Cake Party.
We are a bunch of Friendly people who want to get the most out of this server, if you want to join or apply feel free to pm our Council - FenneLLeaf - Fiuids - Diets0da - Finestarts - Imube
Main goals - WoE Focus this is our Priority and also to have fun an work together AWH SO NICE!
What we want - We want active players who can speak decent English. But we accept all languages
Requirements - ML20+ With the will to grind to atleast ML30 and 35. All classes are wanted currently!
What we have - We have a Castle and a Fortress! which gives us 15% movement speed and 1000 more hp.
WoE: We currently own one fortress and a Castle
Information about Cakeparty.
Founders = Fluidz - Sageleaf - Gottalongsword - Prinsloo - Dietsoda - Radke
Guildleader of 2014 was Fluids but he stopped playing and passed to Dietsoda
Guildleader of 2015 is Diets0da
Screenshots of guild - MORE images coming soon! -
Group Stuff
Edited by Fluidz, 20 February 2015 - 01:47 AM.