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Thank you Poppie....

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#1 Fliederduft78


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Posted 09 May 2015 - 08:08 AM

........for everything you have done.

I don't want to write much, only the important stuff. You have done so much for this community and this game so far and we appreciate this very much.

Today is the day we - members of the DS community - want to give a little something back to you.

The idea, the planing and everything around it was secretly hidden behind your back. I hope you don't mind us keeping this secret for a little time. These pictures are based on community wish, community effort and were only possible with the help of the community members itself.

We thank you for all you have done. We hope you enjoy. Thank you Poppie.





As you can see, the DS community is on fire  :p_smile:





And it will stay on fire





This is the spot to thank everyone for joining in. Thank you so much for bringing an idea to life.

You clearly showed - we are a community. Thank you all.


From us to you:

Thank you VmPopcorn. 

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#2 Lysanna


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Posted 09 May 2015 - 08:34 AM

Hey Poppie,

I also want to thank you for everything :p_smile: .

Thank you for answering questions all time.

Thank you for your help when we have problems and also

thank you for all you did in past and do for us now.

Thank you very much Poppie :thx:

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#3 Popcorn



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Posted 09 May 2015 - 08:46 AM

Hello Community!


Thank you so much for this. Thank you for all your support.

To be honest, I'm totally lost for words now.



Just thank you!

Edited by VModPopcorn, 09 May 2015 - 08:47 AM.

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#4 Homurasan


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Posted 09 May 2015 - 11:28 AM

Aaawww, he finally confessed his love to you. How cute !


Keep up the good work, Poppie ! You're the best Mod we could have wished for ; angels must miss you up there.



And we luv ya also, Stormy. And the support staff, the devs-to-be, the ones working from within the shadows, the ones we don't know of, and Mr. Producer. Thank you kindly for being on this planet with us ! E5WgpUZ.png?1

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