The Ralis Conundrum
Welcome to the Ralis Conundrum!
Every Wednesday, at some varying point of the day, I'll be posting some sort of weekly challenge for you to figure out. Each week brings a new puzzle: it may be a math problem, a riddle or something else entirely. Whatever it may be, you'll have to use a little (or a lot of) brain power to figure it out. These puzzles may require knowledge outside of Ragnarok! Anyone is capable of finding the answer, but I cannot guarantee you will always know what to do if you have little to no understanding of Ragnarok, computers, math, science, etc.
The competition is open to both servers! Chaos Renewal and Classic Loki players may both enter their answers. It may help you to know, then, that the answer to each challenge will be something that can be found by players of both servers.
Correct answers will gain points depending on how many people get the correct answer! When you've saved up 20 points (points will be kept track in the 3rd post of each thread), you can PM me any time during the week to trade your points in for the current week's prize. You may only trade in points once a week for a single prize, so keep that in mind if you're trying to save up for a "better" prize.
Please keep in mind that the theme for each week is not always a factor in figuring out the puzzle. This does not mean that it will never have an impact, but rather that you should not assume that you must travel to a location or that the answer must fit the theme given in that week's conundrum.
Prizes are always subject to change based on Oda's discretion.
Please do not post or PM your answers. Use the link below the challenge to submit answers!
You may freely adjust your entry until each week's deadline.
Helpful links:
I don't consider search engines cheating. You will never find the answer directly, but always use your resources!
Please be cautious when asking questions about the puzzle of the week on the forums as they could end up being hints for others. You are always welcome to PM me with any clarifying questions you may have.
This Week's Challenge
Week 29: The Biggest Book [ 4/1 - 4/7 ]
It's a widely known fact that Sageworms love books. Or, rather, they love eating books. Ridewords, in fact, are considered a delicacy with their excessive page lengths. While exploring Glast Heim, however, you come across a frustrated Sageworm. He's not satisfied with eating small Ridewords and claims he's seen a GIANT Rideword flying around the castle. He wants you to find out how many pages it has, and is even willing to reward you for doing so!
Ridewords always seem to share particular page lengths (meaning that there are only a limited number of different sizes of Ridewords), and the smallest Rideword he's ever eaten was 1006 pages. The largest, he says, was 4185 pages. The middle size (out of the seven sizes he's eaten) was 1554 pages. But he's convinced that this new gargantuan Rideword has even more pages than the biggest one he's eaten!
How many pages does the giant Rideword have?
Click Here To Submit Your Answer
This week's prize:
Rideword Hat
The competition ends Tuesday, April 7th at 11:59 PM PST! Good luck!
Edited by Ralis, 02 April 2015 - 01:42 AM.