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My rose online adventure [walk through/experiment]

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#1 angeltje


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Posted 02 July 2015 - 11:58 AM

Welcome to my rose online adventure,


I am going to level mine character (Lovelyangeltje) without buffs from my own cleric, also without any items from my other accounts.

I will just follow the quests and fight monsters and see how far I can come.

With this journey I want to experience how it is to be a newbie these days.


With this experience I want to give feedback on how to improve the leveling for newbies,

besides experiencing how it is to be a newbie I want to help newbies with this adventure/experiment.

So if you’re new to the game and got any questions post them and I will do my best to answer them.


Episode 1-5 you will see how I level my char alone or with other newbies, but starting from episode 6 I will talk more about the game.

When I talk I will give tips, explain my decisions and reply to questions.   

Episode 6A was mine first try with talking while recording so it isn’t that good, but I’m planning on improving that.

So I’m sorry for that episode from the adventure since it isn’t very good.

By this I want to apologize for my English, i hope you enjoy watching!



PS. if you got any questions or any episode you like let me know :p_idea:


Episodes made so far:





From now on i will live stream it on Twitch , which will be uploaded afterwards on youtube

I will post before hand when :p_smile: :p_idea:


By the way if you have any questions about cleric or about lvling. just let me know and i will give an awnser while streaming :).

If you wanna follow my streams go to my facebook ->


Edited by angeltje, 25 January 2017 - 04:44 AM.

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#2 Fliederduft78


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 12:24 PM

I really like this.  :p_smile:

 I so far watched this till Zant episode A.  But will continue watching it as soon I got the time for it. 

There is lots of helpful stuff in it, like for example the places for the monsters are clearly shown. This is quite helpful to me, cause like I said I'm a bloody newbie. To be completely honest I used this sometimes if I got stuck with a quest and couldn't find the needed monster.  :p_smile:


I even got the purpose of some of the unknown menu bars I was afraid to click on.  :p_laugh:


For a newbie there is lots of informations in it. An experienced player may just watch it because he/she enjoys it. But for people like me, that are willing to learn new stuff/ are searching for information, this is just great.


Thanks for this!  :p_smile:

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#3 angeltje


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 12:28 PM

I really like this. :p_smile:
I so far watched this till Zant episode A. But will continue watching it as soon I got the time for it.
There is lots of helpful stuff in it, like for example the places for the monsters are clearly shown. This is quite helpful to me, cause like I said I'm a bloody newbie. To be completely honest I used this sometimes if I got stuck with a quest and couldn't find the needed monster. :p_smile:

I even got the purpose of some of the unknown menu bars I was afraid to click on. :p_laugh:

For a newbie there is lots of informations in it. An experienced player may just watch it because he/she enjoys it. But for people like me, that are willing to learn new stuff/ are searching for information, this is just great.

Thanks for this! :p_smile:

Thanks for the compliment :p_love:
I am glad that it helps you :p_idea: if you have any requests for future guides etc lemme know.
These adventures are meant as experiment to taste how hard it is to be a newbie and as walk through (sort of).
Seems that the walk through part works for you YAY :p_hi:

Edited by angeltje, 06 July 2015 - 12:42 PM.

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#4 angeltje


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 09:51 PM

so i got request from a friendly newbie to show something about upgrading gear, i guess that wont hurt the experiment so i might show it at episode 5 or 6.

Just the basics tho since I am supposed to play like a newbie :P

Edited by angeltje, 06 July 2015 - 09:51 PM.

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#5 Feuer


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Posted 07 July 2015 - 03:48 AM

Keeping track of times.

1-26 so far took you, 194minutes


3.2 hours.



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#6 angeltje


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Posted 07 July 2015 - 04:06 AM

Keeping track of times.

1-26 so far took you, 194minutes


3.2 hours.

i never said that it would be fast lvling, since i do it by questing and i do follow the storyline it takes more time.

But it isn't really boring if you like doing quests :) and YES I'm aware it's time consuming lol :heh:


But you did actually watch it :p_omg: even if you said you were interested im still surprised XD

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#7 Feuer


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Posted 07 July 2015 - 04:28 AM

Getting different demographic points of view is key in collecting information to strengthen future proposals and advancements of the game Angel. Restricting input I observe would only skew the data and make for a biased proposal. Since I plan on keeping tabs of yours, mine and a few others experiences at low level progression + rate of gains to expand on future leveling proposals, yes I'm interested in this project. So, dunno why people think I'm bias but trust me, I go through great effort when following everything I can before I ask for changes to features. 


Keep going, I'm interested mostly in the zones around 50-70, 100-140, and 160-180. But I will follow the entirety of it. 

Edited by Feuer, 07 July 2015 - 04:29 AM.

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#8 angeltje


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Posted 07 July 2015 - 05:10 AM

Getting different demographic points of view is key in collecting information to strengthen future proposals and advancements of the game Angel. Restricting input I observe would only skew the data and make for a biased proposal. Since I plan on keeping tabs of yours, mine and a few others experiences at low level progression + rate of gains to expand on future leveling proposals, yes I'm interested in this project. So, dunno why people think I'm bias but trust me, I go through great effort when following everything I can before I ask for changes to features. 


Keep going, I'm interested mostly in the zones around 50-70, 100-140, and 160-180. But I will follow the entirety of it. 


well if you want i can tell you what for issues i bumped into so far, like some quests are impossible to solve since it isn't clearly enough about what to do as example. This is one of the reason why i do it tho, i got sick of people just screaming that we need more exp rate and such, so i decided to try it out for myself. 


I didn't think that you're biased, its more that I'm surprised that people are even following this experiment xD, more for personal reasons then that i think that people are biased.


I'm glad tho it also works as walk through for some :p_laugh: .


Doing my best to reach lvl 50, i might get there this week (i hope) :heh:

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#9 KatsuraKujo


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Posted 07 July 2015 - 10:53 PM

well if you want i can tell you what for issues i bumped into so far, like some quests are impossible to solve since it isn't clearly enough about what to do as example. This is one of the reason why i do it tho, i got sick of people just screaming that we need more exp rate and such, so i decided to try it out for myself.

I was one of them ^^;
Well it was only a recommendation :v
Guess i'll just post my experience with the leveling here since mine is mostly words. I won't be using my youtube account to post a video plus it might lag like crazy :v
Keep up the good work guys, i'll try to contribute too =3
Below is my experience for when i was a newbie. It maybe obsolete now because of how much it changed since then. I'll update with a newer one once i am able to test.


New Experience With a partly geared Battle cleric at level 157 in eldeon.

Edited by KatsuraKujo, 19 July 2015 - 10:22 AM.

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#10 angeltje


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Posted 07 July 2015 - 11:03 PM

I was one of them ^^;

Well it was only a recommendation :v

Guess i'll just post my experience with the leveling here since mine is mostly words. I won't be using my youtube account to post a video plus it might lag like crazy :v


Keep up the good work guys, i'll try to contribute too =3


silly miki, i wasn't referring to you XD i was referring to those who ask for insane changes and saying that its impossible to get until lvl 30, but guess what I'm lvl 31 :P. While i just did everything like any other newbie can do XD. Since i didn't use my other accounts for help, just quest items/drops etc.


Btw i made this topic to show my experience so that people can follow the adventure, so far i didn't really gave feedback since i didn't really want a discussion topic, this topic is just for showing my progress as newbie and for other newbies to learn from it. So if you wanna discuss you maybe better make another topic for it :p_swt: .


EDIT: Question would anyone like to hear my voice while I'm recording? I will prob talk about what I am doing and such.

someone suggested this and tbh the idea seems bit scary to me, but if people really want it then i have to try at least XD.

Edited by angeltje, 07 July 2015 - 11:09 PM.

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#11 KatsuraKujo


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Posted 08 July 2015 - 12:54 AM

Btw i made this topic to show my experience so that people can follow the adventure, so far i didn't really gave feedback since i didn't really want a discussion topic, this topic is just for showing my progress as newbie and for other newbies to learn from it. So if you wanna discuss you maybe better make another topic for it :p_swt: .

Well i was more to posting what experiences i have on my side of the project. Not really a dicussion. I can keep my story in 1 my post by editing it constantly, so it kinda gives a little more feedback to the project currently at hand =3


And yes i am silly :v

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#12 angeltje


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Posted 08 July 2015 - 01:25 AM

Well i was more to posting what experiences i have on my side of the project. Not really a dicussion. I can keep my story in 1 my post by editing it constantly, so it kinda gives a little more feedback to the project currently at hand =3


And yes i am silly :v


Then its totally fine with me :P

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#13 angeltje


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Posted 08 July 2015 - 12:19 PM

For some reason youtube declined to upload for me today, so i will upload tomorrow morning.

But episode 6A will be quite different, since you will hear mine voice :p_swt:, no hate plz and I'm sorry for the false singing you might hear, but at some point i did forgot that you could hear mine voice  :p_sad: If you guys/girls want me to talk more, i will try to do it more often, otherwise it was a one time only thing  :p_hi:


episode 6 has 3 parts also, because i did help a friend and spend time on the main quest and not on lvling by questing/grinding.

Edited by angeltje, 08 July 2015 - 12:20 PM.

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#14 Fliederduft78


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Posted 08 July 2015 - 12:20 PM

I would love to hear you talking and explaining things. 

Think it would be helpful for anyone that wants to learn more about the game. Plus newbies like are able not to only see what you are doing. Instead they would get some verbal background infos too. I think this could interest actually not only newbies, but long time players too - in form of watching a ROSE let's play.  :p_smile:


Could be a good advertising for the game too. You do put it on youtube and there are many people searching for let's plays to watch. Me thinks the more people know about ROSE, the better it is. Maybe you can get some more newbies out of this.



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#15 angeltje


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Posted 08 July 2015 - 12:22 PM

I would love to hear you talking and explaining things. 

Think it would be helpful for anyone that wants to learn more about the game. Plus newbies like are able not to only see what you are doing. Instead they would get some verbal background infos too. I think this could interest actually not only newbies, but long time players too - in form of watching a ROSE let's play.  :p_smile:


Could be a good advertising for the game too. You do put it on youtube and there are many people searching for let's plays to watch. Me thinks the more people know about ROSE, the better it is. Maybe you can get some more newbies out of this.

Well it was mine first time talking while lvling and such, so its not that great but after practice it might be. This 6A episode just has me talking about nonsense and quests and making weird sounds xD. I'm sorry for not doing great job, but was first time using my voice on a recording :p_swt: :p_sad:


What for things you would like to hear?

then it would be easier for me to give useful information, so i wont talk nonsense.

Edited by angeltje, 08 July 2015 - 12:28 PM.

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#16 Fliederduft78


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Posted 08 July 2015 - 12:35 PM

Talking about quests sounds good. (I still have to watch that one)

That's definitely a start.  :p_smile:


Hmm, most people that do that sort of thing do talk about what they are doing......while they are doing it.

Some of them do give background info about the game (what it was like in the past, what has changed, how it is now). 

Many do talk about classes, PVP, skills, PVE. About all the different things that you can do in the particular game.

A lot do explain confusing things (for example the crafting system, upgrading system, how guilds work and and and...)


Hihi, just try to be a newbie and think about what a newbie could ask. Or think about the problems a newbie could get and how the best way would be to solve these.


And for the let's play thing, just talk about the game. Why you play it, why you like it, why the people should try it out.  :p_smile:


Gnah, sadly I'm not that great in explaining things, I'm sorry.


I personally for example would love to see a dungeon......just a stupid example. How they are in ROSE....and such, hmm.

But that can only be me. I don't know if all newbies would like this.  :p_smile:



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#17 angeltje


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Posted 08 July 2015 - 11:03 PM

Talking about quests sounds good. (I still have to watch that one)

That's definitely a start.  :p_smile:


Hmm, most people that do that sort of thing do talk about what they are doing......while they are doing it.

Some of them do give background info about the game (what it was like in the past, what has changed, how it is now). 

Many do talk about classes, PVP, skills, PVE. About all the different things that you can do in the particular game.

A lot do explain confusing things (for example the crafting system, upgrading system, how guilds work and and and...)

I can't explain crafting since my char for this experiment is not a dealer, but i can explain some basics about classes and i can talk about what I am doing and such. thanks for the ideas. This is really really new for me, so it might not be great the first times.


Hihi, just try to be a newbie and think about what a newbie could ask. Or think about the problems a newbie could get and how the best way would be to solve these.


And for the let's play thing, just talk about the game. Why you play it, why you like it, why the people should try it out.  :p_smile: I can do this!


Gnah, sadly I'm not that great in explaining things, I'm sorry.


I personally for example would love to see a dungeon......just a stupid example. How they are in ROSE....and such, hmm.

But that can only be me. I don't know if all newbies would like this.  :p_smile:

I will record doing dungeons with my cleric this summer also.


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#18 Fliederduft78


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Posted 09 July 2015 - 02:29 AM

You don't have to be "great" the first time. Nobody is expecting this or demanding this from you at all.  :p_smile:

And I can honestly tell you that if you try to be "great" by all is not going to work. The opposite will happen. You can trust me with that.

But if you stay yourself and just be yourself - with all the mistakes, maybe even mispronunciation - but are being yourself all the time, that's it. This is the key. This is what the viewer on youtube love. Somebody doing this with heart and soul and somebody that  isn't just pretending anything, that is what is wanted.

Errors, mistakes, strange sounds and many more "bad" things happening do not matter at all. As long as the viewer of your videos see you are "authentic", that is the only thing that matters. :p_smile:


Just keep going, step by step. Like I'm doing in my ROSE journey. One step after each other. In the case you do make a mistake, just look forward and not back. I'm sure all will be fine. :p_smile:


I'm so watching these videos.  :p_laugh:

Not only because I'm a newbie and can gather some nice infos out of them, but because I really want to watch them.

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#19 Prowner


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Posted 09 July 2015 - 02:41 AM

Nice work Angeltje. I did noticed that i coudnt watch episode 3b, because for me its showing up with 2 times the 3a episode. Can someone confirm this aswell? Besides that great work, cant wait for the dungeon runs.

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#20 angeltje


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Posted 09 July 2015 - 02:48 AM

Nice work Angeltje. I did noticed that i coudnt watch episode 3b, because for me its showing up with 2 times the 3a episode. Can someone confirm this aswell? Besides that great work, cant wait for the dungeon runs.


its different recordings just called them both 3A, oops my bad xD. :p_swt:

Hmm indeed something is wrong, sorry gonna re-upload D: so sorry

Edited by angeltje, 09 July 2015 - 03:05 AM.

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#21 Prowner


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Posted 09 July 2015 - 03:24 AM

its different recordings just called them both 3A, oops my bad xD. :p_swt:

Hmm indeed something is wrong, sorry gonna re-upload D: so sorry


aahh np at all, just take your time. Cant wait to hear you sing in the next episode ><

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#22 angeltje


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Posted 09 July 2015 - 04:03 AM

aahh np at all, just take your time. Cant wait to hear you sing in the next episode ><


in the extra episode you can hear me explaining things..

I'm not really singing in 6A more humming and trying to sing (i forgot that i was recording).

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#23 MonnaLise


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Posted 09 July 2015 - 05:01 AM

+1 for the great effort.
As stated in your sig, i will give a tip on how to fix a bit of your english.

"MINE roseonline experience"
It should be "MY roseonline experience". Not sure about those grammar rules (forgot those rules that was a decade ago in school lol :P ) but if u want to state something that it is yours you say 'My dog is cute.' Or u want to state ownership by pointing it ( pointing it literally, not sure what it is called) you say "That cute dog is mine." Im not a native english speaker but I hope it helps :D

Edited by MonnaLise, 09 July 2015 - 05:02 AM.

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#24 angeltje


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Posted 09 July 2015 - 05:15 AM

+1 for the great effort.
As stated in your sig, i will give a tip on how to fix a bit of your english.

"MINE roseonline experience"
It should be "MY roseonline experience". Not sure about those grammar rules (forgot those rules that was a decade ago in school lol :P ) but if u want to state something that it is yours you say 'My dog is cute.' Or u want to state ownership by pointing it ( pointing it literally, not sure what it is called) you say "That cute dog is mine." Im not a native english speaker but I hope it helps :D


Thanks i will change it in future episodes :)

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#25 angeltje


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Posted 13 July 2015 - 06:44 AM

so the bees at el verloon desert and anima lake are a big challenge. i'm noticing tho that you cant buy new armor from breezy till junon polis, at el verloon and anima lake both no new armor nor npc to repair armor :hmm: . Today i'm lvling at anima lake and its hard, porkies defense is high and the aqua do hit very hard :p_swt: :p_sad:

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