Hello all, someone can help me please make a tempest complete build skill/dna, and give me a guide to start on this class? thanks

Tempest PVE/PVP Build Updated
Posted 30 May 2015 - 12:26 AM
Posted 30 May 2015 - 07:18 AM
seams nobody else reading this...
So this is my Tempest. (level 80)
What is to say...Tempest feels pretty thin skinned.
You have to work for HP,Defense and your best Friends are Slow & Sleep.
3 AoE`s from the first Job.
3 at the Second Job, Slows don`t stack, so keep an Eye on the debuf Status or Duration.
DNA Focus on Duration from the second Job AoE`s and on Range. 5 Points for instant "Lesser Heal".
Basic Play style of a Tempest is "Slow" and "Sleep". + AoE Bombardment.
has only 15m Range but will be like an instant Cast if you use
So you can play offensive with your First Job 30m Range Heavy Dot Skills:
or defensive and shield yourself into your AoE`s:
-> and wait for a Mele to jump on you...use
to escape if necessary
Keep in Mind the "Turan Skill balance" is not started yet.
So it`s pretty save to assume that you will have to re skill later on.
A Capped level Build will look different too, you won`t need "Twister" anymore and want to use "Instant Moving"
And 10 Points into Charged Bolt for max Dot Fun.
But for the start your better like this.
In the Past you just had to spam your AoE`s all over the Battlefield and watch the Enemy walk into em,
to finish em off. Today there is Reflect so be careful
Edited by Sandyman, 30 May 2015 - 07:31 AM.
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