once again tell me , what do you want to do ?
i suppose , and as i told you you will better stuck to pve for now 
prot/rad is a very good duo. But as you can imagine , lacking of DPS a lot , he he...
so i would recommend you to max your heals, max your low blow (aoe attack with hostility power), max your block skills (all : passive block def (shield mastery), block def (aegis) and block % (shield fortress) cause as a beginner you will have hard time to make block very op) of course it's fine when you reah 100% block but then don't hesitate to raise block def. a lot is never enough^^
for resist if you need to raid , NM cell enchanted with one resist could be a decent (and free) starter. best option is infinite resist but , will probably hard to get at first
you can choose to make a pure tanker and neglect damages aspects , wise for pve if you are ever teaming. but with your lady being a rad , you shall maybe + your onslaught (first job aoe skill damages and very decent skill
but the better option if you go pure tanker and teaming is to ask your girlfriend to turn tempest i think
so you can spare points for maxing to 10 your aoe taunt .
you can choose magic jewels instead of phys ones to make your heals strongers ( they generate hostility too , what help keep aggro)
broken morale and restraint rescission are useless in pve.
i would say "max your spiritual intensification" too , cause if usual players already have high def by themselves making it useless , at your point your team mates will love you
meaning you can forget last column skills in first job (physical blessing, survival, skin...etc) unless you still have points to spend. i didn't calculate the points you would use here, so you can choose what you want if you still have some , cause nothing else is really needed on pve if you don't dealt damages, and shield strike don't work on bosses. that's the way i made my two others "pure" tankers 
for dna i suppose you have 25 : hard choices...more heals or more block ? hummm , point with heal is : work better than block against DoT and magic damages (even if VERY FEW mobs have some special skills magic or ignoring block or def) so i would say more heal as long you are not stun (but same not many mobs stun) at least you can share your heals more than your block , eh eh
so dna : max potens sacred hand and party heal (if you hit lvl 90 some day it take 17 dna points there) last ones in block skills starting with shield fortress ( cause better have the highest block percent possible at your point , later 100% is more "easy" to reach and you can spare some dna for others things)
good point is NPC 0 will probably spawn often until they finished classes changes , so you can spend all your points and make try (be careful ! WISE tries
or you may wait until the day 0 spawn with a -_-ty build
for gear , depend , what's your level now ? don't see your prot in your signature . with not knowing i would say i think ION sets 60 are very good for pve : strong short range defs and good stats and bonus (for a quite low gear )
same for weapon , but for a pure tank with no dps , i suppose bludgeon for the add of MND can be smart. or a wand 
waiting for more infos to help you further