lol, that 2 class are very OP in duels. they can even defeat higher levels any class even tankers with no sweat. WTF hahaha..

SM and Cres too OP in a Duel
Posted 22 December 2014 - 09:07 AM
Broken mechanics? I've yet to pvp once and already I know the classes inside and out. Rogues have a major hand in DPS, but once they're out of hiding they're pinatas. Same with Assassins.. If an Assassin is dumb enough to spec for his/her speed and shadowform. You'll hear the footsteps louder then a shadow form pop. Knights can be some amazing damage soakers, Warriors and Bears too. All three can rock DPS but have to make some real sacrifice to do it. Priests have the highest sacrifice to make. It's either insane DPS or insane HPS. ML7 healer spec priest and I've dueled a few ML30s, it's not until my mana drips do they have any chance to break my heals, this would be infinitely worse at ML30. Monks I'm not all that sure about to where they stand, but their dps I would rate it under warriors. SMs and Cres, dot, dot, dot...That class just needs a stun and one single debuff removal from a priest and they're as good as dead, they're the bane though to all Rogues, Assassins and Rangers. If I have to worry about any class in PvP it's a Cres for the DoTs, Rangers for the jumping and kiting, and Priests heals. Yes I know I haven't spoken about Wizards and Sorcs..What's to talk about? High DPS, low DoTs and as squishy as they come.
If you think the class is so "overpowered" use your mind and roll the class to find it's flaws like the pros do. Knowing is half the battle, and if you're the priding idiot who won't come out of the pantry to check out the classes..Well you're a stuck man with your ass in jam.
The wolf goes arroo.
The gun goes bang.
Sarah Palin goes vote for me as president.
The PvPer goes the PvP is unbalance and broken and/or hacks used.
Edited by 3212141213222053760, 22 December 2014 - 09:11 AM.
Posted 22 December 2014 - 05:07 PM
Broken mechanics? I've yet to pvp once and already I know the classes inside and out. Rogues have a major hand in DPS, but once they're out of hiding they're pinatas. Same with Assassins.. If an Assassin is dumb enough to spec for his/her speed and shadowform. You'll hear the footsteps louder then a shadow form pop. Knights can be some amazing damage soakers, Warriors and Bears too. All three can rock DPS but have to make some real sacrifice to do it. Priests have the highest sacrifice to make. It's either insane DPS or insane HPS. ML7 healer spec priest and I've dueled a few ML30s, it's not until my mana drips do they have any chance to break my heals, this would be infinitely worse at ML30. Monks I'm not all that sure about to where they stand, but their dps I would rate it under warriors. SMs and Cres, dot, dot, dot...That class just needs a stun and one single debuff removal from a priest and they're as good as dead, they're the bane though to all Rogues, Assassins and Rangers. If I have to worry about any class in PvP it's a Cres for the DoTs, Rangers for the jumping and kiting, and Priests heals. Yes I know I haven't spoken about Wizards and Sorcs..What's to talk about? High DPS, low DoTs and as squishy as they come.
If you think the class is so "overpowered" use your mind and roll the class to find it's flaws like the pros do. Knowing is half the battle, and if you're the priding idiot who won't come out of the pantry to check out the classes..Well you're a stuck man with your ass in jam.
The wolf goes arroo.
The gun goes bang.
Sarah Palin goes vote for me as president.
The PvPer goes the PvP is unbalance and broken and/or hacks used.
Cannot tell if troll or retarded. I'm pretty sure you have been fighting -_-ty/ungeared players regardless their ML. To argue about balance you need to be at least experienced on WoE/Colosseum. I guess you're a Soulmaker assuming about Rogues/Assassins like the guy(s) you fought were like any other one.
Go WoE/Colosseum check the reality.
Posted 22 December 2014 - 05:47 PM
Broken mechanics? I've yet to pvp once and already I know the classes inside and out. Rogues have a major hand in DPS, but once they're out of hiding they're pinatas. Same with Assassins.. If an Assassin is dumb enough to spec for his/her speed and shadowform. You'll hear the footsteps louder then a shadow form pop. Knights can be some amazing damage soakers, Warriors and Bears too. All three can rock DPS but have to make some real sacrifice to do it. Priests have the highest sacrifice to make. It's either insane DPS or insane HPS. ML7 healer spec priest and I've dueled a few ML30s, it's not until my mana drips do they have any chance to break my heals, this would be infinitely worse at ML30. Monks I'm not all that sure about to where they stand, but their dps I would rate it under warriors. SMs and Cres, dot, dot, dot...That class just needs a stun and one single debuff removal from a priest and they're as good as dead, they're the bane though to all Rogues, Assassins and Rangers. If I have to worry about any class in PvP it's a Cres for the DoTs, Rangers for the jumping and kiting, and Priests heals. Yes I know I haven't spoken about Wizards and Sorcs..What's to talk about? High DPS, low DoTs and as squishy as they come.
If you think the class is so "overpowered" use your mind and roll the class to find it's flaws like the pros do. Knowing is half the battle, and if you're the priding idiot who won't come out of the pantry to check out the classes..Well you're a stuck man with your ass in jam.
The wolf goes arroo.
The gun goes bang.
Sarah Palin goes vote for me as president.
The PvPer goes the PvP is unbalance and broken and/or hacks used.
Perhaps you have not met an above average monk / knight too, if you're able to outheal their attacks ML 7 vs ML 30.
Posted 23 December 2014 - 05:22 AM
Coloseum is a rather bad testing ground: No real green seed / hone / vigor abusal, maybe full CLS rune potential and still pre-AoV gear stats. In addition, Colo is about picking out easy & fast kills in a rather limited arena. But it's still better than - or at least different to - a duel. WoE might be the most appropriate one, because it's more challenging to test your character in a full scale war. In duels, you just have to worry to get your combo going. During WoE, you also have to worry about unfavorable numbers, being ganged or interrupted, about lags, etc.
In a duel, a Rogue might eventually kill a BM thanks to the fracture debuff and because the BM won't reposition himself. But I doubt that he can do so during WoE. The same way, you'll learn that Assassins and Rogues are freaky overpowered and annoying, because they can choose freely when and whom to fight. They'll surely have enough meat-bags to distract their foes. So they can just pick out weaker classes (or characters that are known to have no power seeds) or wait until an enemy has made his opening move or is otherwise distracted and take him down thereafter.
Yep, Priest & Crecentia DoTs might be really annoying.... their damage is just insane. But they don't kill you instantly (like a Rage Strike or Cross Impact does). So you still have time to use pots to delay your doom or to survive it somehow.
Edited by Greven79, 23 December 2014 - 05:38 AM.
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