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[Forum Event] Crazy DS Trivia #2

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#1 Popcorn



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Posted 01 March 2015 - 10:03 AM

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!


As promised 


I'm proud to invite you to the

Crazy Dragon Saga Trivia #2


Again it does come with prizes!


But be careful!

Looking too close at things could cause
hevay side effect like bad eyes, headache, strange
facial expressions and even more...



Rules (there must be always some):
(and they're the same we had the last time)


Send the answers to the questions to me (VModPopcorn) by PM only
Subject: "Trivia"


Do not post the answers in the public or the fun is over


Three winners are randomly chosen after the event is over


If there is no one who answered all questions correctly the winners 

will be randomly chosen from the ones with the most correct answers





If you're one of the lucky three you will get surprise

IM Consumables worth about 500 IM Points


The 3 winners will get their rewards within one week

after they have been announced





All answers can be found on the way starting in Port of Winds

and ending in Moonlight Shore Village (both cities included)


Everyone who is Level 20+ can join in


1. What color is Captain Alvida's hook?


It's golden
(everyone who at least said "gold" is right)




2. What is the name of the flowers
Innkeeper Claire is watering?
(Hint: keep an eye on the NPC animations)


It's a sunflower




3. What weapon Village Child Leo in his hand?


A (wooden) sword




4. On some houses in Steven Trading Ports an
animal head can be seen as ornament.
What is the name of this animal?


Let's assume it's a Sheep, Goat, Ram or Flix



5. What color is Pirate Johnny's top?


It's striped. Blue and White. But also (Dark) Green/White or Turquois/White is okay.



6. How many cross shapes can be seen in front of the graveyard?


7 or 8 (if you count the cross shaped door)




7. There is one spot in Port of the Winds where you can
find "living" fish. Where?


In the pond in front of the Water Temple




8. How many bells are ringing in Moonlight Shore Village?


One, really.

But I noticed that it does not ring
if your graphic settings are set to low, so also saying
"there is one bell but none ringing" counted.
(however, no one who didn't win was disqualified
only because of this answer)




9. What color is Hooka's scarf/muffler/cravat?






10. How many potion flask/bottle objects can you

see at Daisy's shop? (Bottle images excluded)


17 (or 18 if you counted the one on the roof)



Hint: Read the questions carefully!


Please send me the answers to the questions by PM only

and use "Trivia" as subject for the PM


Entries will be accepted until

March, 16th 0:00 Server Time (8:00 UTC/GMT)


The winners will be announced until

March, 18th (Wednesday)


Have fun!



Note: If enough players join in we can increase the

number of the winners to five!


Edited by VModPopcorn, 22 March 2015 - 03:12 AM.

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#2 Popcorn



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Posted 08 March 2015 - 09:58 AM

Only one week left to join in

the 2nd Crazy DS Trivia!


Join in, answer the questions

and win the IM consumables worth

about 500 IM Points!


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#3 Werzie


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Posted 09 March 2015 - 01:29 AM

Around what time will you be logged in so we can give our answers??

P.S. I Love these events, keep up the good work :)

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#4 Popcorn



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Posted 09 March 2015 - 01:40 AM

Around what time will you be logged in so we can give our answers??

P.S. I Love these events, keep up the good work :)


It's a forum event. Send me your answers here by PM to "VModPopcorn" :)

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#5 Rainnowx


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Posted 09 March 2015 - 08:00 AM

Besides, that would be hard to contact you, since MOD and GM tags in the name doesn't...... let us... deal with the game/Event. (As usual, lacking vocab', I think? XD)

Or even your standard character. Unless you give yourself the name :q

But I did had a chat with a GM for an Event... Strange enough I think the person whispered before having me in the Home/House (I don't remember if I could talk back whispering).

Edited by Rainnowx, 09 March 2015 - 08:03 AM.

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#6 Popcorn



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Posted 09 March 2015 - 08:57 AM

Besides, that would be hard to contact you, since MOD and GM tags in the name doesn't...... let us... deal with the game/Event. (As usual, lacking vocab', I think? XD)



Sorry, but I don't understand you. :)


We do not do GM/VM in-game events of this kind because of the timezone differences. That is why I make forum events instead.


Edited by VModPopcorn, 09 March 2015 - 08:58 AM.

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#7 Rainnowx


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Posted 09 March 2015 - 09:24 AM

That's another point (that shouldn't be neglected, that said).


Just back then, they sometimes appear iG for Events, but trying to whisper anything to them was "impossible" as their name has the tag like [GM] Name.

I mean, when you'll press spacebar to put the name, the system will only get "[GM]" XD


Hence trying to contact you iG would be quite hard if you had a tag :q

Edited by Rainnowx, 09 March 2015 - 09:26 AM.

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#8 Popcorn



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Posted 09 March 2015 - 09:31 AM

My name should not be a problem to whisper or mail.

Tried it out several times.


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#9 TheCristall


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Posted 09 March 2015 - 10:30 AM

his ingame name is VM]Popcorn without spaces, so there is no space if you refer to this

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#10 Rainnowx


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Posted 09 March 2015 - 11:51 AM

Ooh~ Never knew it.


Now, that solves it :q

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#11 Popcorn



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Posted 09 March 2015 - 02:30 PM

That's another point (that shouldn't be neglected, that said).


Just back then, they sometimes appear iG for Events, but trying to whisper anything to them was "impossible" as their name has the tag like [GM] Name.

I mean, when you'll press spacebar to put the name, the system will only get "[GM]" XD


Hence trying to contact you iG would be quite hard if you had a tag :q


Oh I have overseen the part you've written about the spacebar thing. Sorry for that. :)

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#12 Popcorn



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Posted 17 March 2015 - 04:48 AM

Thanks to everyone who joined in this 2nd crazy DS trivia!


I will announce the correct answers and the winners while this week's server maintenance is running.



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#13 Popcorn



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Posted 18 March 2015 - 12:59 PM

Sadly there came some unexpected personal things up the last days, so I unfortunately have to postpone the announcement of the winners until the upcoming weekend. It's very likely that I announce the winners within Saturday.


I apologize greatly for this.


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#14 Popcorn



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Posted 22 March 2015 - 02:29 AM

Hello Dragon Saga Friends!


After going through I lot of trivia participants I noticed

this one could maybe have been a bit tough this time  :hmm: 


However, I proudly present the 5 winners of the

Crazy Dragon Saga Trivia #2



And the winners are:








Congratulations to the winners!

Please send me a PM here in the forum, telling me

your IGN you want to get the prizes for


I wish everyone who has not won this time

Better Luck next Time!




And here are the prices:


Every winner will get


2 x W-Coin (worth 300 IM Points)

10 x Friendship Forever (worth 100 IM Points)

1 x Water Guardian Weapon Box (worth 100 IM Points)


I will let the winners know when the prices will be send out




Now a quick question:

For the next small forum event (in April) would you prefer

another DS trivia


a spot the location event?

(the spot the location event rules will be changed to give

all players from all timezones equal chances. So

it will be also changed to random winners instead of the fastest)


I would appreciate if you could give me a little feedback

here in the forums or by PM. Thank you!


Edited by VModPopcorn, 22 March 2015 - 02:29 AM.

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#15 NewCorn


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Posted 22 March 2015 - 05:26 AM

Congratulations to the five people :)
I do like the Trivia Events pretty much. I havent participated on a "spot the location" event, is there actually a difference to the Trivia one? I mean, you need to find these spots too, to answer the question correctly.
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#16 Popcorn



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Posted 22 March 2015 - 05:49 AM

Congratulations to the five people :)
I do like the Trivia Events pretty much. I havent participated on a "spot the location" event, is there actually a difference to the Trivia one? I mean, you need to find these spots too, to answer the question correctly.


In the "Spot the location" event I would only post a tiny part of a screenshot by which you should recognize the location where this screenshot has been taken and send me a screenshot of the location where the little spot can be seen.

This would be up to 5 locations for the event.


Different to the Spot location events before, not the fastest submitters will win but it will choosen randomly. So players from different timezones will have equal chances.

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#17 NewCorn


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Posted 22 March 2015 - 07:11 AM

In the "Spot the location" event I would only post a tiny part of a screenshot by which you should recognize the location where this screenshot has been taken and send me a screenshot of the location where the little spot can be seen.
This would be up to 5 locations for the event.
Different to the Spot location events before, not the fastest submitters will win but it will choosen randomly. So players from different timezones will have equal chances.

In that case, I definitly prefere the Trivia Event :)
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#18 Karlimees


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Posted 23 March 2015 - 06:42 AM

Can we have the correct answers also? Thanks :P

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#19 Nobbye


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Posted 23 March 2015 - 06:56 AM

Correct answers are shown in Popcorns original post under the questions. :)

Edited by Nobbye, 23 March 2015 - 07:00 AM.

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#20 Popcorn



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Posted 24 March 2015 - 01:31 PM



I still need the IGN from user 100000096941668. When I got it I will ask the production team to send out the rewards.



Again something personal:


I would still appreciate some feedback if you still want regular forum events and what kind of.

Otherwise I assume that there isn't any interest anymore and I don't want to bother you with unwanted things here in the forums.

It kinda feels senseless to me to bother you with useless events you don't really want to join in. I just want to make sure whether such events by you.


Thank you for your cooperation.


Edited by VModPopcorn, 24 March 2015 - 01:31 PM.

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#21 NewCorn


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Posted 24 March 2015 - 02:36 PM

I still need the IGN from user 100000096941668. When I got it I will ask the production team to send out the rewards.
Again something personal:
I would still appreciate some feedback if you still want regular forum events and what kind of.
Otherwise I assume that there isn't any interest anymore and I don't want to bother you with unwanted things here in the forums.
It kinda feels senseless to me to bother you with useless events you don't really want to join in. I just want to make sure whether such events by you.
Thank you for your cooperation.

How much participation do we actually got? It seems like, you choose 5 winners out of 6 people.
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#22 Brian26


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Posted 24 March 2015 - 04:23 PM

I think the spot the location is alot harder, but its more fun... But trivia gives everyone a better chance

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#23 Neniwi


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Posted 25 March 2015 - 03:54 AM

Again something personal:


I would still appreciate some feedback if you still want regular forum events and what kind of.

Otherwise I assume that there isn't any interest anymore and I don't want to bother you with unwanted things here in the forums.

It kinda feels senseless to me to bother you with useless events you don't really want to join in. I just want to make sure whether such events by you.


Thank you for your cooperation.




Do not worry, it is normal, because the two trivias was similar, maybe the key in an event is take th better on the past and create something new with it.

For example, the best in the trivias is that anyone can participate in any place of the world, and the answers are found for everybody, no matter their job or level.

In the other side, the random winners, is a lucky thing, not a effort thing. When I do something, I make me very best in it, and hope the effort will be appreciate.


Also the type event change too.


And if is possible, more long event, for a month for example, because someweeks I have full of job.

Therefore, a event in that the winners will be the best in something, as creativity, joke, dark, what ever you want prize, that will be change in each version, one trivia, other draw contest, another song, jokes, anecdote, lag anecdote, etc...With a prudent tie to do it.


 It is my humble opinion.

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#24 DoomXiao


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Posted 25 March 2015 - 02:05 PM

I like trivia better @@ makes people look around in game abit

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#25 Fliederduft78


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Posted 25 March 2015 - 11:16 PM

I would go either with a "Spot the Location" or a new "Trivia" event. Me likes those the best. Cause you get to see things in the game you never noticed before, that I like. It's fun.  :p_smile:

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