coming back what class should I play? - Visitors - WarpPortal Community Forums

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coming back what class should I play?

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#1 Valtarius


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Posted 06 August 2014 - 07:17 PM

Hi, I just started playing rose again. I haven't played ever since Rose came out in its earliest years. My things have changed! I need some nostalgia so I decided this game. I used to play the dealer class, muse and hawker. ALOT of things have changed by the looks of it. I need a like a lot of information cause i have no clue what to do anymore. Does anyone have some insight in what has changed in a brief summary maybe? I am thinking of playing a xbow knight because I have never played the soldier class yet and I am wandering how good it is. What is its pros and cons. Any builds to recommend? I will most likely be pveing a lot maybe with a full support cleric or just solo. Since im new any guild want to invite me cause this game feels dead in starting levels. I need someone to talk to xD. Thanks! 

Edited by Valtarius, 06 August 2014 - 07:17 PM.

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#2 Valtarius


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Posted 07 August 2014 - 09:48 PM

I guess I shouldn't community seems dead

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#3 HoneyBunz


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Posted 07 August 2014 - 11:27 PM

I think a post like this would get more replies if it was in the regular part of this section of the forum as opposed to the visitor part of class discussions. Ask a mod to move it for you or maybe just make a new topic here  (the main part, which is below the sub-forums) or even here


It sounds like you last played Rose before it went evo. I'm pretty new here too- came from another server that was classic Rose so I can sympathize with your confusion on what to do and where to start. It would be impossible to give a "brief" summary of changes that have happened over several years but reading topics here at the forum really helped me and my friends start to understand everything better. There is a lot of information here if you look around. You can always pm one of the class representatives for the jobs you are wondering about.  Here is a link to the list of those people  http://forums.warppo...out-your-class/  One important thing if you plan to make a fs cleric- charm is more important than int when it comes to strong buffs. Yes, I did say charm :P


You didn't mention which server you are on but if you're on Draconis, feel free to add me in-game ign HoneyBuns. I'd be glad to share my limited knowledge with you. Please don't be discouraged. This community is very friendly and helpful. I think some old time players are just a bit preoccupied atm with some recent changes in the trading system so don't be upset that no one replied to you yet.  I am really enjoying playing here, and I hope you will too. Just have an open mind to learning a new way to play Rose and you will do fine. 


Gotta head to bed now- it's late here. See you ^^

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