About The Guild
Spraaak! – A word that serves like a filler, it has no definite meaning like a blank tile in Scrabble.
The guild started in pRO (Philippine Ragnarok Online) as one of the few guilds that has a strict fair gaming policy and somehow rose up to become a decent WoE guild that can give bigger guilds a run for their money in WoE. We are trying to establish ourselves here in iRO as a Tagalog-speaking casual guild that aims to play fair and have fun.
Leader: Lyrage
Timezone: Most of us are +8 GMT but there are also a few that live in the US/Middle East that you can play with.
Language: Tagalog (We can communicate in English but we prefer to feel at home when in the guild.)
No cheaters allowed! That includes botting, bugging, and other illegal modifications of the game.
No level/equipment/experience/class requirements. Everyone’s welcome! Let’s get crazy, peeps.
Basic courtesy. Let’s not make the game stressful to other players.
Must be able to interact w/ others. We don't see the point of a soloist joining a group. Everyone in the guild will be assessing a new applicant's behavior for a month, failing the assessment may get you expelled.
Facebook Group (optional). We have a Facebook group where people get the option to access after they finish their probation period.
Discord. We are currently using it. Any member can join on our server.
Lyrage's Announcement Corner
We are now on Discord! PM me for invites.
For invites and further questions, you can leave a post, PM me here in the forums, or contact any Spraaak! guild member you see in-game. Thanks!
Edited by Lyrage, 28 September 2016 - 06:06 AM.