Is sura is the pure tanker class in RO? and who's RG then? - Class Discussion - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Is sura is the pure tanker class in RO? and who's RG then?

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#1 amieyl


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Posted 16 February 2015 - 03:39 PM

greetings all,


okay, im new to renewal, and i've played way before this.. (when 2-2 classes just offered to players)

just recenty played again due to the genetict class and also RG class.

so, right now im confused with the pure tanker class in RO.. personally, i liked RG, but it doesnt have really2 tank skills.. and i've done my reseach bout reflect RG that have been nerfed after renewal..


So, I've made a genetict and paladin.. paladin seems carrying heavy armor and not that tanky as sura was.. (due to mental strength). This is the thing that im confused right now.. Since im new to renewal.


so the questions is......

   1. Who's RG in RO nowadays?? offensive classed type? or tank? or support??

   2. Is mental strength from sura really2 efficient for tank build?

   3. Why RG have shield and not tank enough?


okay, im not posting this for the sake of i liked RG class.. but, logically, a person who have a shield are basically tankier than a person who doesnt wear cloth.. haha.. XD


cause right now, im seeing suras are capable of tanking + damaging + and soloing MVP alone.. same like geneticts.. for RG's, we need tao gunka carded armor to survive all the dmg from MVPs.. plus a carded shield (alice, GTB, orcs, or others).

while, i saw one sura tanking mobs, and he took like below 20's dmg.. thats too OP man.. maybe he wear's "deviant" garment, and some good gears.. but, thats too OP man..


and yeah.. for the reflect RG, i have no issue from that skill beeing nerfed few years ago.. (renewal) cause maybe that reflect skills are to OP also back then.. who knows.. XD

but, for shield specific class, aren't they should be the frontliner in any form of raids strategy??

and yeah, for other classes.. like RK - have runes to buff them, debuff damaging AOE (dragon breath), and have more HP% than



but, yeah... for experts out there.. please3, explain this to me.. please..

i hope i can find my answer here.. thanks.. X3

and lastly, i am really2 sorry if there's anyone questioning this questions here, before me..

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