This is a continuation of this thread in the proper section.
Once again with the new guardian and emp changes, it's proving that defending has oh-so-many advantages over offense. I really would like to say "wp guild X" but at the moment it is "wp guardians and mortar spam" on a level which is as bad as TF2's dustbowl map. East and west forts consist of a one-entrance choke full of mortar spam and guardians that can't be brought out far enough to kill otherwise they reset. In the latest WoE I was up on the balcony clearing the endless mortars when I was attacked by two KZ -- both died with little of my HP gone, only for me to get two-shotted by a guardian archer (checked combat logs to confirm). This pales in comparison to the leader who has a ton more health and can 2-shot/knock down an entire raid due to AoE. Nobody needs to defend, the guardians in lag do it for you, the added mortar spam on top makes it truly impossible to do, and thus WoE is going to get stagnated with no forts or castles being swapped around. it's not PvP anymore, it's PvE.
Some suggestions:
- Tone down the guardians in both health and damage, or even better just remove them. We don't even need to defend anything as an offense team because we're confident the guardians will just do it all for us -- that and the gate health gives us a year to give a damn about it and finally decide to go clear people out.
- Bring back base buffs to super-charge a guild for a push on a fort/the castle and actually give them an advantage.
- East and west forts have a single choke point which can be spammed by mortars and the clustered guardians inside make it impossible to push. Open up more access points to the fort so defense groups have to plan and spread their forces while offense groups can try pushing in different methods.
- Mortar silence should not last as long as it does / there should be a limit to how many mortars a guild can place. There's no denying mortars are the premier siege weapon right now and are likely too strong.
tl;dr make WoE PvP and not PvE. I hope I'm not the only one here who is realizing how broken defending is compared to attacking and that WoE is going to stagnate with nothing ever happening with stalemate standoffs.
Edited by 9632130515120055620, 28 August 2014 - 05:34 PM.