Three possibilities:
1) Allow us to compound simple/supernus/eximius etc etc basic xeons into red xeons, scaled to grade obviously. (I.e a carus basic compound recipe should yield more than a similar simple basic compound recipe)
Pros: For higher leveled toons they can use any lower grade basic xeons they may have laying around and will add value to said lower xeons
Cons: Will increase prices of all basic xeons due to added value (Assuming were a perfect society)
2) Allow us to compound red xeons into other red xeons (I.e 4 DEX can be compounded into 1 scad or whatever)
Pros/Cons: Again the added value principle
3) New item that can drop from all mobs, lets call it "Transformable Xeons", that can be compounded into red xeons, naturally a Transformable Compression Xeon would also drop. (Maybe a battlefield reward? If a pvp reward then could be used similarly to Shards of Infinity where it only takes one xeon to make 10 reds for example)
Pros: Dont have to worry about adding additional value to already implimented items, new scope for the economy
Cons: Another xeon to keep track of lel
Farming is tedious since the drop table is huge, and the dailies...are well, daily lol. (And also dont give all of the possible red xeons) We need another angle to get red xeons here
Edited by Spud, 06 July 2015 - 12:59 PM.