Hello Dragon Saga Friends!
As promised
I'm proud to invite you to the
Crazy Dragon Saga Trivia #2
Again it does come with prizes!
But be careful!
Looking too close at things could cause
hevay side effect like bad eyes, headache, strange
facial expressions and even more...
Rules (there must be always some):
(and they're the same we had the last time)
Send the answers to the questions to me (VModPopcorn) by PM only
Subject: "Trivia"
Do not post the answers in the public or the fun is over
Three winners are randomly chosen after the event is over
If there is no one who answered all questions correctly the winners
will be randomly chosen from the ones with the most correct answers
If you're one of the lucky three you will get surprise
IM Consumables worth about 500 IM Points
The 3 winners will get their rewards within one week
after they have been announced
All answers can be found on the way starting in Port of Winds
and ending in Moonlight Shore Village (both cities included)
Everyone who is Level 20+ can join in
1. What color is Captain Alvida's hook?
It's golden
(everyone who at least said "gold" is right)
2. What is the name of the flowers
Innkeeper Claire is watering?
(Hint: keep an eye on the NPC animations)
It's a sunflower
3. What weapon Village Child Leo in his hand?
A (wooden) sword
4. On some houses in Steven Trading Ports an
animal head can be seen as ornament.
What is the name of this animal?
Let's assume it's a Sheep, Goat, Ram or Flix
5. What color is Pirate Johnny's top?
It's striped. Blue and White. But also (Dark) Green/White or Turquois/White is okay.
6. How many cross shapes can be seen in front of the graveyard?
7 or 8 (if you count the cross shaped door)
7. There is one spot in Port of the Winds where you can
find "living" fish. Where?
In the pond in front of the Water Temple
8. How many bells are ringing in Moonlight Shore Village?
One, really.
But I noticed that it does not ring
if your graphic settings are set to low, so also saying
"there is one bell but none ringing" counted.
(however, no one who didn't win was disqualified
only because of this answer)
9. What color is Hooka's scarf/muffler/cravat?
10. How many potion flask/bottle objects can you
see at Daisy's shop? (Bottle images excluded)
17 (or 18 if you counted the one on the roof)
Hint: Read the questions carefully!
Please send me the answers to the questions by PM only
and use "Trivia" as subject for the PM
Entries will be accepted until
March, 16th 0:00 Server Time (8:00 UTC/GMT)
The winners will be announced until
March, 18th (Wednesday)
Have fun!
Note: If enough players join in we can increase the
number of the winners to five!
Edited by VModPopcorn, 22 March 2015 - 03:12 AM.