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Build for Protector and Radiant!

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#1 PodThebest


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Posted 07 June 2015 - 05:31 PM



I'm an old player and I don't know NOTHING about the new skills, new builds, new itens etc...


And I started to play again with my girlfriend, we're playing with prot + rad, so if any can help me with a build will be great! 



Thank you!

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Posted 08 June 2015 - 12:11 PM

once again tell me ,  what do you want to do ?


i suppose , and as i told you you will better stuck to pve for now :p_smile:


prot/rad is a very good duo. But as you can imagine , lacking of DPS a lot , he he...


so i would recommend you to max your heals, max your low blow (aoe attack with hostility power), max your block skills (all : passive block def (shield mastery), block def (aegis) and block  %  (shield fortress) cause as a beginner you will have hard time to make block very op) of course it's fine when you reah 100% block but then don't hesitate to raise block def. a lot is never enough^^


for resist if you need to raid , NM cell enchanted with one resist could be a decent (and free) starter. best option is infinite resist but , will probably hard to get at first


you can choose to make a pure tanker and neglect damages aspects , wise for pve if you are ever teaming. but with your lady being a rad , you shall maybe + your onslaught (first job aoe skill damages and very decent skill :p_smile: )

but the better option if you go pure tanker and teaming is to ask your girlfriend to turn tempest i think

so you can spare points for maxing to 10 your aoe taunt .

you can choose magic jewels instead of phys ones to make your heals strongers ( they generate hostility too , what help keep aggro)


broken morale and restraint rescission are useless in pve.


i would say "max your spiritual intensification" too , cause if usual players already have high def by themselves making it useless , at your point your team mates will love you  :no1: meaning you can forget last column skills in first job  (physical blessing, survival, skin...etc) unless you still have points to spend. i didn't calculate the points you would use here, so you can choose what you want if you still have some , cause nothing else is really needed on pve if you don't dealt damages, and shield strike don't work on bosses. that's the way i made my two others "pure" tankers :p_err:


for dna i suppose you have 25 : hard choices...more heals or more block ? hummm , point with heal is : work better than block against DoT and magic damages (even if VERY FEW mobs have some special skills magic or ignoring block or def) so i would say more heal as long you are not stun (but same not many mobs stun) at least you can share your heals more than your block , eh eh :p_laugh:  so dna : max potens sacred hand and party heal (if you hit lvl 90 some day it take 17 dna points there) last ones in block skills starting with shield fortress ( cause better have the highest block percent possible at your point , later 100% is more "easy" to reach and you can spare some dna for others things)


good point is NPC 0 will probably spawn often until they finished classes changes , so you can spend all your points and make try (be careful ! WISE tries :heh:  or you may wait until the day 0 spawn with a -_-ty build :p_laugh:  )


for gear , depend , what's your level now ? don't see your prot in your signature . with not knowing i would say i think ION sets 60 are very good for pve : strong short range defs and good stats and bonus (for a quite low gear )

same for weapon , but for a pure tank with no dps , i suppose bludgeon for the add of MND can be smart. or a wand  :p_smile:

waiting for more infos to help you further :no1:




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#3 PodThebest


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 05:45 PM

Wow that was a very nice answer, thank you very much for your help!


So lets see, atm I not started to up it, I just got lvl 20 and stopped, cause I don't know where to put my points and I don't want to do -_- with my points


My friend will play with us too with an AOE class (He's looking for what class to be, mystic, defiler or something with aoe) so you said to go tempest and focus in AOE damage + heals?

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#4 silviopm


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 05:37 AM

Defiler is a good class aoe.



Elec Bolt - 1

Charged Bolt - 1

Rejuvenation - 1

Lesser Heal - 10 | DNA - 5

Sleep - 10


Lightning Restraint - 10

Glaring Light - 10

Holy Light - 10

Magic Weapon Mastery - 1

Magic Mastery (Elec) - 10 | DNA - 10
Seal of Acceleration - 4



""41 points left, You can choose what wanna do!""

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#5 PodThebest


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 06:21 AM

Defiler is a good class aoe.



Elec Bolt - 1

Charged Bolt - 1

Rejuvenation - 1

Lesser Heal - 10 | DNA - 5

Sleep - 10


Lightning Restraint - 10

Glaring Light - 10

Holy Light - 10

Magic Weapon Mastery - 1

Magic Mastery (Elec) - 10 | DNA - 10
Seal of Acceleration - 4



""41 points left, You can choose what wanna do!""





Thanks a lot bro!


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 12:12 PM

yes. at level 50 you girlfriend shall better choose tempest. better for you two about farming/grinding aspect. So YOU will be the main healer as tempest has only a low HoT heal and one single target that can aim mates tho ). Even if she turn rad "later" , she will raise her toon far easier as a tempest.


to add to what Silvio write you , (41 skills points remaining -as a lvl 90 toon- ) , you can almost max all your aoes bolt without risk of lacking points later for second job skills. i have a lil tempy lvl 89 and i have all aoes attack to 10 on it ( elec bolt , elec twister , holy bolt, and lightning restraint and the two rains in second job) cause i neglect buffs def and mp regen of first jobs : the mp regen is not a problem anymore making skills helping it useless. Of course at lower lvls with lower gear it can happen , but with mp regen one day buff from Treasure Dungeon (TD) you will be ok. and def is useless as you rpot will bring enough ot it.

the principal limit to maxing all aoes skills is if your girlfriend and you want to save points for Weapon Of God (good buff for all types of PHYSICS damages)  and/or  blessing of haste (useful for PHYSICS Auto Attackers only )

but as you are not supposed to be a damage dealer , once again , better max damages capacities on the damage dealer :p_smile: . Remember theses advices would make very "specialists" toons meaning you will have both hard times if not playing as a team . to make it short and "exagerated", your girlfriend will die non stop and you will take hours to kill the squishiest mob :heh:


to finish : do the build like i first said for "prot" (defender yet :p_laugh:  ) and don't worry too much for the skills and dna points as NPC 0 shall come back soon enough.

but just in case , a reminder :

- 1 in chain slash (or not)

- 1 dire strike slash (or not) for access to :

- Onslaught let's say 10 to help as said before but optional , really , for a pure tanker.

- 1 taunt

- 10 taunting cry.

and keep the rest for second job. but as said , don't hesitate to make many tests to see what you like the days NPC 0 will be here.

and yes ,as you see , defender is pretty poor in usefull skills. last point for defense due to your lvl : even if i said useless on tempest teaming with you , and "keep your points" to you , you may have it a bit hard depending your gear until you reach lvl for  spiritual intensification . once again. make test and choose. your points will not be "lost forever" anyway for reason i said :no1:

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#7 PodThebest


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 05:10 PM

Where can I find the "NPC 0"  ?

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Posted 10 June 2015 - 12:19 AM

just in front of nova lux teleport . but it's gone for now. can't tell exactly when it will come back but it will and it's more a matter of days or few weeks than months :p_smile:

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#9 botchog213


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Posted 17 June 2015 - 11:28 PM

Hi. what posting your build here including the DNA. well if you mind also the set's of armor and jewels. thx man


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Posted 18 June 2015 - 01:10 PM

lol. no.


and whatever : not many skills in prot build. at high level with strong gear first job ones are good jokes while some classes have OP first job skills.


second job : max block , heal , def.


pure  tank ? ("useless" as you can't farm alone , you can't pvp...etc just a stupid meatwall, my bad :p_laugh: ) ==> add maxed taunting cry. for pvp max restraint if you have enough points depending how you choose to play. same with broken morale. really prot build is not like elem or druid ones. not many skills usables. and anyhow you are -_- in pvp ; unless you play the weak rad like me , but then better go rad , eh ? :heh: (too bad i don't have gear for going magic class :p_smile: ) (and whatever. not my type. so sad gravity give no others choices for abandoned melee classes :p_sick: )

Edited by ARKILIUS, 18 June 2015 - 01:12 PM.

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