[ 11/19 - 11/25 ] Weekly Ralis Conundrum! #14: Missing Monster - Conundrum event archive - WarpPortal Community Forums

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[ 11/19 - 11/25 ] Weekly Ralis Conundrum! #14: Missing Monster

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#1 Ralis


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Posted 18 November 2014 - 03:09 PM

SmokieIdea_zps9afed806.pngThe Ralis ConundrumSmokieConfused_zps942a489a.png


Welcome to the Ralis Conundrum!


Every Wednesday, at some varying point of the day, I'll be posting some sort of weekly challenge for you to figure out. Each week brings a new puzzle: it may be a math problem, a riddle or something else entirely. Whatever it may be, you'll have to use a little (or a lot of) brain power to figure it out. These puzzles may require knowledge outside of Ragnarok! Anyone is capable of finding the answer, but I cannot guarantee you will always know what to do if you have little to no understanding of Ragnarok, computers, math, science, etc.


The competition is open to both servers! Chaos Renewal and Classic Loki players may both enter their answers. It may help you to know, then, that the answer to each challenge will be something that can be found by players of both servers.


Correct answers may win a prize at the end of the week. However, only a certain number of prizes can be given out and all correct answers are entered into the prize pool. Please do not try and use multiple accounts to get better odds! We check account connections. If you're caught doing this, you will be automatically disqualified from present and future competitions... Including OTHER events on the forums as well.


Correct answers that are not chosen for the weekly prize will gain points depending on how many people get the correct answer! When you've saved up 20 points (points will be kept track in the 3rd post of each thread), you can PM me any time during the week to trade your points in for the current week's prize. You may only trade in points once a week for a single prize, so keep that in mind if you're trying to save up for a "better" prize. Winners of the weekly prize may PM me by the end of the week to opt out of the weekly prize, instead receiving the amount of points awarded as a participation prize for that week, up to a maximum of 20.


Please keep in mind that the theme for each week is not always a factor in figuring out the puzzle. This does not mean that it will never have an impact, but rather that you should not assume that you must travel to a location or that the answer must fit the theme given in that week's conundrum.


Please do not post or PM your answers. Use the link below the challenge to submit answers!


You may freely adjust your entry until each week's deadline.


Helpful links:


iRO Wiki

iRO Wiki Renewal Database

iRO Wiki Classic Database



I don't consider search engines cheating. You will never find the answer directly, but always use your resources!


Please be cautious when asking questions about the puzzle of the week on the forums as they could end up being hints for others. You are always welcome to PM me with any questions you may have.




SmokieIdea_zps9afed806.pngThis Week's ChallengeSmokieConfused_zps942a489a.png

Week 14: Missing Monster [ 11/19 - 11/25 ]




What monster comes next in the above list?


Click Here To Submit Your Answer


This week's prize:

+9 Rideword Hat


The competition ends Tuesday, November 25th at 11:59 PM PST! Good luck!



Edited by Ralis, 18 November 2014 - 11:27 PM.

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#2 Ralis


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Posted 18 November 2014 - 03:19 PM

SmokieIdea_zps9afed806.pngLast Week's ChallengeSmokieConfused_zps942a489a.png

Week 13: Mountains to Molehills [ 11/12 - 11/18 ]




While trekking over Mt. Mjolnir, you stumble upon the home of a very crazy hermit. There's a storm brewing, and you need shelter, but he refuses to open the door unless you can solve his riddle.


"The clue's in the title! Answer my question and I shall let you in. BweeHEEhawHEEHEEbweeHA!*"


*This is my best attempt at translating his laugh. It's just too crazy to put into words. I seriously don't know why you'd want to share a cabin with this dude... I think I'd rather brave the storm, but whatever. He'll probably give you a reward if you get the answer right.


A page from what looks to be Chef King Orleans Vol. 1 is slipped under the door, along with a note with a slew of numbers written all over it:


3 1 4 1
4 2 12 5
4 4 4 3
2 3 9 2
3 5 3 1
4 2 7 6
3 1 4 1
2 3 1 5
1 2 12 6
3 4 5 5
4 1 13 4
4 1 1 1
4 1 1 2
2 2 2 1
4 4 13 3
1 1 11 1
3 3 9 4
1 2 1 4
3 2 15 2
4 1 2 2
1 1 4 8
3 2 1 1
4 1 7 2
4 1 3 11
2 1 2 5
1 3 2 2
3 4 10 3
4 4 9 10
4 1 5 4
3 3 14 1
4 4 4 3
2 1 14 7
1 1 1 1


What is the answer to the crazy hermit's question?


Last week's prize:

Adventurer's Trusty Towel [1]




SmokieIdea_zps9afed806.pngThe SolutionSmokieConfused_zps942a489a.png


The answer is Hugel.


3 1 4 1 = W
4 2 12 5 = H
4 4 4 3 = A
2 3 9 2 = T
3 5 3 1 = T
4 2 7 6 = O
3 1 4 1 = W
2 3 1 5 = N
1 2 12 6 = I
3 4 5 5 = S
4 1 13 4 = K
4 1 1 1 = N
4 1 1 2 = O
2 2 2 1 = W
4 4 13 3 = N
1 1 11 1 = A
3 3 9 4 = S
1 2 1 4 = T
3 2 15 2 = H
4 1 2 2 = E
1 1 4 8 = G
3 2 1 1 = A
4 1 7 2 = R
4 1 3 11 = D
2 1 2 5 = E
1 3 2 2 = N
3 4 10 3 = V
4 4 9 10 = I
4 1 5 4 = L
3 3 14 1 = L
4 4 4 3 = A
2 1 14 7 = G
1 1 1 1
= E


The numbers for each line help you find a specific letter from the page. The hint the crazy hermit gave you referred not to the name of the book, but to the title of this week's Conundrum: Mountains to Molehills. How he knows what the title of the Conundrum is, I don't know... but it points to the fact that the first number is the largest thing on the page, progressing down to the smallest. As such, you should read the numbers like this:


Paragraph, Line, Word, Character


When you've figured out all the letters, they spell out WHAT TOWN IS KNOWN AS THE GARDEN VILLAGE, and the answer can be found on your world map: Hugel!


There were 63 correct answers this week (I just can't stump you all...), and the five winners are:

hakkun, teepomonkey, Digs, Limitbutt and Xellie!



Everyone else that answered correctly but did not get selected for the weekly prize have earned 2 points this week!


Your prize will (eventually) be mailed to or in the inventory of the character you listed on the answer page. If you would like to opt to not receive this week's prize and instead receive points equal to the participation prize, please PM me before the end of the week.


Please note: the two-week guarantee thing wasn't working too well as Oda has a lot of other responsibilities that come before getting prizes out. I will try to post in the current week's thread what prizes have been given out, but please be aware that you will get your prizes eventually, it just might take a few weeks. If I've posted that prizes for the week you won have been given out and you don't have yours, then THAT would be the time to PM Oda or I. Sorry about the inconvenience!



Edited by Ralis, 18 November 2014 - 11:29 PM.

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#3 Ralis


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Posted 18 November 2014 - 03:29 PM



These are the points players have earned so far. If you do not want your points displayed, PM me and I will keep track of them privately.





SmokieIdea_zps9afed806.pngThis Week's BirthdaysSmokieConfused_zps942a489a.png


Happy Birthday to the Following Players:


19 Defstatic
21 Hellbent
22 iZola
23 DiegoTDH (Diego~)
24 NatoKenichi
24 Hellmasker
25 Shanden





Week 13: Mountains to Molehills [ 11/12 - 11/18 ]

Week 12: Wheel Difficult [ 11/5 - 11/11 ]

Week 11: Nightmare on Elf Street [ 10/29 - 11/4 ]

Week 10: Ice Bin Challenge [ 10/22 - 10/28 ]

Week 9: Paradox [ 10/15 - 10/21 ]

Week 8: Scavenger Hunt [ 10/8 - 10/14 ]

Week 7: Pyramid Scheme [ 10/1 - 10/7 ]

Week 6: Where in the World [ 9/24 - 9/30 ]

Week 5: Trouble With Tiles [ 9/17 - 9/23 ]

Week 4: A Colorful Conundrum [ 9/10 - 9/16 ]

Week 3: Unlock the Safe [ 9/3 - 9/9 ]

Week 2: As The Kasa Flies [ 8/27 - 9/2 ]

Week 1: Mystery Picture [ 8/20 - 8/26 ]



Edited by Ralis, 19 November 2014 - 07:31 AM.

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#4 Ralis


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Posted 18 November 2014 - 11:28 PM



1. Prizes may be subject to change. I'm running out of ideas for prizes and trying to get creative... Things may not always work out since I've had minimal contact with the CMs lately regarding what can and can't be given out. That being said, please feel free to suggest prizes you'd like to see in the future.


2. I'm considering offering the participation points for the most ridiculous answer of the week (this week saw quite a few answers that made me laugh) to encourage people to submit answers even if they're stumped. I have other motivations behind this, such as wanting to see just how many people are attempting the puzzle but getting stumped to really judge how difficult it was.


3. When I'm tallying up points it's usually pretty late and it's definitely possible that I might make a mistake. If you think your points are wrong, feel free to PM me so I can review them. Also, please let me know if I put you in the wrong bracket (if it lists you as having 7 points and you're down in the 5 point area, for instance) or if I have your name down in two separate places so I can fix those mistakes.


4. IMPORTANT: You MUST fill out all information on the survey page for me to count your answer. Please do not leave your forum name off or write something generic such as "Anonymous". If you wish to remain anonymous, please PM me and I will keep track of your points privately! If this was you this week, please PM me on your forum account with the character name you put in the survey so I can count your points!

Edited by Ralis, 19 November 2014 - 12:04 AM.

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#5 ZeroTigress


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Posted 18 November 2014 - 11:36 PM

Are you sure those are all the right monsters?
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#6 Ralis


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Posted 18 November 2014 - 11:55 PM

Yes I am~

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#7 sb120495


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 01:07 AM

You're not making it more difficult Ralis.If these many people win every time it becomes more luck based than skill based.

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#8 Saffire


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 01:42 AM

"How he knows what the title of the Conundrum is, I don't know"




This is precisely why I took the hint "The hint is in the title" as the title of the book, not the title of the conundrum.

And thus stuck in that chain of thought to relate it somehow to the title of the book plus the numbers behind.

I actually thought there was meaning to the numbers 1 7/12 in the book title lol.


Because no matter how u look at it, how would the hermit (who is a character in the conundrum) know the title of the conundrum?

It's like a storybook character knowing the title of the story he's in. XD


Ah well, congrats to the people who did figure it out!

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#9 duomaxie


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 02:09 AM

"How he knows what the title of the Conundrum is, I don't know"




This is precisely why I took the hint "The hint is in the title" as the title of the book, not the title of the conundrum.

And thus stuck in that chain of thought to relate it somehow to the title of the book plus the numbers behind.

I actually thought there was meaning to the numbers 1 7/12 in the book title lol.


Because no matter how u look at it, how would the hermit (who is a character in the conundrum) know the title of the conundrum?

It's like a storybook character knowing the title of the story he's in. XD


Ah well, congrats to the people who did figure it out!


And as you can see, 63 people got it right. So, I guess that makes the rest of us look, meh, not so smart. :D


Oh well, I guess I didn't got deep enough into the puzzle...grats to those that figured it out :D

Edited by duomaxie, 19 November 2014 - 02:09 AM.

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#10 Necrohealiac


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 06:09 AM

it took me a bit to get last week's puzzle; i was making it way too convoluted.


@Ralis, do you have the latest status on which week's rewards have been given out?



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#11 Ralis


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 07:30 AM

AFAIK Ice Cream Hats still have not gone out...

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#12 Necrohealiac


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 07:32 AM


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#13 darkabe


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 07:46 AM

Just to be sure we're looking for the mob that comes after the ancient mummy, right?

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#14 Inruko


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 08:28 AM

"How he knows what the title of the Conundrum is, I don't know"




This is precisely why I took the hint "The hint is in the title" as the title of the book, not the title of the conundrum.

And thus stuck in that chain of thought to relate it somehow to the title of the book plus the numbers behind.

I actually thought there was meaning to the numbers 1 7/12 in the book title lol.


Because no matter how u look at it, how would the hermit (who is a character in the conundrum) know the title of the conundrum?

It's like a storybook character knowing the title of the story he's in. XD


Ah well, congrats to the people who did figure it out!


Me too! How would the hermit know the title of the conundrum? So I searched the meaning of 7/12. But yeah.. 63 people figured it out.

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#15 Necrohealiac


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 08:32 AM

i actually asked ralis the same question in PM after solving the puzzle...I wasn't sure how chef orleans pertained to the answer i came up with :3

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#16 renouille


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 08:33 AM

But yeah.. 63 people figured it out.

Lucky guess.
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#17 Ralis


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 10:22 AM

Yes, I want the name of the monster that would be next in the sequence after the Ancient Mummy.
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#18 KirinKishi808


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 11:41 AM

Just wondering, how many people will actually get the rideword hat? About the past riddle, how does the phrase; Mountains to Molehills hinted that it was Hugel?

This week title is Missing Monster, good luck finding that out :p_conf:

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#19 sb120495


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 11:46 AM

5 Winners every week.

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#20 Necrohealiac


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 11:47 AM

at first i was also confused that the mountains to molehills referred to hugel as well and started trying to find pictures of the town on the internets.  however, what Ralis was referring to is that the code goes from large to small. 


you start at the paragraph level (hence the first number only goes from 1-4), then go to line level (1-5), then the word in the line, and finally the character in the word.


hence, mountains to molehills.


@sb120495, i believe he's wondering how many winners would actually opt for that prize.  i'd say it depends on how many people get it right overall.  i'd value a +9 RWH over 2 pts, but would definitely pass on it if i could get 20 pts instead.

Edited by Necrohealiac, 19 November 2014 - 12:50 PM.

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#21 Viri


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 02:37 PM

This one was annoying as hell i h8 u

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#22 Saffire


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 05:08 PM

Lol i guess some ppl were mislead by the previous one. Even the title Chef King Orleans Vol 1. was underlined so i guess that added to the misleading hints.


Just feedback :P

Edited by Saffire, 19 November 2014 - 05:09 PM.

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#23 Ralis


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 05:13 PM

Misleading is good. I want you to think from all angles and try every possibility. :)

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#24 KriticalAssassin


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 05:16 PM

My answer for last week was "heck"

I used the title "Chef King Orleans Vol. 1"

the only number in the list that made an actual word was 2 3 1 5

I got it by using what number each letter of the title was

h = 2

e = 3

c = 1

k = 5


So I had the right idea but I used the wrong title and it only involved letters of the title of the page given. I could have been right too =\ Next time that dang hermit should actually propose the question in the riddle :(


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#25 Necrohealiac


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 05:18 PM

i was reading up on book ciphers last week...it at least pointed me in the right direction :P

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