Job Name | Job Grade | Skill Type | Skill Name | Skill Description | Minimum Character Level |
Templar | 1st | Normal Skill | Return | You can only save your Return Point through Ioxenic Registrars near Warp Gates. | 0 |
Templar | 1st | Normal Skill | Elec Bolt | Shoot an electric bolt at the target to inflict elemental damage. | 1 |
Templar | 1st | Normal Skill | Ion Shield | Generate an electric shield around you that will increase Short and Long Range Defense Power. | 1 |
Templar | 1st | Normal Skill | Rejuvenation | Slowly restore your HP with holy power. | 1 |
Templar | 1st | Normal Skill | Concentration | Increase your Maximum MP for a certain period. | 10 |
Templar | 1st | Normal Skill | Elec Twister | Summon a lightning twister around you to inflict Elec damage and shock surrounding enemies. | 10 |
Templar | 1st | Normal Skill | Charged Bolt | Attack the target with a lightning bolt that will continuously shock it with electricity. | 20 |
Templar | 1st | Normal Skill | Divine Protection | Shield the target with electric energy to increase its Short and Long Range Defense Power. | 20 |
Templar | 1st | Normal Skill | Lesser Heal | Restore the target's HP with holy power. | 20 |
Templar | 1st | Normal Skill | Elec Shock | Attack the target with an electric bolt that explodes and electrically shocks enemies in the target's vicinity. | 30 |
Templar | 1st | Normal Skill | Holy Bolt | Shot an electric bolt to deal damages to the target and others around the target, and also decrease their Movement Speed. | 40 |
Templar | 1st | Normal Skill | Resistance (Curse) | Permanently increase your tolerance against the Curse effects. | 40 |
Templar | 1st | Normal Skill | Magic Shield Mastery | Increases block defensive power when magic shield is used | 40 |
Templar | 1st | Normal Skill | Invigoration | Increase the target's HP Recovery for a set duration. | 40 |
Templar | 1st | Normal Skill | Blessed Revelation | Increase the target's MP Recovery for a set duration. | 40 |
Templar | 1st | Normal Skill | Sleep | Cast a magic spell to put the target and enemies in its vicinity to sleep for this skill's duration. The targets may wake up if you attack or approach them too closely. | 43 |
Templar | 1st | DNA Skill | Extended Ion Shield | Increases duration of Ion Shield. | 1 |
Templar | 1st | DNA Skill | Strengthened Rejuvenation | Reduces MP consumption and increases HP Recovery of Rejuvenation. | 1 |
Templar | 1st | DNA Skill | Strengthened Ion Shield | Increases Defense Power of Ion Shield. | 1 |
Templar | 1st | DNA Skill | Strengthened Concentration | Increase Maximum MP by concentrating. | 10 |
Templar | 1st | DNA Skill | Extended Concentration | Increases duration of Concentration. | 10 |
Templar | 1st | DNA Skill | Strengthened Twister | Increases Attack Power of Elec Twister. | 10 |
Templar | 1st | DNA Skill | Extended Elec Twister | Increase Elec Twister's Lightning attack duration. | 10 |
Templar | 1st | DNA Skill | Strengthened Lesser Heal | Increases Recovery of Lesser Heal. | 20 |
Templar | 1st | DNA Skill | Swift Lesser Heal | Reduces Casting Time of Lesser Heal. | 20 |
Templar | 1st | DNA Skill | Moderated Lesser Heal | Reduces MP consumption of Lesser Heal. | 20 |
Templar | 1st | DNA Skill | Potens Elec Shock | Reduces Down Time of Thunder Twister. | 30 |
Tempest | 2nd | Normal Skill | Lightning Restraint | Cast a magical magnetic field on the targeted area to reduce Movement Speed and inflict Elec damage to enemies within the affected area. | 50 |
Tempest | 2nd | Normal Skill | Blessing of Haste | Increase the Party member's Attack Speed for a set duration. | 50 |
Tempest | 2nd | Normal Skill | Glaring Light | Shower the target area with dazzling light that explodes and inflicts damage to enemies within the affected area. | 50 |
Tempest | 2nd | Normal Skill | Magic Weapon Mastery | Hone your Magic Weapon handling skills to permanently increase your Magic Attack Power. | 50 |
Tempest | 2nd | Normal Skill | Weapon of God | Increase the Party Member's Short range Attack Power for a set duration. | 50 |
Tempest | 2nd | Normal Skill | Soul Depuration | Ardently pray to remove all curse effects cast on you. | 50 |
Tempest | 2nd | Normal Skill | Magic Mastery (Elec) | Permanently increase electric skill effects. | 60 |
Tempest | 2nd | Normal Skill | Instant Moving | Instantly teleport to a random spot within this skill's range. | 60 |
Tempest | 2nd | Normal Skill | Godly Mirror | Create a chance of inflicting Elec damage to targets attacking you. | 60 |
Tempest | 2nd | Normal Skill | Holy Light | Cast a blinding light that inflicts continuous damage to enemies within this skill's range. | 60 |
Tempest | 2nd | Normal Skill | Seal of Acceleration | Increase surrounding party members' casting Time. | 80 |
Tempest | 2nd | DNA Skill | Extended Range of Glaring Light | Increase AOE area of Glaring Light | 50 |
Tempest | 2nd | DNA Skill | Extended Lightning Restraint | Increase AOE duration of Lightning Restraint | 50 |
Tempest | 2nd | DNA Skill | Strengthened Weapon of God | Increase Short range attack of Weapon of God | 50 |
Tempest | 2nd | DNA Skill | Magic Weapon Mastery Intensification | Increase elemental damage, when using Magic Weapon Mastery | 50 |
Tempest | 2nd | DNA Skill | Holy Light Intensification | Increase Elec damage, when using Holy Light | 60 |
Tempest | 2nd | DNA Skill | Extended Holy Light | Increase AOE duration of Holy Light | 60 |
Tempest | 2nd | DNA Skill | Extended Godly Mirror | Increases duration of Godly Mirror. | 60 |
Tempest | 2nd | DNA Skill | Accuracy of Godly Mirror | Increases counterattack success rate of Godly Mirror. | 60 |
Tempest | 2nd | DNA Skill | Magic Mastery(Elec) Intensification | Increase Elec damage, when using Magic Mastery (Elec) | 60 |
Tempest | 2nd | DNA Skill | Swift Instant Moving | Shorten the casting time of Instant Moving | 60 |
Radiant | 2nd | Normal Skill | Lesser Party Heal | Restore your Party Member's HP with holy power. | 50 |
Radiant | 2nd | Normal Skill | Survival Instinct | Permanently increase your Short and Long Range Defense Power. | 50 |
Radiant | 2nd | Normal Skill | Moderate Heal | Restore the target's HP with holy power. | 50 |
Radiant | 2nd | Normal Skill | Divine Protection | Increase your entire party's Defense Power for a set duration. | 50 |
Radiant | 2nd | Normal Skill | Salvation | Resurrect the target, reviving him on his current location. | 50 |
Radiant | 2nd | Normal Skill | Mana Shield | Shield yourself with magic energy so that you consume MP instead of HP while increasing your maximum MP. | 60 |
Radiant | 2nd | Normal Skill | Restoration | Remove party members' Curses through devoted praying. | 60 |
Radiant | 2nd | Normal Skill | Hush | Seal the target's mouth to temporarily inhibit its magic casting. Skills that are not reliant on magic can still be used. | 60 |
Radiant | 2nd | Normal Skill | Moderate Party Heal | Increase the HP of surrounding Party Members with holy power. | 60 |
Radiant | 2nd | Normal Skill | Divine Cleansing | Cure party members with negative status(Paralysis, Sleep, Fear, Halt, Slow) according to certain rate. | 80 |
Radiant | 2nd | DNA Skill | Strengthened Divine Protection | Increase Short/Long range physical protection of Divine Protection | 50 |
Radiant | 2nd | DNA Skill | Strengthened Lesser Party Heal | Increases HP Recovery of Lesser Party Heal. | 50 |
Radiant | 2nd | DNA Skill | Long Range Moderate Heal | Increase effective range of Moderate Party Heal | 50 |
Radiant | 2nd | DNA Skill | Swift Salvation | Shorten the casting time of Salvation | 50 |
Radiant | 2nd | DNA Skill | Strengthened Survival Instinct | Increases the Defense Power of Survival Instinct. | 50 |
Radiant | 2nd | DNA Skill | Long Range Moderate Party Heal | Increase effective range of Moderate Party Heal | 60 |
Radiant | 2nd | DNA Skill | Swift Hush | Reduce Down Time of Restoration | 60 |
Radiant | 2nd | DNA Skill | Swift Hush | Reduce Casting Time of Hush | 63 |
Radiant | 2nd | DNA Skill | Swift Mana Shield | Shorten the casting time of Mana Shield | 60 |
Radiant | 2nd | DNA Skill | Potens Restoration | Reduce Down Time of Restoration | 60 |
Radiant | 2nd | DNA Skill | Mana Shield Intensification | Increase Maximum MP while shielding yourself in Mana. | 60 |

Skill Descriptions for Templar, Tempest and Radiant
Started by
, May 07 2014 12:16 PM
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Posted 07 May 2014 - 12:16 PM
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