Warrior can 1 hit
Knight can 1 hit
Assasin can 1 hit
instead to create a Monk create this 3....
Posted 31 March 2015 - 06:10 AM
Posted 05 April 2015 - 03:10 PM
Typical QQ.
When your class is OP: *Kills People on WoE map* you guys are easy to kill, nubs! Learn to get good. Iam so OP!
When your class gets owned: You got a lucky crit. You have better gears. Youre **** levels higher. * List all the excuses*
News Flash! This game's Class Balance is at 0. I understand all games does not really have perfect class balance, but this game has just got the worse one of them all. While Knights, Warriors and Assassins have the ability to 1 shot other classes have the range, the debuff, the stunlock, the slow. Just gotta utilize em.
The focus right now is how you can maximize your broken skill, like Battle Tactics( Pumping int ). Ranger = Max Impact Arrow and spam on melees, thats 70% movement speed debuff which almosts takes out anyones mobility. Priest= stunlock and Sure Death for 15 secs. Cres = debuff ( silence, sleep, hit rate debuff to 0 ) DoT and Kite. SM= spam whatever that trap skill thing is or kite and cure and spam those laser thingies they throw. Assassin= Grimtooth out of hide( Like a Pro #madskillz69 )cast shadow armor, run and rehide. Then rinse and repeat.
Class balance was already out of hand. Then thanks for adding the Eddga Gear to us, it made things better.*sarcasm*
So no Use QQing over things that everyone is aware, either you reroll to the broken classes or maximize whats potentially broken on your class.
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