I would just like to ask for opinions on my skill build for a PvE grind type Assassin. This build has no purchased skill points from the ML points yet.
Notes: (Please share your opinion)
Mark of Genocide - Due to patch 08/20/2014 this has been buffed to 10% crit so i decided to max it out
Cross Impact - Due to patch 08/20/2014 the damage has been up'd to 700% at max level making it a high damaging skill if coupled with Hiding
Double Attack - Left it at level 1 since I won't be relying on it's damage much and it's sole purpose is for when my skills are on cooldown.
Shadow Fiend - Left it at level 1 for now since I need to max other skills and 4% proc rate should be enough for the meantime?
Hiding - Maxed it since level 1 makes me move sluggish. What do you think? Sacrifice Dagger Throw and Poisoning Weapon for this.
Shadow Assault - Left this out since the Fall effect doesn't really work on Boss type monsters and it tends to bug me by making me unable to use skills or move at all.
Shadow Fang or Shadow Armor - I mostly run with a Party when grinding at ML. I'm just not sure whther a level 1 Shadow Fang will benefit me more or a level 1 Shadow Armor?