).


Pre-AoV a priest had to dedicate themself to having PvP qualities or being support, but now they have both.

Edited by 9632130515120055620, 05 October 2014 - 04:58 AM.

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#34 xEnsigN


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 06:57 PM

got a lot of questions in mind so I would greatly appreciate it if someone could provide me with answers...

1) Situation: Osi Dungeon, Clean Osi set with Sinister Element, Archangel activated (maxed), Sacrament 25% buff activated.
    Q? Which of these skill rotations would do the most damage to mummies?
   Asp + Judex(maxed) + Magnus = ?  or  Asp + Magnus + Oratio(maxed) = ?


2) Is it really true Asp(maxed) + judex(maxed) is a spammable stun? maxed aspersio has 10sec cd (lowered with vigor i think) but the problem is you can only replenish holy water with Aqua, and I'm pretty sure I used all my holy waters before it even finished its cd, which I think is a waste, (correct me if I'm wrong here)

3) instead of going for maxed judex for stun prolonged stun and increase number of targets, is it better to get eremes pet to do the stunning and put the points to other skills?

That's all I wish to ask for now, I might have some follow up questions later. I hope someone would take time to read and answer this for me. Thanks ^^

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#35 Greven79


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 04:06 AM

2) Is it really true Asp(maxed) + judex(maxed) is a spammable stun? maxed aspersio has 10sec cd (lowered with vigor i think) but the problem is you can only replenish holy water with Aqua, and I'm pretty sure I used all my holy waters before it even finished its cd, which I think is a waste, (correct me if I'm wrong here)


Given enough vigor, you can also lower the cooldown of Aspersio to better match with the 5sec stun duration. This is one prerequisite of the chain-/perma-stun. In addition, the cooldown of Aqua Benedicta.will also be lower, but what's more important here is the fact that you can pre-cast it to start a fight with 3 stacks of Holy Water. And you can also pre-cast Aspersio to bypass the cooldown a bit.


So all in all, you can first spend the stacks you already have, then recast Aqua Benedicta in between two Judex activations. That gives you up to 6 Holy Water stacks early in the fight without any cooldown issues.


If you've casted Aspersio as well, you're ready for the next activation. So you can first cast Judex and follow with another Aspersio immediately. Then you can wait for the stun to expire and recast Judex. Depending on the cooldown of Aspersio, you might not be able to cast another Aspersio directly thereafter, but it's enough to recast it within the ongoing 5sec. stun. That's why the next Judex will also stun the targets. Ergo: At least an easy 15sec stun.


3) instead of going for maxed judex for stun prolonged stun and increase number of targets, is it better to get eremes pet to do the stunning and put the points to other skills?


Pets can't be used in PvP.

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#36 Rafnex


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 07:10 PM

the MAIN reason why theres no need for a FULL support  priest in the current state of the game is....


"theres no more CHALLENGING raid dungeons avalaible in game" (unlike before CoA H/PVE H/Bapho H will need a full support priest for higher chance of completing it - sanctuary/deluge rotation +15% HP to Raid Group is used to survive the 1hitter AoE of some boss and other utilities like Assumptio/Culloceo is a REALLY life saver that time... example is when Ratmaster hard mode already has 4 cores (120%dmg) you can assumptio the one he Hadoukens so he can survive it)


"PVP is all about 2-3 shotting someone/stunlock til its dead"


back to the topic... as Hybrid yeah just make sure you get the essential heal skills (renovatio lvl3 and HH lvl7-10 is enough for more target affected by it - depends on your preference)


this is my build... just 1 of the examples of a hybrid one


lvl1 Heal - dont really need to max it... with enough vigor Aspersio and HH will be down to 6sec CD (just enough to keep someone alive) - i mainly just use lvl1 Heal to myself to try Activate the 30sec +25% Matk buff from Sacrament)


lvl3 Judex - can stun 10targets with aspersio (very good to use on Major Pulls like grinding in DWL - 10mobs stops hittng the tank for 5sec is a big + survivablity especailly if he pulling whole room in megalith/skell worker spot)


lvl3 Magnus - High dmg% AoE and is spammble


lvl5 Oratio - with aspersio +magnus applies Oratio to 10targets (remember DoTs ignore Defense so priest is actually one of the Best DPS you can get when doin DWL/DWU grind)


lvl 5 Credo and lvl10 Genesis is really optional (if your mostly into PVP then maxing these 2 is great) - dropping this to get more supportive skills is up to you


lvl 5 ArchAngel - A really good booster for MAtk for your DMG and HEALS (about 50sec CD with decent Vigor) this skill very good to stack up with Ymir's Child or the Buff you get from Sacrament


lvl1 meditation - up to you if you max it... but for me lvl1 is enough i still get 26k lvl1 Heal Crits and 60k-70k HH lvl7 Crits ( i heard max HH + Meditaion can do a crit heal 150k+ so it does like 15k HoT with Aspersio)





Edited by Rafnex, 06 October 2014 - 07:12 PM.

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#37 Seanski


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 04:57 AM

Wow nice build. :) I'll consider that... 

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#38 HokaHoka


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Posted 22 February 2015 - 07:53 AM

Bump is Meditatio still broken now?

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