Hi just reached lv 50 and going for ml thus resset so i was thinking bout PVE build.
Before that, i was just wondering: What is a sin job in RO 2 ?
Do i mob?do i need to spam AoE skills on dungeons and grind or just the 1 vs 1 powerfull skilss?
RO 2 u just get idea of a char when u get ml cause there are NO PARTY to make before MASTER LEVEL so in a way you could make an idea for what u going for ( really, that is just the dead of the game in few months, just watch no players getting in )
back to the point, if i dont need to AoE i tought of this
Poison : if i decide to go pvp one day, thats go for not leetting them hide.
dual : i read no one use this up to lv 2. its really that useless?
does penetration really improves tha damage? its like ignoring defense plague?
my cooldowns are right, i didnt get ML yet and its really being usefull DEADLY BLOW at lv 5 as i got now
dont know why but crits really more than VENON SPLASHER and have no cooldown
maybe it changes after ml i ll have 30% of double vennon now it just 15%.
Another question : how much and how does str and agi really influences on me?
does str just influence my ATTACK on that slght 6 points of damage per 1 str?
agi gives me low dodge and i try to fill some agi but criticals are just not growing much...
so i thoght on 35 str 30 agi and some vit or jus forget vit for PVE and MVP?
Edited by riotblades, 05 March 2015 - 08:50 AM.