DblDragons (Double Dragons) as a guild was created on November 28th, 2013. My brother and I originally made it so we could have a place for all of our characters, which kind of fits in with why we decided to name it DblDragons. We also kind of sucked at coming up with something more original, so naming the guild based on a game series we enjoyed seemed like the next best option.
We're now interested in trying to increase the number of people we have active in the guild, and hope to eventually have a nice, friendly community that can enjoy the game together.
Guild Information:
- Level: 50
- Guild skills: All maxed.
- Recruitment status: OPEN
- Recruitment contacts: EddieMoney or Dravinian.
- Total members: 35 (mostly our alts and other inactive members right now.)
- Nationality: International, English-speaking.
- Level requirement: Any level is welcome. As long as you're active, you can join.
- Donation: Optional. Further levels really don't do much for us. Reaching level 50 might be nice, though.
- Focus: Mostly PvE-oriented.
- Grinding
- Questing
- Farming (DNA, cards, etc)
- Raids – So far, we've really only done raids as a two-man team up to Abaddon of Despair(H). We'd like to do larger raids in the future, though.
- As for PvP, we don't mind anyone participating in duels or entering WoE maps – no matter if it's to actually participate in WoE, do dailies, or farm BP / documents / etc – so long as they don't cause any serious issues with others.
- Alts: Adding an alt is okay for now, as long as you are somewhat active on it.
- Inactivity: Members who are inactive (Paused) are currently left in. We may have to eventually kick them to make space for new people interested in joining. However, if you know you will be gone for a while, just let someone know so that you don't end up getting kicked out.
- We are an international guild, as is the game, and therefore we will have people from all over the world interacting with us. Keep this in mind and show respect to everyone - fellow guild member or otherwise - no matter what race, ethnicity, nationality, etc someone may be. Disregarding this rule will get you kicked out immediately.
- Do not cause any drama. No one needs it; no one wants it.
- For War of Emperium, just try not to get into huge conflicts with other guilds. We don't need any rivalries getting started with other guilds out there.
- Help out if you can. If you can provide an answer to a question or have time to help someone take care of a task, it's good to do so.
- We do not condone the use of AFK macros / botting, or the use of any other third-party programs that provide unintentional benefits. If you are caught doing so, you will be kicked out and reported.
- Exploitation and abuse of bugs or glitches is also something we'd like our members not to be a part of. If you find any form of bug or glitch, be sure to report them on the Warpportal RO2 forums.
This may be updated in the future, so be sure to check on this topic once in a while.
Edited by 8961131107040604637, 10 August 2016 - 08:35 AM.