We have been slowly adding new designs to our Redbubble shop, but we'd like to see some designs from our very talented community!
An example of a shirt we are selling right now!
Each game will have an ingame prize for winning entries.
Subscription or game points!
A shirt with your design sent to you, the artist!
Image guidelines
From the Redbubble art guidelines page: 2400×3200 pixels will cover the printable area, although you can resize larger images to fit when uploading. The file must be a PNG. Artwork must be your own! No commissions can be accepted for this contest. One entry per artist, art previously entered for another contest on the Warpportal forums are eligible.
1; A crest/design that represents a class
2. Summertime fun
3. Heroes vs. Monsters
11:59 California time on August 13, 2015
We will upload the pictures to a voting site for the game communities to vote on. We will choose the most voted-on (as well as staff choice) entries to get made into shirts! The number of shirts chosen and prizes will depend on the number of eligible enties
Logos with transparent backgrounds