(if you encounter any problems, please let me know)
BigWheel and Mixboard issues fixed
Some more text corrections
Maintenance Notes 2015/4/8
Enchant Events and Soulcrafting Event have ended
It's Springtime farming Event
Collect Mysterious Buds by killing Monsters
and exchange them for a Springtime Box
at the Vending Machine!
There are two versions of the Springtime Box available:
A version for Humans and a version for Dragokins
What do the boxes contain?
Springtime Box (Human)
Sovereign Sunflower Hat
Sovereign Sunflower Top
Sovereign Sunflower Bottom
Sovereign Sunflower Gloves
Sovereign Sunflower Shoes
Sovereign Sunflower BackPack
Spring party top for Humans
Spring party bottom for Humans
Spring party shoes for Humans
Spring party hairpin for Humans
Spring party cape for Humans
Cherry Blossom Hat of Chaos
Cherry Blossom Ring of Chaos
Cherry Blossom Necklace of Chaos
Cherry Blossom Earrings of Chaos
New Cherry blossom Belt
New Cherry blossom Ring
New Cherry blossom necklace
New Cherry blossom earrings
Cherry Blossom Hat
Cherry Blossom Ring
Cherry Blossom Necklace
Cherry Blossom Earrings
Kimono Top
Kimono Bottom
Kimono Gloves
Kimono Shoes
Springtime Box (Dragokins)
Sovereign Sunflower Hat
Sovereign Sunflower Top
Sovereign Sunflower Bottom
Sovereign Sunflower Gloves
Sovereign Sunflower Shoes
Sovereign Sunflower BackPack
Spring party top for Dragokins
Spring party bottom for Dragokins
Spring party shoes for Dragokins
Spring party hairpin for Dragokins
Spring party cape for Dragokins
Cherry Blossom Hat of Chaos
Cherry Blossom Ring of Chaos
Cherry Blossom Necklace of Chaos
Cherry Blossom Earrings of Chaos
New Cherry blossom Belt
New Cherry blossom Ring
New Cherry blossom necklace
New Cherry blossom earrings
Cherry Blossom Hat
Cherry Blossom Ring
Cherry Blossom Necklace
Cherry Blossom Earrings
hello popcorn. sweetie attendant pink set... why is it in the big wheel? it was in the mixboard about 6 months ago. Is this intended by the dev team? And rip the 25 mixables i used to get my sweetie attendant pink set last year
hello popcorn. sweetie attendant pink set... why is it in the big wheel? it was in the mixboard about 6 months ago. Is this intended by the dev team? And rip the 25 mixables i used to get my sweetie attendant pink set last year
I will clarify this as soon as possible.
I also saw the Lord Knight Cape is missing. Hopefully it will be added by tomorrow. I already left the staff a message.
They are dropped by the monsters when killed. As for every world drop the drop rate in F7 mode is not very high. This has nothing what we could change, because it is by design.
The drop rate is higher in field maps, mission maps and dungeons.
It's on the 2nd page under the promotion tab.
What can be found on thr 2nd page under the promotion tab?
Is it mean that there is a development team working in the game,
Sadly no. The process of taking over is not finished yet. And it's unclear to say when it will be finshed. Client updates are still not possible. Like I always state, it's a very slow process. But we are now able to do some database involved fixes. Our possibilites of fixing things are still highly limited. We'll look into several bugs in the next time, but there's no promise that they can actually be fixed at the current state. Nevertheless we try to get the maximum out of the possibilites we have now.