[ 11/26 - 12/2 ] Weekly Ralis Conundrum! #15: Primal Instinct - Conundrum event archive - WarpPortal Community Forums

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[ 11/26 - 12/2 ] Weekly Ralis Conundrum! #15: Primal Instinct

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#1 Ralis


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Posted 25 November 2014 - 11:12 PM

SmokieIdea_zps9afed806.pngThe Ralis ConundrumSmokieConfused_zps942a489a.png


Welcome to the Ralis Conundrum!


Every Wednesday, at some varying point of the day, I'll be posting some sort of weekly challenge for you to figure out. Each week brings a new puzzle: it may be a math problem, a riddle or something else entirely. Whatever it may be, you'll have to use a little (or a lot of) brain power to figure it out. These puzzles may require knowledge outside of Ragnarok! Anyone is capable of finding the answer, but I cannot guarantee you will always know what to do if you have little to no understanding of Ragnarok, computers, math, science, etc.


The competition is open to both servers! Chaos Renewal and Classic Loki players may both enter their answers. It may help you to know, then, that the answer to each challenge will be something that can be found by players of both servers.


Correct answers may win a prize at the end of the week. However, only a certain number of prizes can be given out and all correct answers are entered into the prize pool. Please do not try and use multiple accounts to get better odds! We check account connections. If you're caught doing this, you will be automatically disqualified from present and future competitions... Including OTHER events on the forums as well.


Correct answers that are not chosen for the weekly prize will gain points depending on how many people get the correct answer! When you've saved up 20 points (points will be kept track in the 3rd post of each thread), you can PM me any time during the week to trade your points in for the current week's prize. You may only trade in points once a week for a single prize, so keep that in mind if you're trying to save up for a "better" prize. Winners of the weekly prize may PM me by the end of the week to opt out of the weekly prize, instead receiving the amount of points awarded as a participation prize for that week, up to a maximum of 20.


Please keep in mind that the theme for each week is not always a factor in figuring out the puzzle. This does not mean that it will never have an impact, but rather that you should not assume that you must travel to a location or that the answer must fit the theme given in that week's conundrum.


Please do not post or PM your answers. Use the link below the challenge to submit answers!


You may freely adjust your entry until each week's deadline.


Helpful links:


iRO Wiki

iRO Wiki Renewal Database

iRO Wiki Classic Database



I don't consider search engines cheating. You will never find the answer directly, but always use your resources!


Please be cautious when asking questions about the puzzle of the week on the forums as they could end up being hints for others. You are always welcome to PM me with any questions you may have.




SmokieIdea_zps9afed806.pngThis Week's ChallengeSmokieConfused_zps942a489a.png

Week 15: Primal Instinct [ 11/26 - 12/2 ]




Happy Thanksgiving everyone! This week, I'd like you to give in to your darker temptations and kill something (within the game, please). No, it's not a Turpeco... But it is a monster that exists somewhere in Rune-Midgarts. Do it for me. Do it for yourself. Maybe you'll get a card... Who knows?


Anyway, I'll give you the above grid to ponder over. If you can do it right, the answer should be pretty clear.


What monster do you need to kill?


Click Here To Submit Your Answer


This week's prize:

Safe to 10 Certificate x2


The competition ends Tuesday, December 2nd at 11:59 PM PST! Good luck!



Edited by Ralis, 25 November 2014 - 11:39 PM.

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#2 Ralis


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Posted 25 November 2014 - 11:30 PM

SmokieIdea_zps9afed806.pngLast Week's ChallengeSmokieConfused_zps942a489a.png

Week 14: Missing Monster [ 11/19 - 11/25 ]




What monster comes next in the above list?


Last week's prize:

+9 Rideword Hat




SmokieIdea_zps9afed806.pngThe SolutionSmokieConfused_zps942a489a.png


The answer is Succubus.




The monsters are arranged in order as they are found against the back wall of the Monster Laboratory in Juno.


Um... Yeah. Not much explanation needed, really. Pretty simple once you figured it out.


There were 41 correct answers this week, and the five winners are:

Hakkun, darkabe, 9277131207032800707 (aka NoZenyNoLife), imiro and duomaxie!

Congratulations! (Especially to Hakkun, whom the RNG picked first two weeks in a row...)


Everyone else that answered correctly but did not get selected for the weekly prize have earned 2 points this week!


Your prize will (eventually) be mailed to or in the inventory of the character you listed on the answer page. If you would like to opt to not receive this week's prize and instead receive points equal to the participation prize, please PM me before the end of the week.


Please note: the two-week guarantee thing wasn't working too well as Oda has a lot of other responsibilities that come before getting prizes out. I will try to post in the current week's thread what prizes have been given out, but please be aware that you will get your prizes eventually, it just might take a few weeks. If I've posted that prizes for the week you won have been given out and you don't have yours, then THAT would be the time to PM Oda or I. Sorry about the inconvenience!



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#3 Ralis


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Posted 25 November 2014 - 11:33 PM



These are the points players have earned so far. If you do not want your points displayed, PM me and I will keep track of them privately.





SmokieIdea_zps9afed806.pngThis Week's BirthdaysSmokieConfused_zps942a489a.png


Happy Birthday to the Following Players:


26 HayrohsLegacy
26 Tsurugi
26 littlechiyo
29 tatihana00
01 Sera

02 LawrenzTyr18






Week 14: Missing Monster [ 11/19 - 11/25 ]

Week 13: Mountains to Molehills [ 11/12 - 11/18 ]

Week 12: Wheel Difficult [ 11/5 - 11/11 ]

Week 11: Nightmare on Elf Street [ 10/29 - 11/4 ]

Week 10: Ice Bin Challenge [ 10/22 - 10/28 ]

Week 9: Paradox [ 10/15 - 10/21 ]

Week 8: Scavenger Hunt [ 10/8 - 10/14 ]

Week 7: Pyramid Scheme [ 10/1 - 10/7 ]

Week 6: Where in the World [ 9/24 - 9/30 ]

Week 5: Trouble With Tiles [ 9/17 - 9/23 ]

Week 4: A Colorful Conundrum [ 9/10 - 9/16 ]

Week 3: Unlock the Safe [ 9/3 - 9/9 ]

Week 2: As The Kasa Flies [ 8/27 - 9/2 ]

Week 1: Mystery Picture [ 8/20 - 8/26 ]



Edited by Ralis, 25 November 2014 - 11:56 PM.

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#4 Ralis


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Posted 25 November 2014 - 11:58 PM

Top of the leader board is thinning out~ Who's going to be smart enough / unlucky enough (since you only get points if you aren't one of the 5 random winners for the week) to be the last one standing at the top!?

Edited by Ralis, 25 November 2014 - 11:59 PM.

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#5 hakkun


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Posted 26 November 2014 - 12:22 AM

Praised be lord RNGesus, our savior and destroyer, for he hath accepted my tribute of a thousand ridewords
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#6 wgthamrin


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Posted 26 November 2014 - 12:32 AM

didnt win the rideword hat :pif:

btw how can i solve this weeks puzzle? hints maybe?

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#7 Razzez


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Posted 26 November 2014 - 01:25 AM

"The monsters are arranged in order as they are found against the back wall of the Monster Laboratory in Juno."


Well I had no clue there were monsters there :P


Tricky Ralis!


didnt win the rideword hat :pif:

btw how can i solve this weeks puzzle? hints maybe?


The chart with the numbers is the hint along with the fact it's a monster, in Rune-Midgarts, to kill ;)


Edit: Safe 10's x2 isn't a bad prize. I might have to spend some extra time trying to figure this one out...LOL

Edited by Razzez, 26 November 2014 - 01:26 AM.

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#8 Necrohealiac


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Posted 26 November 2014 - 07:08 AM

any new ETA on when the next round of prizes will be awarded to the players?
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#9 Viri


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Posted 26 November 2014 - 10:02 AM

Ha, got this one. I like your puzzles.

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#10 renouille


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Posted 26 November 2014 - 10:27 AM

Ha, got this one. I like your puzzles.

Thanks for the hint. :P
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#11 KirinKishi808


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Posted 26 November 2014 - 10:39 AM

How the hell Juno Monster Laboratory in Juno get mixed up with this? Ahh never mind.. I've wasted my brain power to deduce the next monster by comparing the pattern in term of sizes, race, elements, mode, map location and their position in Endless Tower. But all i got to do is to take 5 minutes walk to Juno Monster Laboratory :p_err:

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#12 Viri


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Posted 26 November 2014 - 10:47 AM

Thanks for the hint. :P


Trying to figure out how you interpreted that as a hint is causing me more trouble than the puzzle ._.

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#13 Razzez


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Posted 26 November 2014 - 11:22 AM

How the hell Juno Monster Laboratory in Juno get mixed up with this? Ahh never mind.. I've wasted my brain power to deduce the next monster by comparing the pattern in term of sizes, race, elements, mode, map location and their position in Endless Tower. But all i got to do is to take 5 minutes walk to Juno Monster Laboratory :p_err:


Nice hint!

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#14 Razzez


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Posted 26 November 2014 - 11:26 AM

any new ETA on when the next round of prizes will be awarded to the players?




Your prize will (eventually) be mailed to or in the inventory of the character you listed on the answer page. If you would like to opt to not receive this week's prize and instead receive points equal to the participation prize, please PM me before the end of the week.


Please note: the two-week guarantee thing wasn't working too well as Oda has a lot of other responsibilities that come before getting prizes out. I will try to post in the current week's thread what prizes have been given out, but please be aware that you will get your prizes eventually, it just might take a few weeks. If I've posted that prizes for the week you won have been given out and you don't have yours, then THAT would be the time to PM Oda or I. Sorry about the inconvenience!




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#15 Necrohealiac


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Posted 26 November 2014 - 11:33 AM

thanks Razzez for checking on my literacy. It's been more than a month since the last set has been awarded so I was following up. People do that sometimes.
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#16 Razzez


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Posted 26 November 2014 - 11:45 AM

Huh... I didn't check on anything. Just tried to answer the QUESTION you asked. You said the next round of prizes. You didn't say anything about a past prize. Ralis has said if you didn't get a past prize to PM him.

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#17 Necrohealiac


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Posted 26 November 2014 - 11:47 AM


my question was directed at Ralis. When I say next round of prizes I am talking about the next set of awards to go out. If you have been keeping track, you will have realized that prizes from Week 11 onward have not been distributed yet.
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#18 Ralis


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Posted 26 November 2014 - 12:11 PM

It's a holiday weekend so not until Monday at the earliest. I will make sure to hound him though as we are several weeks behind now.
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#19 Razzez


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Posted 26 November 2014 - 01:08 PM


my question was directed at Ralis. When I say next round of prizes I am talking about the next set of awards to go out. If you have been keeping track, you will have realized that prizes from Week 11 onward have not been distributed yet.


I've been paying attention to his posts. He's said they are behind on giving them out & that the CM/GM's are going to take more that 2 weeks to give them out.


In your 1st post you asked about future rewards. In you second post you said "It's been more than a month since the last set has been awarded".


I already had said to pm if you hadn't gotten one since that is what he has said. Now you say it was directed at Ralis so my answer was correct.


He just confirmed what I had said too :P

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#20 Necrohealiac


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Posted 26 November 2014 - 02:25 PM

next set of awards doesn't have to mean the latest set Razzez.  Sorry if you misunderstood my question.


Thanks Ralis for the update.

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#21 fuyukikun


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Posted 26 November 2014 - 04:43 PM

just let it go, Necro.


Btw i got this one, really nice puzzle

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#22 KirinKishi808


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Posted 26 November 2014 - 08:46 PM

Nice hint!


What hint? :p_conf:

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#23 wahyugabriel


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Posted 26 November 2014 - 11:46 PM

Just a quick question(maybe a dumb one also)


im from Classic and if i win this, would i get safe to 10 certificates? or would i have to choose previous/other items that is available in classic? or would i not get anything at all?

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#24 Ralis


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Posted 27 November 2014 - 01:08 AM

Just a quick question(maybe a dumb one also)


im from Classic and if i win this, would i get safe to 10 certificates? or would i have to choose previous/other items that is available in classic? or would i not get anything at all?




They exist.

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#25 wahyugabriel


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Posted 27 November 2014 - 01:17 AM


whoa, i never knew that thanks ralis :rice:

how do you use it? is there an npc that takes them?

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