It's a fantastic step in the right direction and a good amount of progress compared to what was possible in the past.
- some in-game texts have been corrected
- the Congratulations Bar should have been disabled
- The Quest "Possess Mist Elf's Weapon! (2)"
now states correctly 50 Crysolites (instead of 5)
- The Daily Quest "Dony's 701st" should now possible
to be completed by killing 99 Monsters in the
Kundara Dungeon instead of the Aram Boss Room
Plus there is not only text changes been made this maint. It says a quest fix has been done, area got changed from the Kundara boss room only (that is where you needed to do the quest before - since years btw) to the whole Kundara dungeon area.
If this actually works like it should , the "hours" together with fighting Aram and Mutisha while farming that 99 monsters in the boss room itself are now history. Oh I so hope this finally got fixed now - after years - would make me really happy.
Sadly I wasn't able to test it yet, cause I got no char in that level range at the moment.....but I'm quite positive it is corrected and finally working. Because all other fixed/corrected things so far are working perfectly fine already.