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[Updated] Server Maintenance at 2015/5/20 15:00 Server Time

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#26 Saikouu


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 04:21 PM

the reworked the elements redid all the skill to use (not base) values  and fixed evasion and blocking. that is all.


3 hrs maintenance for that :o ?

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#27 febz94


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 04:22 PM

up  :p_laugh:

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#28 Saikouu


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 04:23 PM

its almost 3:30 hrs

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#29 alroses2


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 04:25 PM


:p_swt: up update...but,problem login :sob:


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#30 Popcorn



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Posted 20 May 2015 - 04:30 PM

Servers are up again!


Thanks again for your patience

and enjoy the game!

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#31 Kristof3195


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 04:30 PM

the reworked the elements redid all the skill to use (not base) values  and fixed evasion and blocking. that is all.

well what did they reworked about it?

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#32 Dylan123


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 04:33 PM


not going to go there just read the regular patch notes. Have a nice day :p_smile:

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#33 Popcorn



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Posted 20 May 2015 - 04:33 PM

well what did they reworked about it?


Nothing has been reworked regarding any skill. 

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#34 febz94


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 04:36 PM

IS  :p_laugh:

making it easier to buy  :p_love:

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#35 noxis


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 04:51 PM

some wording needs to be corrected on the patch notes. 

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#36 sean718


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 05:12 PM



- Insurance Scrolls and Reinforced Insurance Scrolls
can now be sold in the in-game market!

Trading, attaching to Mail and Guild Vault will stay restricted


This is a testing period and if something

goes wrong we can revert it back to

how it was. Please don't abuse this new opportunity

and keep the prices in the open market reasonable.

This is a step to fight scamming


Please don't request other items to be changed!

If we should decide to take away restrictions from
further items, it will be implemented.




Anyone can set a price for whatever they want to sell an item for. Doesn't mean it will sell.


Anyone can request or suggest changes to anything they want on a forum. It doesn't mean it will happen. That's what a forum is for- discussion.


For me to feel the need to point this out to you is very sad.

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#37 Coolsam


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 05:16 PM


- Insurance Scrolls and Reinforced Insurance Scrolls

can now be sold in the in-game market!

Trading, attaching to Mail and Guild Vault will stay restricted


This is a testing period and if something

goes wrong we can revert it back to

how it was. Please don't abuse this new opportunity

and keep the prices in the open market reasonable.

This is a step to fight scamming


Please don't request other items to be changed!

If we should decide to take away restrictions from
further items, it will be implemented.


This will be abused.....maliciously. Trust me on this.


Despite IM Sellers agreeing on fair ratios of gold:IM, people will probably raise prices purposely to fit new ratios due to INS being one of the possibly most purchased items through IM and IM selling players.

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#38 noxis


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 05:20 PM

This will be abused.....maliciously. Trust me on this.


Despite IM Sellers agreeing on fair ratios of gold:IM, people will probably raise prices purposely to fit new ratios due to INS being one of the possibly most purchased items through IM and IM selling players.


it's too early to tell. i wouldn't jump to conclusions until a week or two from this patch. i do think the market will normalize itself as it always has. 

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#39 Popcorn



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Posted 20 May 2015 - 05:24 PM

Anyone can set a price for whatever they want to sell an item for. Doesn't mean it will sell.


Anyone can request or suggest changes to anything they want on a forum. It doesn't mean it will happen. That's what a forum is for- discussion.


For me to feel the need to point this out to you is very sad.


Thank you and noxis for the info. After reading again over it I agree that this passages sounded a bit bad. I removed them.

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#40 ZeroXtreme


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 05:26 PM

just reporting something or is it just me... the IS can't be used on soulcraft...

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#41 noxis


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 05:30 PM

anyone attempting to sell insurance in the market should be wary about the prices they list them for before hitting the 'open' shop button.


double check. triple check. make sure your prices are what you want them to be. 

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#42 Popcorn



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Posted 20 May 2015 - 05:34 PM

just reporting something or is it just me... the IS can't be used on soulcraft...


I checked it and you're right. I already forwarded that to be fixed, but I fear that this will take until tomorrow when someone is in the office again.

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#43 Laburey21


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 05:44 PM

- "Normal" Pet Food is now not longer

restricted. It's now tradable and sellable
like the mount food already is.


Nice that this was fixed, I always thought it a bit odd as it was before. All-in-all GJ, WP team. Things are improving slowly but steadily.  :no1:

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#44 Fliederduft78


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 05:51 PM

IM sells/buys on here are only tolerated  and very risky for both- they always were only tolerated on here. They can say "snip" and it becomes forbidden, That those are "tolerated" is based on just and only good will of the staff. Please always keep in mind, they could always get from "tolerated" to "not tolerated and  forbidden" at any given time.

And the only thing IM "sellers" and "buyers" currently are relying on is scamming people. You know which "kind" of "sellers/buyers" I'm talking about - that kind that currently runs around in the game and scams at a ration of 95%.

(you sure noticed the "I got scammed/IM topics" all around the forum the last time).


I personally can understand why the staff has taken this step. I can clearly see why. This for sure is a good step against scammers. Or do you think any "normal brained" IM seller/buyer will now still go for the "usual and completely risky IM selling/buying way" when it comes to IS? 

Nope, they are going to use the completely risk free "sell/buy" over market option. At least I guess about 95% of the "real" sellers/buyers will do. Plus as a normal (IM purchasing free) player you now have the same fair chance to get to IS (in a risk free way - no scamming risk anymore) and to finally have the same chances to enchant your gear - as any other player already has. So some "unfairness" is taken away from those players too.



I personally like it very much, but I'm used to this already. Because on EU this worked like a breeze and everyone was happy. As one of the "over sea" players I am, I appreciate this very much.

And I do know that a lot of , let's call them "old", players on here were always wishing for sellable IS. Actually since the day I came here. I keep hearing this constantly in the game. So I know that a big part of the community (and with big I really do mean big) is wishing for this to happen since a long long time ago. 


Market and people will adjust and if not, in the patch note is clearly written "they can  - and I'm about sure will in that case - revert it to how it was before.


Just give the players and the market stabilization a bit of time and just ignore the overpriced ones. If you don't buy from those players, they will learn and adjust. Because they will notice nobody is willing to buy at their shop, but at every other "normal" priced shop in the market. This will going to get them thinking.

(Same for the "i want the unreasonable lowest price there is buyer - just ignore them. Don't sell to those. Let them learn and adjust.)

Edited by Fliederduft78, 20 May 2015 - 05:53 PM.

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#45 fozalicious


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 09:25 PM


- Insurance Scrolls and Reinforced Insurance Scrolls

can now be sold in the in-game market!

 Ultra love it  :p_love:  :p_love:  :p_love:  :p_love:

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#46 pluumy


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Posted 21 May 2015 - 12:19 AM

how does the gathering fatigue recovery potion work? 

does it simply restore your fatigue to it's maximum, or can your fatigue points not decrease for a certain amount of time after using the potion?

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#47 Laburey21


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Posted 21 May 2015 - 12:50 AM

how does the gathering fatigue recovery potion work? 

does it simply restore your fatigue to it's maximum, or can your fatigue points not decrease for a certain amount of time after using the potion?


Mr Popcorn wrote in the first post of this thread that "it recovers the full gathering fatigue when used" so it seems it's the first of the possibilities you mentioned.  :no1:

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#48 pluumy


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Posted 21 May 2015 - 02:11 AM

oh, must've missed that. thanks for the answer

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#49 qui3tgal


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Posted 21 May 2015 - 03:19 AM

you don have pumpkin weapon for summoner and twin? why those weapon always only for humans  :sob:

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#50 drops1


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Posted 21 May 2015 - 05:08 AM

regarding the IS and RIS which we can put at the market , i salute u popcorn .... good job  :p_love:  :p_love:

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