In no particular order.
Khiel : The Wish of the Lovers
Blackpeppir : My shot at the Christmas Event
Babbles : Louise's X-mas Tree Hat
Trixdee : The Christmas event should include a pet!
ceer : Christmas Event Proposal
There were alot of great entries, and even though all 5 of these got fused together with a bit of rewriting, and submitted as iRO Christmas event, it may not mean that all of it actually makes it in-game this year. Much of these do need development support to make the new elements, which doesn't make it 100% likely they will happen.
We are going to do what we can to fill in the non-developed parts by being clever with our own scripting. Everyone who participated should be proud though, because it does take a lot of guts to put your art out there for others to see and critique, I appreciate your support of making RO a better game; especially during the holiday season.

Winners that got put into the Proposal to HQ!
Started by
, Nov 22 2010 08:49 PM
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