[ 12/17 - 12/23 ] Weekly Ralis Conundrum! #18: The Road So Far
Started by
, Dec 17 2014 08:45 PM
41 replies to this topic
Posted 25 December 2014 - 09:53 AM
Answer was Hatii or Garm (I accepted both). I'll figure out winners later when I have access to a RNG~
All the words in the puzzle were names of past puzzles (including this one as well). Once you find all the words, read the remaining letters which spell out something along the lines of "WHICH MVP IS FOUND ON LUTIE FIELD"
Posted 26 December 2014 - 01:27 PM
I ended up with some leftover letters. I could kind of make out the message though.omg that's exactly what I did but I didn't get that message, LOL!
found WRAP at 3,1 down found WHERE at 4,1 down found TILES at 5,1 right found FLIES at 9,5 up found THATS at 13,1 left found BACK at 14,1 down found PARADOX at 2,2 down-right found MOUNTAINS at 5,10 up found SCAVENGER at 5,2 down-right found SCHEME at 6,2 right found NIGHTMARE at 1,10 up-right found STREET at 13,2 down-left found KASA at 7,3 down found COLORFUL at 4,10 up-right found CONUNDRUM at 14,3 down-left found WITH at 1,4 down-right found PRIMAL at 3,4 right found MISSING at 1,5 down found INSTINCT at 2,5 down found CHALLENGE at 10,13 up found PICTURE at 13,5 down found MOLEHILLS at 12,6 down found HUNT at 6,7 down-left found UNLOCK at 9,7 right found PYRAMID at 1,14 up-right found SAFE at 7,11 up-right found MONSTER at 14,14 up found WORLD at 3,13 up-right found ROAD at 8,11 right found TROUBLE at 2,12 right found WHEEL at 11,12 left found DIFFICULT at 5,13 right found BASICS at 7,14 left found MYSTERY at 14,14 left remaining words (0): remaining letters: W H A T M V P I B S C O N L U T I E E F I F E H L D string(26) "WHATMVPIBSCONLUTIEEFIFEHLD"
Posted 26 December 2014 - 02:38 PM
yes, indeed ren you are not crazy. it originally had said that the words would need to be 4 letters or longer, but was since ninja edited to say three or longer. the excess letters are part of the words, "bin, ice, elf, the, far," and so on 
sneaky ralis is sneaky

sneaky ralis is sneaky
Edited by Necrohealiac, 26 December 2014 - 02:39 PM.
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