I just decided to play this game again during my holidays and did a little research on new gear Eddga.
As you guys can see above the new eddga set add no INT, Cast Speed which Crecentia need most and less AGI,Crit,Vigor. Now tell me who the hell need Haste for Crecentia?
If it's because new rune can add up to 160 stats per item then let's do a little compare:
Average cazar slotted gears with bs28 (+40 all stats) with full INT slotted Eddga (960 INT)
With bs28 cazar we will have 240 all stats which boost 1440 PATK, 1440 MATK, 240 parry, 720 hit, 480 crit, 240 dodge, 2889 hp, 4320 mp.
With full INT eddga we only have 5760 MATK
IMO sacrifice so many important stats, effort, zeny just for 4320 MATK and 500 more def is not worth. Not to mention we can use full +10 INT for cazar to boost 720 MATK which will decrease the gap beween cazar & eddga.
And cazar can add more Red/Greenseed freely not like eddga which we have to choose beween Blue/Red/Greenseed.
In case you guys want to compare cazar scythe's MATK with eddga scythe's MATK here:
Maybe the eddga set will have better honing result but it will cost us more, still not worth get full eddga gears IMO.
The only weakness in cazar set are gloves and shoes only add WIS. The best option for now would be replace cazar gloves,shoes with eddga. BUT eddga set still need a fix for stats anyway.
Srsly no VCR notice this unfair problem in test server? (sorry for my english)